A Picnic to Remember

The sun shone brilliantly in the sky, casting a golden glow over the open field. The breeze was gentle, carrying the scent of fresh grass and blooming flowers.

Caesar adjusted the strap of his backpack, watching as Blythe spread out a checkered picnic blanket beneath the shade of a large tree.

Zach flopped down immediately. "Finally! I thought we were gonna die of starvation before we even sat down."

Blythe rolled her eyes. "Drama queen."

Caesar simply sat down quietly, glancing around. It had been Blythe's idea to have this picnic, and while he didn't particularly care for outings, he had to admit—this wasn't so bad.

Blythe's blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight, reminding him of a clear sky after a storm.

"What am I even thinking?" he scolded himself, shaking his head.


Blythe started pulling food out of her bag. "Alright, I packed sandwiches, fruit, cookies, and…" She hesitated.

Zach leaned forward. "And?"

Blythe sighed. "…My little brother made some experimental cupcakes."

Caesar raised an eyebrow. "Experimental?"

Zach immediately grabbed one. "Let's see how much of a risk-taker I am." He took a bite—and froze.

Blythe and Caesar watched as his face twisted. "Zach?" Blythe asked.

Zach slowly swallowed and gave a thumbs-up. "Tastes… unique."

Blythe groaned. "That bad?"

Zach nodded solemnly. "I think I just traveled to another dimension."

Caesar smirked but stayed silent as Blythe laughed, shoving the container away. "Okay, those are off-limits."


As they ate, Zach stretched out on the blanket. "Man, this is the life."

Blythe nodded. "I told you guys a picnic would be fun."

Caesar chewed his sandwich, staying quiet. He wouldn't admit it, but he was actually… enjoying himself.

That was until—

The sun shifted.

A bright ray landed directly on him, making him squint and groan. "Too bright."

Blythe giggled. "Oh no, the vampire's burning."

Caesar frowned. "I'm not a vampire."

Zach smirked. "Says the guy who's always hiding in dark corners."

Caesar rolled his eyes. "I just don't like unnecessary exposure."

Blythe nudged him, eyes twinkling mischievously. "Come on, it's not that bad. The sun is good for you."

Caesar sighed, reluctantly moving into the shade with them.

Zach clapped. "There we go! Now we don't have to deal with Caesar turning to ash."

Caesar muttered, "I hate you both."

They only laughed.


After eating, Blythe sat up excitedly. "Let's play a game!"

Zach groaned. "You and your games."

Blythe ignored him. "Let's play 'What If.' We ask each other 'what if' questions and answer honestly."

Caesar sighed. "This sounds like a waste of time."

Zach smirked. "That's why it's perfect for us."

Blythe clapped. "Okay, first question! What if you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?"

Zach answered first. "A celebrity chef. Free food all day."

Blythe giggled. "Caesar?"

Caesar thought for a moment. "A cat."

Zach blinked. "Dude. Why?"

Caesar shrugged. "They sleep all day and don't deal with people."

Blythe laughed. "That actually makes sense for you."

Caesar almost smiled—but stopped himself.

Blythe continued. "Okay, my turn! What if… you had to be stranded on an island with one person from school? Who would you pick?"

Zach smirked. "Blythe, obviously. She's fun, and she'd probably boss me around enough to keep us alive."

Blythe beamed. "Aw, thanks!"

Then she turned to Caesar. "What about you?"

Caesar hesitated. He knew the answer immediately—but saying it out loud? No way.

Zach nudged him. "Come on, don't say 'a cat' again."

Caesar sighed. "…Blythe, I guess."

Blythe's eyes widened slightly before she smiled. "Really?"

Caesar looked away. "It's just logical. You'd probably keep us both alive."

Blythe grinned. "See? You guys totally need me."

Zach laughed. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't get a big head."

Caesar didn't say anything—but his heart was beating a little faster.


After a while, the three of them walked down to a nearby stream.

Blythe crouched by the water, dipping her hands in. "This feels so nice."

Zach smirked. "Does it?"

Before she could react, he splashed her.

Blythe gasped. "Oh, you're so dead."

She splashed him back—twice as hard.

Zach yelped and turned to run.

Blythe chased after him, laughing. "Take responsibility for your actions!"

Caesar sighed, stepping back to avoid getting wet—

Too late.

A stray splash hit his sleeve.

He glared. "You two are actual children."

Blythe grinned. "You're already wet. Might as well join in."

Caesar scoffed. "No way."

Zach smirked. "What's wrong? Scared?"

Caesar ignored them—until Blythe splashed him directly.

For a moment, there was silence.

Then Caesar gave Blythe a cold stare. "…You shouldn't have done that."

Blythe giggled. "Oh? What are you gonna—AH!"

Caesar splashed her back—but twice as much.

Blythe shrieked. "You jerk!"

Zach laughed as chaos erupted.

For once, Caesar forgot to hold back.

He wasn't thinking about rumors, his past, or anything serious.

Just this moment.

Just her laughter.

Just the way her blue eyes looked even brighter under the sunlight.


They sat on the blanket again, tired but happy.

Blythe sighed. "This was fun."

Zach stretched. "Yeah, it's been a while since we just hung out like this."

Caesar didn't say anything—but he agreed.

Blythe turned to him. "Admit it. You had fun."

Caesar looked at her, then at the sky.

It was turning a beautiful shade of blue, just like her eyes.

He sighed. "…It wasn't terrible."

Blythe grinned. "I'll take that."

Caesar just shook his head, hiding a small smile.

Maybe, just maybe—days like this weren't so bad.


To Be Continued…
