Chapter 12: The Dating Emulator

Three days had passed and the vacations were approaching.

Ethan opened his lunchbox: a steak sandwich, his favorite.

"Hi, Miguel, Juan and Ramirez!" he greeted with a smile, as he took a bite of the sandwich.

"Hi, Ethan!" they responded in unison, their voices filled with the energy of holiday anticipation.

The conversation flowed naturally, full of jokes and plans for the vacations. Suddenly, Laura and Rosa joined the group, bringing new ideas and laughter. The atmosphere was contagious.

Later, back in his room, Ethan was checking his stats with a knot in his stomach. The mission to befriend AlisVtuber loomed over him like a shadow. A month and a half to connect with a girl who lived in the United States? How was he supposed to do that? It wasn't like he could just go knocking on her door. He checked his points cautiously, looking for some sign of progress: Microdots: 33; Macrodots: 10. Was that enough? Or did he need a completely different strategy?

System," Ethan said, seeking advice, "this is a little weird for me to say. Isn't there some way I can use my points to prepare better?"

System replied in his usual digital tone, "Sure there is. I have several options for you. However, you'll have to spend some points."

Ethan frowned - more points? Wouldn't there be a cheaper or easier method?

"What kind of options?" he asked, with a resigned tone.

"For starters, I can give you access to a tool called 'Dating Emulator.' It's a software that creates a realistic virtual world based on the information I have from AlisVtuber. You'll be able to practice how to talk to her, how to approach her, how to act in different situations. All safely and securely."

Ethan was intrigued. "That might be a good option... but how much does it cost?"

"80 points for getting it. I'll consider it an investment for your future. And don't worry, every time you use the emulator, I'll give you more points for practice"

Ethan pondered. 80 points was a considerable amount. However, it was worth the investment if it would help him get closer to AlisVtuber.

"System, can I borrow points?"

"Sure. I offer loans at an interest rate of 40% per annum. But remember that interest is compounded. Do you wish to borrow?"

Ethan froze. Forty percent interest was a huge figure. But what choice did he have?

"All right, system. Lend me 80 points. I'll pay it back as soon as possible."

"Great, Ethan. Here are your points and access to the Dating Emulator. Remember, you've only got a short time, start practicing." 

Ethan felt a little dizzy. The system had moved quickly, as if it already knew he was going to make that decision. But what else could he do?

Ethan sat on his bed, with the Dating Emulator at his disposal. Around him, the virtual world materialized, a reflection of reality, but with a magical touch and a little more controlled. On the screen, he saw the image of AlisVtuber, with her charming smile and bright gaze. She was sitting in front of a computer in a modern, tidy room, with a cup of coffee beside her. Her almost magical aura surrounded her, and she emanated an aura of mystery that made her even more attractive.

"Hi, Alis," Ethan said, a little nervously, but also with great hope. "I'm here to be your friend." 

Haru Claire was her real name. She looked up, her expression icy, and watched him with her blue eyes, deep as the sea on a stormy day. She didn't seem surprised by his presence, as if she already knew he would arrive. An awkward silence settled over the room. 

"I don't think I need you," Haru said, his tone calm, but a little distant. "I have everything I need in my virtual world."

Ethan felt a little put off. It wasn't the reception he was hoping for. "I understand, but... I think it might be nice to have a friend in the real world."

Haru smiled slightly, but his smile didn't reach his eyes. "In the real world? What for?"

Ethan felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't give up. "Well, to share things, to talk, to... to have fun," Ethan replied, a little hesitantly. "Do you like to play video games?"

"Yes, I like video games," Haru replied, in a monotone. "I'm designing one right now. It's a role-playing game, with fantasy and science fiction elements"

Ethan was intrigued. "Wow, that sounds amazing. What kind of fantasy and science fiction?"

"Don't worry, I'm not going to tell you. I don't trust people easily," Haru said, his tone of voice reflecting his distrust. "It's my job, my passion. It's the only thing that really matters to me."

Ethan felt a little disappointed. She seemed to keep a wall between her and the outside world. However, Ethan didn't give up.

"I understand. But... maybe we could play sometime. If you want to, of course."

Haru raised an eyebrow, a glint of curiosity in his eyes. "Playing games, what for, I don't need distractions. My virtual world is all that matters to me."

Ethan pondered. It wasn't easy to break down her barriers. She seemed to be trapped in her own world. But, Ethan wasn't going to give up so easily.

Suddenly, the emulator system chuckled. "You don't seem to have much experience with girls like Haru, do you? Setting up an internet cafe to meet her is a bit... out of line! Alis is a streamer; a noisy, crowded internet cafe is the opposite of her streaming environment. She doesn't go out in public places often, let alone with strangers. But don't worry, this is a virtual world, you can change the rules of the game.

Ethan felt a little embarrassed. The system had shown him his lack of knowledge about Haru Claire and how the virtual world worked. The system continued in a mocking tone, "I'll give you another tip: why don't you try to create a situation where Haru is in an environment she enjoys, such as a video game event, a design contest, or an art festival.

Ethan, still a bit stunned by the system's lecture on the inadequacy of the cybercafe, cleared his throat. "System," he said, "I understand that the Internet cafe wasn't the best idea. But... how exactly do you use this emulator? I need you to explain in detail."

The System replied in a more patient tone, "The Dating Emulator works intuitively, but requires some familiarization. Think of it as a role-playing game with specific rules. First, you must create a scenario. You've already tried one, though not very successfully. To create a scenario, use the user interface. You'll see several options: 'Location', 'Time', 'Characters', 'Events', and 'Objectives'."

Ethan looked at the screen, where a series of icons now appeared clearly. "Location... Can I choose any location?"

"Within the limits of the information I have on AlisVtuber, yes. You can choose locations that she has mentioned in her streams, or locations that are consistent with her personality and lifestyle. Remember that verisimilitude is key to effective practice. A fantasy, unrealistic scenario won't help you connect with her in real life."

"I understand. What about the weather?"

"The weather determines the atmosphere of the scenario. You can choose the time of day, the weather, even the time of year. A late-night meeting will have a different dynamic than a midday meeting in a sunny park. Experiment and see how AlisVtuber's response changes."

"Characters... Can I add more characters besides AlisVtuber and myself?"

"Yes, but in moderation. Additional characters can complicate the scenario and distract from your main goal: connecting with AlisVtuber. If you decide to add other characters, make sure they are relevant to the situation and don't interfere with the interaction between you and her."

"Events and Objectives... That's the most important thing?"

"Precisely. 'Events' are the actions that occur during the simulation. You can initiate conversations, perform activities, or even generate unexpected events to see how AlisVtuber reacts. The 'Objectives' are your goals for each scenario. For example, your goal could be to start a conversation, get her phone number, or just have a good time. Define your goals clearly so you can evaluate the success of your practice."

"Sounds complex. Is there a concrete example?"

"Of course. Imagine a scenario where the goal is to start a conversation about video games. The location could be an anime convention. The time, a sunny afternoon. The characters, you and AlisVtuber. An event could be that you're both waiting in the same line to buy a poster of your favorite video game. From there, you can start a natural conversation about video games, and observe how AlisVtuber responds. Remember, the key is naturalness and authenticity."

Ethan nodded.

"Thank you, system. I think I understand it better now. I'll start practicing."