D-Rank Rend

Since I wasn't tired, instead of meandering around and wasting time, I decided it was about time I entered my first Rend. But before diving in, I wanted to check out a couple of things.

I arrived back at my humble one-bedroom apartment and sank into my couch, letting its worn cushions sigh under my weight. Without wasting a moment, I summoned the System Interface, the glow of blue and gold panels lighting up the dim room.

[You have acquired a Charism (x12)!] 

[New Title Unlocked!] The True Eternal 

[Stats, Charisms, Regions, and Inventory Unlocked!] 

I leaned forward, anticipation building as I scanned the information unfolding before me.

[Tyros Celestorn]

[Title] The True Eternal LV.1 

[Rank] E-Rank

[Health Points]


[Aether Points]


EXP: 5,000/5,000

[Stat Points] 














[Life (Anima)] 

[Vital Bloom LV.1]

[Rank] C

Allows you to heal minor wounds and promote rapid plant growth in a small radius.

[Death (Mortis)]

[Necrotic Veil LV.1]

[Rank] B

Inflict withering damage on enemies in an area, draining their life essence.

[Chaos (Pandemonium)] 

[Fractured Reality LV.1]

[Rank] D

Slightly distort the environment, disorienting enemies.

[Order (Harmonia)]

[Absolute Edict LV.1] 

[Rank] A

Control the actions of those in your area, compelling them to follow a set of rules.

[Light (Lux)] 

[Luminous Ward LV.1]

[Rank] B

Create barriers of pure light that shield allies and harm dark-based entities.

[Darkness (Umbra)] 

[Phantom Rewrite LV.1]

[Rank] A 

Allows you to alter or erase specific memories, events, or perceptions of individuals within a radius of influence.

[Wisdom (Sophia)]

[Truth Sense LV.1] 

[Rank] D

Detect lies or hidden motives in speech.

[War (Bellum)]

[Wrath of the Warlord LV.1]

[Rank] S 

Transform into an avatar of war, massively increasing all combat capabilities.

[Peace (Pax)]

[Calming Aura LV.1]

[Rank] C

Emit a soothing presence that reduces hostility in nearby beings.

[Dreams (Somnium)]

[Slumber's Grasp LV.1]

[Rank] B

Induce a deep, restorative sleep in targets.

[Time (Chronos)]

[Fleeting Step LV.1]

[Rank] E

Increase movement speed slightly by distorting time around your body.

[Fate (Moirai)] 

[Threads of Chance LV.1]

[Rank] C

Manipulate minor probabilities in your favor.



The numbers glowed faintly, their weight sinking in as I took stock of my current strength. My Aether Points were twelve times my Health Points—clearly no coincidence.

"Damn, some of these Charisms are crazy powerful. Others are ranked less but are still useful in their own way." I murmured, a grin tugging at my lips. "I also noticed that my Aether Points are 12 times my Health Points. That's definitely on purpose. Plus, my stats are most likely that high already because of my massive Aether."

I leaned back, satisfaction creeping into my voice. "Not bad, not bad at all. I can deal with this." 

I then continued. 

"In order to avoid suspicion or such, I'm going to restrict myself to using two Charisms at a time." I said aloud, nodding to myself. "For every Rend I go in, I'll switch up the two. This will allow me to increase my experience on each of them while keeping secrecy." 

My gaze shifted to the glowing title 'The True Eternal.' "Hm common sense tells me this has something to do with the 12 primordial Charisms." With curiosity burning, I tapped it. 

[The True Eternal] 

The True Eternal is a unique and prophesied being in the world, standing apart from all other Eternals. Unlike typical Eternals, who can wield only a single Charism tied to one of the twelve Primordial Gods, the True Eternal has the unprecedented ability to wield all twelve Charisms, representing every divine aspect simultaneously.


[Omnibalanced Resonance]

The True Eternal possesses an innate connection to all twelve Charisms, allowing them to balance the energies of Life, Death, Chaos, Order, Light, Darkness, Wisdom, War, Peace, Dreams, Time, and Fate without succumbing to corruption or imbalance.

[Unlimited Potential]

The True Eternal has access to unique SS and SSS-ranked Charisms, which combine or transcend the powers of the gods. These abilities are unknown to the Primordial Gods, making the True Eternal a wildcard.

[Massive Aether Pool]

The True Eternal's vast reservoir of Aether allows them to wield multiple Charisms simultaneously and sustain powerful abilities during prolonged battles.

[Divine Outlier]

The True Eternal exists outside the gods' influence. Their connection to all twelve gods prevents any single deity from controlling or fully understanding them.


The True Eternal can combine two or more Charisms to create new abilities. Examples include:

[Radiant Shadows (Light + Darkness)]

Emits blinding light and consuming shadows, disorienting enemies while protecting allies.

[Chaotic Harmony (Chaos + Order)]

Creates an area that destabilizes enemies while empowering allies.

[Dreamveil Snare (Dreams + Fate)]

Traps enemies in a dreamscape, letting the user manipulate their choices upon awakening.

[Locked until B-Rank.]


The True Eternal can replicate Charisms wielded by others. By observing a Charism in action, they can temporarily adapt and enhance it beyond its original limits.

[Locked until A-Rank.]

"Damn, this is definitely some Avatar-type shit." I chuckled. "But wow, that was a lot of information. So, I'm the one who's supposed to put an end to the gods' game, huh? Does make sense."

Fusion and Mimicry were intriguing, but those abilities were locked for now. Right now I'm E-Ranked and still had a long way to go before accessing their full potential.

Pulling up the Regions Tab, I reviewed the world shaped by the gods' dominion. Each region reflected the influence of a particular Charism, blessing or curse, molded by divine power.

The Verdant Expanse (Anima - Life): A lush, vibrant land filled with sprawling forests and abundant wildlife.

The Wailing Wastes (Mortis - Death): A desolate expanse haunted by specters, where death reigns supreme.

The Shattered Wilds (Pandemonium - Chaos): A realm of constant upheaval, with ever-shifting landscapes.

The Eternal Bastion (Harmonia - Order): A meticulously structured land of balance and symmetry.

The Radiant Plains (Lux - Light): A golden expanse where the sun never sets.

The Umbral Vale (Umbra - Darkness): A land of perpetual twilight and shadowed forests.

The Towering Crags (Bellum - War): A rugged land of jagged cliffs and constant conflict.

The Tranquil Shores (Pax - Peace): A serene coastal region with rolling meadows and calming waves.

The Dreamweave Archipelago (Somnium - Dreams): Floating islands where reality and dreams blur.

The Luminous Archives (Sophia - Wisdom)

A realm of towering libraries and shimmering crystalline structures, where rivers of liquid light carry fragments of knowledge, and floating isles are linked by pathways of energy. 

The Chronal Expanse (Chronos - Time): A barren land of temporal anomalies, with areas frozen in time.

The Webbed Highlands (Moirai - Fate): A mysterious land of glowing threads that reveal the tapestry of destiny.

Right now, I was in The Eternal Bastion, a land defined by balance and stability. Its towering structures and symmetrical cities were a testament to Harmonia's influence. To be honest I was only here because this is where The Ascendant Order resides. To find Rends though, I'd need to head to the outskirts, where the gods' control was weaker.

Making sure I had everything, I grabbed my metallic badge—the token needed to access Rends—and tucked it into my Inventory for safekeeping.

I stood, stretching briefly before glancing at the door. "All set.." I murmured before a smirk grew on my face. "Time to kick some ass."