New Disaster: Ayan vs Virgil[No Pera 5]

Handling Virgil's "natural disaster" has become the biggest challenge right now, while on the other side of the phone, Ayan is burning with anger.

We were still rolling on the floor laughing, but Virgil's situation was dead serious. Without saying another word, he sprinted forward — destination: the "natural setup".

Me: "Bro, Virgil just took off! Now we have to go pick up Ayan too. What should we do?"

Tanid: "One side nature, another side vengeful Ayan... whom should we handle first?"

Justin: "Let's split up! I and Tanid will go get Ayan, you check on Virgil!"

I glanced at Virgil once more — one hand clutching his stomach, pain written all over his face, the other hand holding his phone while running like some action hero!

Me: "Bro, I can't handle Virgil alone. This is turning into a disaster!"

Ayan's New Drama

Finally, Justin and I started heading towards the bus stand. Ayan was still yelling on the phone—

Ayan: "Are you guys coming, or should I just catch the bus right now?! I'm asking for the last time!"

Tanid: "Bro, wait! We're on the way!"

When we reached the bus stand, Ayan gave us such an expression — as if we had insulted him on a national level.

Ayan: "A good friend like me is standing here for hours, while you guys were having fun at a picnic?! Am I that worthless to you?!"

Me: "Okay, bro, we understand your pain. Now get in, we don't have much time. Virgil is in trouble!"

Ayan: "Huh! You guys always prioritize Virgil over me! Fine, I'm leaving!"

He turned around and started walking away. We were stunned!

Justin: "Bro, let us know when your drama ends. Virgil is genuinely in trouble!"

That's when an idea popped into my head—

Me: "Ayan, if you don't come with us right now, we'll give your share of the biryani to someone else!"

Ayan froze. Slowly, he turned back and said—

Ayan: "Biryani… to someone else? Are you guys really this cruel?"

Justin: "Boss, stop wasting time! Let's go!"

Virgil's Fate

We somehow managed to drag Ayan back, only to find Virgil walking towards us from the front — face pale, eyes filled with sorrow.

Tanid: "Bro, how was it? Feeling better?"

Virgil slowly looked at us and said—

Virgil: "Bro… may no one ever experience such suffering in their life…"

Me: "What happened?!"

Virgil: "I went far enough… but at that exact moment, a goat was staring at me with its mouth wide open. I couldn't find peace no matter what!"

Justin: "Bruh! You searched for a spot with so much effort, and at the last moment, a goat became your nightmare?!"

Ayan: "Hahahahahaha! Your life officially ran out of drama, man!"

We all burst into laughter. No matter how much we try to live a "No Drama" life, drama always finds a way to sneak in!

[To be continued…] 😆