069. No Wonder It’s You, Iroha Isshiki

Despite the little hiccups along the way, the dining experience turned out surprisingly pleasant. The food was good, the ambiance was charming, and watching the cheeky underclassman stumble through her antics added a touch of humor that brightened Kanade Natsukawa's mood.

But the day was far from over.

"What's next?" Kanade asked as they stepped out of the café.

Iroha was glued to her phone, skimming through her pre-planned itinerary with the enthusiasm of someone about to unveil a grand secret. "Next up is the aquarium! It's just a few minutes' walk from here." She pointed energetically in the direction of their destination. "Come on, Senpai, let's pick up the pace! We're on a schedule!"

"Schedule? Are we racing the clock here? Do they close early or something?"

Iroha shook her head, her expression suddenly mysterious. "Nope, it's not that. But you'll see when we get there. Just trust me, okay?"

Arrival at the Aquarium

The aquarium was tucked within a sprawling park, its ticket counter buzzing with families and couples. Kanade shelled out for their tickets—700 yen each.

He handed one to Iroha, who accepted it with an exaggerated pout.

"Senpai, you're way too consistent with this whole 'I'm-paying-because-I'm-the-Senpai' thing," she teased. "It's starting to scare me a little."

"What's scary about that? It's just basic manners. Besides, I already owe you for earlier."

"Your reasoning gets a seven or eight out of ten," Iroha quipped, wagging her finger playfully.

"That's not high?"

"Full score's a hundred, Senpai."


Kanade sighed and ushered her toward the entrance. She really is a handful.

Wandering Through the Aquarium

The aquarium's interior was stunning. The glass tunnels offered a surreal, immersive view of the marine life gliding above and around them. Schools of shimmering fish darted playfully between vibrant coral formations, while larger creatures like sea turtles moved gracefully through the water.

Kanade found himself utterly captivated.

"This is pretty cool," he murmured, his gaze never leaving the aquatic display.

"Cool? That's all you've got to say?" Iroha huffed, her arms crossed. "You're acting like some tourist seeing an aquarium for the first time."

Kanade looked sheepish. "Well, it is my first time."

"Pfft, I knew it!" Iroha laughed, shaking her head. "You're so easy to read, Senpai."

She then launched into a boastful monologue about her previous aquarium experiences, citing places with whale sharks and giant squids that dwarfed this one. Kanade half-listened, too absorbed in the undersea world to fully register her words.

A Devil's Warning


A sharp jab to his side brought him back to reality.


"Don't 'what' me! You're supposed to pay attention to the girl you're with, not stare at fish all day!"

"Ah… Sorry, you're right," Kanade admitted, scratching his head.

"Humph. At least you know you're wrong." Iroha puffed up her cheeks, clearly savoring her small victory. "Anyway, take some pictures of me! It's the least you can do."

Kanade complied, albeit somewhat awkwardly. Iroha struck various poses in front of the tanks, offering pointers on lighting and angles with all the authority of an Instagram influencer. After several rounds of "Do it over, Senpai!" and "No, no, this side's better," she finally seemed satisfied.

"Okay, now it's your turn!"

"Wait, what?"

"Don't play dumb! You're not getting out of this," Iroha declared, shoving the phone into his hands.

Reluctantly, Kanade stood in front of one of the larger tanks. But before he could settle into a pose, Iroha sprinted off toward a nearby passerby—a friendly-looking woman.

"Excuse me, could you help us take a photo?"

"...Huh?" Kanade barely had time to react before Iroha returned, practically dragging the woman along.

"Alright, Senpai, we're taking a couple's photo!" Iroha chirped, looping her arm through his. "Now, smile for the camera~!"

"...A couple's photo?" Kanade muttered under his breath, too stunned to protest.

The Perfect Shot

The photo turned out surprisingly well. The lighting from the aquarium tanks bathed them in a soft, ethereal glow, and Iroha's mischievous grin paired with Kanade's awkward smile gave the picture a candid, natural charm.

"Thank you so much!" Iroha said, bowing politely as she retrieved her phone.

As the woman walked away, Iroha's grin widened.

Kanade could feel a headache coming on.

"Why does it feel like you got more out of that picture than I did?"

"Oh, no reason~," Iroha replied, her voice saccharine sweet. "Just a little souvenir for my collection."

"...You're planning something, aren't you?"

Iroha just giggled, clearly enjoying his unease.

"Senpai, you're so paranoid. Can't a kouhai just want a nice photo to remember a fun day?"

"Not when the kouhai is you."

"Aw, you wound me!"

Kanade shook his head. I should've known better.

As they moved on to the next exhibit, Kanade couldn't help but think that Iroha's antics, as exhausting as they were, added a unique flavor to the day.

"No wonder it's you, Iroha Isshiki."