Sundays were always one of the most pleasant and relaxing days for the people of Brighton City as it was a day when family and friends would be spending the day together doing all kinds of various activities, taking part in community events or family gatherings and birthdays. As it was still the summer vacation with just three more weeks before schools resumes for the fall semester, a lot of the parents and their children would travel or take their children for summer camps. If they were staying in Brighton City for the entire summer there was plenty of action, fun and games, activities and events that would keep family and friends busy throughout the summer.

On this particular Sunday it was going to be a very special day for Rose Anderson and Alex Peterson. They had planned to spend the afternoon together after their Sunday family luncheon meeting later in the afternoon at 3:30pm. When The Anderson Family had finished their luncheon at The Crown Plaza Hotel and they returned to their residence, it was already three o’clock in the afternoon. Rose quickly prepared herself for her date meeting with Alex. Alex on the other hand was still having their family luncheon at The Rossi Restaurant. He had texted Rose to see how she was doing and whether they were still at The Crown Plaza Hotel. She texted back that they had already left and had returned to their residence.

At around 3:15 in the afternoon The Peterson Family had left the restaurant and were returning to their residence. As soon as they arrived Alex rushed out of the car straight to his room to get changed and prepared for his date with Rose. He texted Rose to let her know they had just arrived home and he was getting ready but would be a bit late in picking her up. She texted back to let Alex know that it was alright and that she was at home waiting for him. When Alex had changed, gotten his stuff including the car keys he rushed downstairs and just as he was about to leave the residence his mum asked,

Mrs. Peterson: Alex, where are you off too so quickly (his father looking at him as well)?

Alex: I am going out to meet a friend.

Mr. Peterson: Going out to meet a friend dressed so formally? It looks like you are going on a date my son (looking at him very suspiciously).

Alex: I am going to meet Rose, Rose Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson’s daughter, we meet them at church today (explaining while looking at his parents who looked quite confused at first until the mention of the last name ‘Anderson’).

Mrs. Peterson: Oh yes, of course, I remember Rose Anderson, very polite, and quite a beautiful young lady. Oh so you have a date with her this afternoon? How exciting!!

Mr. Peterson: Well, get going, you don’t want to keep your date waiting my son. Have fun and be safe out there.

Mrs. Peterson: Enjoy, have a lovely date and be safe. I assume you won’t be joining us for dinner tonight?

Alex: No mum, we already made dinner plans, might come back a bit late tonight but promise won’t be that late.

Mrs. Peterson: No worries make sure to have fun, treat her well and remember to be a fine gentleman young man.

Alex: Thanks mum and dad (kissing and hugging them before leaving the residence).

A few minutes after Alex left the residence.

Mr. Peterson: Our son has really grown and has become quite an independent young man; he already has a girlfriend (shaking his head with a smile).

Mrs. Peterson: Doesn’t he remind (sitting next to her husband with a fruit platter she just made) you so much of how we were back in university my love?

Mr. Peterson: He truly does, he truly does. I am very proud of how we have raised him and how he’s turned out and it is all thanks to you my love (kissing her lips), thank you!!

As Alex prepared to drive off his parents stood by the window waving at their son as he drove off to The Anderson residence. It was a mere forty minute ride from The Peterson’s to The Anderson’s residence. At exactly 4:30 in the afternoon Alex had arrived at The Anderson residence. He parked his car in their drive way, walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. He was greeted by Jeffrey Anderson who happily welcomed him to their home.

Jeffrey: Hello Alex, welcome to The Anderson residence. Mum, dad guess whose here (walking with Alex to the living room)?

Mrs. Anderson: Hello Alex, nice to see you again, welcome, welcome, please have a seat.

Alex: Nice to see you again Mrs. Anderson, thank you.

Mr. Anderson: (shaking Alex’s hand) Welcome Alex, please take a seat. Where’s Rose?

Thomas: Nice to see you again Alex. Dad, Rose is upstairs getting ready. I am sure she already knows Alex has arrived so will be down any minute.

Mrs. Anderson: Would you like something to drink Alex? How are your parents doing?

Alex: No, I am good thanks. My parents are doing great, thank you for asking Mrs. Anderson (a bit nervous and shy).

Mrs. Anderson: That’s good. Do send them our greetings will you? So you guys going out on a date? What do you guys have planned (interrupted by Thomas)?

Thomas: Mum, surely, they are going to do what boyfriend and girlfriend always do; spend time together, watch a movie, and have dinner then come back home. Am I not right Alex (hitting him on his shoulders)?

Alex: Actually that’s what Rose and I were planning to do for the afternoon and evening.

Thomas: See, I told you mum.

Rose walked into the living room with her handbag, dressed in blue jeans, white blouse, a black jacket, low heeled sandals, hair tied into a pony tail, wearing gold plated earrings, necklace, bracelet and her Gucci watch.

Rose: (looking at everyone) told you what mum? What were you guys talking about?

Thomas: Nothing, we were just chatting about how the day had been so far, right (looking at Alex and his parents)?

Everyone had been staring at Rose when Thomas was speaking especially Alex at the way she dressed, her accessories, her slim beautiful body that fitted so well in everything she wore and her fine polished face that glowed of her beauty. They hugged and greeted each other, but even when Rose stood next to Alex, he couldn’t help but glance and stare at how beautiful and amazing she looked, he was once again mesmerized by her elegance and charming beauty.

Jeffrey: Wow, wow, wow, you look great my dear sister. I feel sorry for all those single men out there tonight. Alex better keep a close eye on Rose or you might lose her tonight.

Rose: (hitting Jeffrey as her cheeks were blushing) Jeffrey, enough (laughing)

The entire family including Alex was also laughing. Everyone complimented on how great and wonderful Rose looked. She thanked them for their compliments and was getting ready to leave with Alex.

Rose: We are leaving now, might come back a bit late, so we won’t be joining you guys for dinner, don’t wait up.

She kissed and hugged her brothers and her parents before heading to the door.

Alex: Thank you Mr. and Mrs. Anderson for giving me permission to take your daughter out for our date tonight. I promise will bring her back safely and not very late. I will send your greetings to my parents.

Mr. Anderson: No problem, you guys enjoy and stay safe. Make sure to treat her like a lady and be a true gentleman Alex.

(Jeffrey and Thomas giggling)

Mrs. Anderson: Enjoy, have a lovely time, be safe and take care.

Rose and Alex: We will thank you.

As they walked out of The Anderson residence, they were followed by Thomas and Jeffrey.

Thomas: (looking at Alex) take care of my baby sister and make sure she has the best time tonight. Oh and have fun too!

Jeffrey: Have fun you guys, take care of her and bring her back home safely.

Alex: I will make sure that Rose will not only have the best date night but will be a night she and I will never forget. It will be a fun (looking at Rose) and wonderful night and will definitely bring her back home safely.

As he entered the driver’s seat he fastened Rose’s seatbelt then fastened his seatbelt and drove out of the residence. Rose waved at her brothers as they watched Alex drive off going on their date. This had been the day Alex had waited to see Rose, the day he had eagerly been waiting and prepared for since the last time they met, and were alone together. Today was officially their first date which was going to mark the beginning of a very important and special love journey for Rose Anderson and Alex Peterson. With everything that Alex had prepared and arranged for this date, he made sure that it was not only going to be special and romantic, but it was going to be one of the most memorable date nights they will ever have in their lives.