Along the endless sands of Egypt, the portal brought me to. The doorway to my previous whereabouts, was closed behind me.
Unlike the portal I used to cross over from the afterlife, this portal didn't bring me in between dimensions. This portal only traveled me across the globe. I barely broke any time at all.
I made my way underneath the sands, using pure muscle memory to get to my destination. I was underneath the sands of Egypt, before I knew it.
It had been almost three thousand years since I had ventured this way before. Raphel was with me the last time. Underground from the surface, I traversed long temples, though the walk was effortless. Unlike mortals, energy didn't burn from me, from the simplest of tasks, like walking.
Being underground, didn't tell me how many days or nights had passed. Still, I didn't need food or sleep, like the lesser forms of my father's creations, needed. Because of this, I reached the temple doors in no time. But this wasn't just any temple doors, these doors were secured and sealed.
Massive chains the size of cars laid upon these doors. I was there when the giants placed them on.
Markings of ancient magic were written all over, enchantments that could only be understood by few.
The truth behind this door, was guarded like this, for a reason. I now needed this reason.
Placing my hand against a single chain, I engulfed the entire wall of chains, in ice. This was almost effortless magic.
The chains shattered, with a mere concentrated thought process erasing the symbols on the doors. The doors began to open themselves at this point.
The walls were now separated, with a void of darkness, now ahead of me. I didn't move.
Shortly after, I could hear snarls. Snarls by the dozens. Vicious scratching noises, against the ground's surface. Tons of glowing eyes showed themselves, soon after. I waited, knowing what was in store.
Multiple "somethings," hurled my way. I didn't move.
Two weeks went by. Eric didn't leave Anna's side, and I hadn't left Mary's side. I stayed at Mary's place, with Eric still at the trailer, with his lover. She was still in an extended slumber, from what I was hearing.
Dawn started to rise, with Mary's insomnia still acting up. Of course, this sleep deprivation came about, after her hearing what Michael had done. She still blames herself.
I took my place beside Mary, on her couch. She occupied herself with television, a cup of coffee in my hands. This was starting to feel like clockwork, me trying to stay up with her. But this was something, I was going to keep doing. No matter how it happened, we were in this together.
Neither of us said anything, just me close to her, a glance to the side of her face, every now and again. Mercury broke this silence, teleporting into the kitchen area, without warning. He was always so quiet, when he did this. So careful, it was creepy. I still hadn't gotten used to having an actual guardian angel, in the flesh.
Mercury approached us, getting the attention of Mary and myself. I turned the Tv off because of this.
Mercury kept things firm and straight forward, as usual. He told me that my brother was looking for me, something I had heard for over a week at this point. I couldn't face him yet. Ever since he found out that Mary had something to do, with bringing Michael over to this realm, I hadn't felt as if…I could trust him.
Maybe whenever Anna woke, I could go see him. Sides were taken that day. Sides that were expected by us both.
I lied and told Mercury that I was going to go see Eric soon. The look in Mercury's face, had shown to me that he knew I was lying. It didn't make it any better that this was the second time, in this week alone, I had told him I would go see Eric. I don't believe Mercury truly cared as much, anyway.
Mercury made his daily attempt of questioning Mary again, asking her about her conversations with Michael. Seeing as Michael and her had extensive history, as it was discovered that she had been talking to Michael for four months, before the events that lead, it was only right that Mercury refreshed as much from her, as he could. Still, I was here for every time, that Mary felt overwhelmed.
Mercury asked Mary what all Michael wanted from her. She gave Mercury the same answer, she had given him the day before. She told him that the only thing Michael asked for, was for herself and I, to seal the deal with the blood oath. She stated that that was the most important thing to Michael. She added that she seen why now, as it was his means into this world.
Mary wrapped things up, knowing Mercury's next question, by telling him that Michael never spoke to her about his own personal goals. He barely even spoke about himself at all, she said. This frustrated Mercury, as it had done everyday. Still, Mercury kept his cool.
Mercury teleported from her home, soon after. I placed my attention back on her, with Mary sighing, as I began to rub her back in comfort. She got up soon after, making her way to the back area. I heard her room door close, soon after. I felt so helpless, with all this weight on her, that I couldn't lift. A simple blood oath, did all of this.