"Named Character" Up to Ch 115

-Yuga Sato: MC Ch1

-"Grandmother": Unnamed but 'grandma', the one who used to take care of Sato when his parents were away. Ch1

-Wester: The "Rich Kid", "Talkitive Wester" "Chatterbox". First friend of Sato Ch 27 as the rich kid.

-Takeno - Masanobu: Elderly couple at Lingua Town Ch 43

-Takeshin: The little boy at Lingua Town Ch 43

-Bruno: Elite Four Ch 50

-Darth Kaiser: Team Rocket Executive Ch 50

-Howard: Goldenrod Gym actual Leader Ch51

-Haruka Joy: Johto's Joy Branch Matriarch, she put Sato under The Joy Family/Clan protection Ch55

-Lilia Joy: Mmm the first normal Joy named, the first 'Sis' Ch 56

-Whitney: Howard's granddaughter, future Goldenrod Gym Leader Ch 60

-Kenji/Ken: Ecruteak Gym trainer Ch 66

-Morty: Ecruteak Gym Leader Ch 66

-Reverend Mingguang: "There is Devil in Your Heart" Ch 68

-Voya: Team Rocket future "Seven-Star Hunters" Ch 74 

-Dr. Parlo: Pokémon researcher of Team Rocket Ch 74

-Dr Rolle: Pokémon researcher of Team Rocket, researching "Potential Enhancement Serum" Ch 75

-Kiki Joy: "Kin-kin" Joy of Olivine City Pokemon Center, kind of mischievous troublemaker Ch 78

-Lily: Current Water Type Elite Four of Kanto Ch80 just mentioned.

-Sen: Pryce/Yanagi friend, part of the "Twin Elite Four" Flying-type.

-Pryce/Yanagi: Part of the "Twin Elite Four" Ice-type.

-Rika Joy: Cool and serius Joy, help Sato with training Ch 85

-Lily Joy: Nothing to say, just a named apart of Mahogany Town Pokemon Center Nurse Joy Ch 94

-Dead-Fish Eyes: He was Sato master/mentor in his previous life Ch 95

-Lance: "Future Flying-type Elite Four" (hahaha) "Future Master Dragon" "Future Champion" Actual Captain of the "The Brave Fights the Evil Dragon Adventure Team!"(all the team hates it). Ch 100

-Clair: Future "Strongest Gym Leader of Johto", part of "The Brave Fights the Evil Dragon Adventure Team!", Lance cousin Ch 100

-Will: "Future Elite Four" part of "The Brave Fights the Evil Dragon Adventure Team!" "Team Intelligence Officer" Ch 100

-White: Part of "The Brave Fights the Evil Dragon Adventure Team!" Logistic Officer (Let's be honest, he's the cook boy), Pokémon Breeder Ch 100

-Rose Joy: Part of "The Brave Fights the Evil Dragon Adventure Team!" Team Healer Ch 100

-Belle: Shiny Arbok, poor thing Ch 114.