His Shirt & Gaze

What game is this now? she wondered bitterly, her contempt bubbling back to the surface. Of course, this entire situation was by his design.

The overbearing bastard had likely ensured they shared the same space to keep her under his thumb.

She imagined the smug conversations he must have had, ordering everyone to keep her in his proximity.

She drew in a deep breath, inhaling slowly as she fought to calm herself.

They think keeping me near the strongest will stop me from running? They think I won’t find a way out?

Her jaw tightened, and she steeled herself. I’ll show them just how wrong they are.

With her composure somewhat regained, she sauntered toward the bathroom, forcing herself to move with deliberate confidence.

Her chin lifted, her steps measured, her expression schooled into one of icy indifference.

Adolphus was nowhere to be seen as she reached the bathroom door.