No Pera/No Tension[No Pera -1]

No Tension

What do people want in life? Good food, a nice place to live, and peace. We have almost everything, but guess what's missing? Exactly—peace! People go through so much, yet they don't find peace. Like, take my dad, for example—he left me at home and went on a trip to Saint Martin's Island, while I'm stuck here dealing with life's nonsense! See? The suffering of humans never ends!

On the other hand, I have a friend who has no real problems, yet she always feels like she does! I mean, she has everything—mom, dad, boyfriend—but still complains about life! You see, no matter how good life is, there's always something to be stressed about! Just like I struggled to type this in Bengali! 😭

My Friend, Tava

The protagonist of my story (wait, calling her a protagonist sounds weird 😂) is my friend, Tava. Don't show her this, or she'll kill me! 😅

We haven't been friends for long—we met last year at British Council while studying there. At first, I thought, "Oh, she seems chill." Then I realized—bro, what is this creature?! 😵‍💫 But no, she's not actually bad; I'm just saying this to make the story interesting. 😆 Anyway, after meeting at British Council, our friendship gradually deepened. We used to sit together, chat, and have a great time.

The Beginning of Tension…

Tava is something else—she has everything, yet she's always in depression. I've tried countless times to help her get rid of it, but nothing worked. She distanced herself from everyone and didn't want to hang out with us anymore. Eventually, even our conversations became less frequent.

Meanwhile, I have another friend named Tanid. He's always chill—no matter what happens, his response is, "Dude, just chill!" He's super cool because he can handle any problem effortlessly. One day, he proved it in the best way possible!

Presentation Disaster!

One day, we had to submit a group presentation. I was the group leader, but guess what? I FORGOT! 😱 While packing my bag at night, I suddenly remembered—WE DIDN'T MAKE THE PRESENTATION! PANIC MODE ON! I immediately called Tanid—

Me: Yooo, Tanid!

Tanid: Yeah, what's up?

Me: Bro, I'm in deep trouble!

Tanid: What happened? Someone died?

Me: No, man, no one died!

Tanid: Then I can handle it. Spill it.

Me: Bro, we have a presentation tomorrow, and I forgot to make the slides! 😭 What do I do now?!

Tanid: That's your big problem? Okay, tell me—what time is it?

Me: Not much… just 2:40 AM.

Tanid: WHAT?! You remembered the presentation at THIS hour?!

Me: Sorry, bro, I genuinely forgot! Trust me!

Tanid: Alright, no stress—I got this.

And he really did! The next day, we not only submitted the presentation but also got FIRST PLACE! (New curriculum fun! 😎)

Finding Tava

Meanwhile, I wanted to check on Tava. I called her—she didn't pick up. So, I called Tanid—

Me: Where's Tava? She's not answering my calls!

Tanid: Chill, I'll find out…

After much effort, he finally got in touch with her.

Tanid: Yo, where have you been? I called you so many times!

Tava: My mood was off, so I didn't pick up. You guys are having fun on your own, so I didn't want to bother you.

Tanid: Come to DC Hill the day after tomorrow—I have work for you! If you don't come, I'll tell your mom EVERYTHING about what you do!

Tava: No, no, don't tell my mom! I'll be there!

Later, Tanid called me too—

Tanid: "We have work to do."

Surprise! 🎉

The day after tomorrow…

Tava called me—

Tava: Did Tanid call you today?

Me: Nope! He told me you're not even supposed to leave the house today!

Tava: Oh… okay. Bye.

Me: Okay, bye.

About an hour later, I saw Tava standing in front of DC Hill—completely SHOCKED! The whole place was decorated!



Tava: Weren't you supposed to stay home?

Me: Nah, how could I not come when YOU'RE here?!

Tanid: By the way, HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY! 😁

Tava: Happy Friendship Day to you guys too! Honestly, if you weren't in my life, I would've been gone long ago. Thank you, guys! ❤️

Then we cut the cake, had a blast, played music, and at night, we went to Bonjure for dinner. The whole day was AMAZING! After so long, we had a great time with Tava, and all the life tensions disappeared!

[To be continued…]