Chapter 35: Dance in the Dark

Café Venosa – Midnight

Marco, Franco, Salvo, and Luca sat in their usual corner inside Café Venosa, trying to process what had happened last night. Scarlett had been watching them the whole time, and their seemingly perfect plan had turned into a trap that almost killed them all.

"Well, I guess we were very close to death." Franco said, flipping the coffee cup in his hands.

"So close? Luca almost blew us up with him!" Salvo shouted, giving Luca an angry look.

Luca, as usual, smiled calmly and said, "At least we got out alive, which in itself is a miracle."

Marco wasn't in the mood to joke, he looked at the table where there was a map of Rome, with Scarlett's places of influence marked on it.

"Scarlett isn't just a strong man, he's a ghost. Every time we think we're getting close to him, he disappears again." Marco said seriously.

The Mysterious Visitor

At that moment, a strange man entered the café. He was wearing a long coat, and a hat that hid most of his features. He went straight to their table and sat down without asking permission.

"I think you have a problem with Scarlett." The man said in a calm but sharp voice.

Marco did not like strangers who knew more than they should, but he kept his cool and asked, "And who are you?"

"My name is Carlo, and I am here to offer you a deal."

Franco muttered sarcastically, "Ah, it's time for promotions, I hope the deal includes a free cup of coffee."

Carlo ignored the sarcasm and continued, "I know how you find Scarlett, but in return, I will ask you for a favor."

Salvo laughed and said, "And so begin the movies that end with everyone dying."

But Marco was not joking, he looked at Carlo with narrowed eyes and asked, "What's the favor?"

Carlo took an envelope out of his coat, placed it on the table, and said, "At this address, there's a man who works for the secret police. He's a double traitor. I want you to make him disappear."

Franco raised his eyebrows and said, "Oh, that's very nice. We barely escaped death, and now you want us to assassinate someone? Great!"

But Marco knew that Carlo wasn't here to mess around.

"Why do you want him dead?" Marco asked.

Carlo smiled and said, "Because he's the only one who knows where I am, and if he survives, you'll never see me again."

The Deadly Choice

Luca looked at Marco and said, "This is a risk, but if he really knows where Scarlett is, this might be our only chance."

Marco took a deep breath, and then said to Carlo, "We'll work on it, but if you lie to us, your life will be the price."

Carlo smiled and said, "I'm not lying, but remember, time is not on your side."

He got up from the table and left, leaving a clear tension in the air.

The mission begins

Marco looked at the envelope, then opened it to find a picture of a man in his mid-forties, with a handwritten address.

"So, we're killing now?" Franco asked in a sarcastic tone.

"We don't kill for no reason." Marco said seriously. "But this man could be dangerous. We need to gather more information about him before we decide anything."

Salvo slammed the table, saying, "Oh, finally, a police investigation! I've always wanted to be a private investigator, can I wear a long coat and carry a magnifying glass?"

Luca ignored him and said, "I'll look for a source who can give us information about him."

Marco nodded and said, "Move quickly. Every minute that passes means Scarlett is getting stronger."

Everyone got up, heading to their tasks, knowing that the coming night could be more dangerous than they expected.