*After the announcement made by the Demish messenger, everyone in the world was busy preparing for the war*
*The biggest war in human history will happen in 3 months*
*The three representatives of the power holders were having a meeting via an audio conference, were their faces couldn't be seen*
"Humans have become stronger and more powerful than ever. Not even the gods could defeat us anymore. Why would we be fear those mere monsters?" General Donovan was still boastful, despite the damage he had sustained during the last battle against the Demish.
"And yet we're still lacking basic understandings of the situation. It looks like you people only have the power and muscle, but doesn't have the brains to support it." Rain was irritated by the boastfulness of General Donovan.
"What did you say? Do you speak for your entire little group?" General Donovan was triggered by the words of Rain.
"You heard me." Rain wanted to establish to everyone that they weren't easy to pick on.
"You wanna have a taste of this muscles, Huh!? Why don't we do it right now? Just send me the coordinates! You're just a small fry!" General Donovan's pride was hurt and he wants to destroy Rain from the other line immediately.
"Enough. We're in this meeting in order to have a strategy prepared for the war." Keane stops the argument of other two before it turns into a bigger problem.
"The messenger mentioned the name of their King, and their race. Maybe it's time to name them instead of just calling them monster or extraterrestrial entity. Demish, and their King Niut!" Keane doesn't have time to be swayed on different things.
"As a representatives of our different groups who has a common enemy and common home to protect, what do you proposed we do?" Keane's was so focus on the topic more than ever, now that they know there's still something stronger than the one they faced so far.
"That messenger was also strong. My Guy couldn't kill it if he didn't use all of his power. It is possible that there are still stronger type of Demish, not to mention their King. If these strong creatures were loyal to their King, that only means, their King is a lot stronger than any of them. And there's a probability that the King also has its own generals which are stronger than the last one we've encountered" Rain was so angry and as he clench his fist, the aura he's emitting could be felt in the entire facility down to their basement which is made of reinforced metal.
"Why do we need to wait for 3 months when we can just go after them, destroy them, and kill their King before they came down here and destroy us!? Even if there are Demish or whatever stronger than the last ones, then you don't have to worry about that!" General Donovan was still fuming about the earlier argument, but was still boastful.
"If there are Demish stronger than the last we've fought, then it would be possible that we might get hurt before reaching their base or worst died. Moreover, isn't it more practical to let them come here and we defend because we know our own terrain. We'll have our home court advantage" Rain made a point in his argument.
"Hmmmp, Tsk!" General Donovan couldn't reveal his trump card on this meeting, thus he decided to not to interact with Rain. In his mind, he can't start a civil war when there is war brewing and he had a "bigger fish to fry".
"You made a point, now I want you two to fight their King with me. But, since you both have your own jurisdiction to protect, I won't force you to do so, but if you do, bring with you your most trusted men, the stronger, the better" Keane is being careful in dealing with the King as they didn't know how strong the enemy is.
"Their King will probably arrive using a ship, so if any of you decides to fight, I want you to know that I will be there with my men." Keane closed his eyes and took a deep breath.
"Since I already told you what the Hunter Association's plan, the main Agenda of this meeting has been established, and I assume that your groups are ready for the greatest war humans will ever face. Don't fight each other before the war against these Demish." Keane said firmly.
"We don't answer to anyone, we, the Shadow will do what needs to be done in order to maintain balance and peace in this world." Rain replied in a firm voice.
"The Government was afraid to no one. Let's just state the obvious here, in all of the major groups, we, the government is more ready than any of you small fries. So, go on with your preparations because you'll need it" General Donovan replies with sarcasm.
"Being prepared is more important than being surprised with the enemy's strength. Why don't we have an agreement?" Keane wants to propose something to boost their morale.
"I'm up for it!" Rain catch on instantly.
"Agree on what!?" General Donovan was a little slow and asks in an irritated tone.
"If anyone from any group kills the enemy's King, that group can rule the world." Keane said in a serious tone.
"HA! If that's the case, then you don't have to lay a finger on this one. We got this!" General Donovan said in a prideful tone.
"It's settled then. See you in 3 months. I wish you good luck, Gentlemen! This meeting is adjourned." Keane ends turned off his intercom and ends his call.
*The other two followed after*
*The moment Green comes back, the meeting was already concluded*
"Ms. Green, I want to see the training of 'Haku and Kuro Takara'. If possible, I want to train them myself" Rain asks in a serious tone.
"They're both improving rapidly Sir. They are still training as we speak. And if you want to train them yourself, I believe there won't be any problems, Sir!" Green replied almost instantly due to the aura that's coming from the Rain, it's more heavy and suffocating than earlier, making her nervous and intimidated at the same time.
*Haku and Kuro Takara, the Yin and Yang twin of the Shadow*
"Good! Let's go see them!" Rain didn't bother to lower his aura so green would get used to, since she gets intimidated by anyone with a strong aura very easily.
*Inside the reinforced Shadow facility's basement*
*The solid concrete grounds were full of holes*
*Two young men in their 20s were having a good time sparring*
*The reinforced door opened*
*Rain comes in but Green remained outside to follow the instruction she was given, and it was to lock the basement for 3 months*
"Aye yow, old man! How's the meeting? I heard you're meeting was with the other world leaders." Kuro wearing his favorite Black sparring uniform asks in a jolly tone, he wasn't intimidated by the aura that the shadow founder emits.
"Greetings Sir." Haku who wears White, bows down to greet Rain. Haku's greeting was a bit shy than Kuro.
"Starting today for 3 months, you will be training here with me, and you can't leave this room." Rain said directly.
"What!? Why!? What happened!? Are you going to kill us!? How about our time for ourselves!?" Kuro was full of questions and he wants answers.
"Thank you for your guidance, Sir!" Haku bows down to show his appreciation.
"Don't agree with him yet, Haku! I have some things to do outside!" Kuro was skeptical about the sudden change of training schedule.
"KURO!" Haku shouted!
"If the enemy kills us during the war, then forget everything that you want to do. And if those monsters kill us, then we won't be able to make them pay for everything they did to us, for killing our parents because you chose to enjoy your life instead of preparing for the war!" Haku was enraged by Kuro acting selfish.
*In his anger, Haku emits a small dark aura, but it quickly vanished*
"Who among these two young men is yin, and who is yang? I can't seem to read this kids." Rain's thought at the moment.
"You're right Haku. I'm sorry." Kuro quickly apologizes.
"Let's do this then, old man!" Kuro sets his mind to train harder, and wants to start the training right away by punching both his hand together.
"Be careful with this old man, he might cause you to shit your pants" Rain taunts back.
*The 3 of them starts to trained inside the basement*
-End of the Chapter-