After twenty minutes, Mr. Hugo with the help of one of the waiters brought their main course meals and placed them on the table. He asked if they wanted another bottle of sparkling water to which they agreed and was brought a few seconds later.
Mr. Hugo: Enjoy your meal.
Alex and Rose: Thank you Mr. Hugo
Rose: This looks very delicious (picks up one of the burritos to taste it) Oh hmmm this is heaven. Here try it (gives a piece of her burrito to Alex). How is it?
Alex: (shaking his head) Oh my goodness it is truly delicious, love it.
Alex tried his fajitas and offered for Rose to taste it as well. The moment Rose tasted the fajitas she was over the moon with just how delicious the fajitas tasted. She even mentioned the thought of how her brothers would definitely love the food should they ever come to the restaurant. After sampling each other’s meal, they each continued to enjoy their meals while savoring the red wine with pleasant conversations.
Rose: This is truly one of the best Mexican restaurants I have ever been in my life, very delicious, and just the right portions for one person. This has been so wonderful Alex, really romantic and special. Thank you so much for the amazing and pleasant surprises.
Alex: A man has got to impress his woman and make sure she enjoys the best of the best. I am very happy that you love it, loving everything I prepared for our date today.
They finished up their meals while enjoying the beautiful scenery of the evening lights in different colors that lit up in the entire Brighton City. During their conversations they talked a lot about their families and their upbringing since childhood including how strict their parents were especially Alex’s parents and grandparents. He was somehow relieved that he was no longer living with his parents. Although he truly loved his parents and would do anything for them, it was his grandparents that he tried to avoid as much as possible. His grandparents especially his grandmother would always come to his parents home to check on him, see how school was going and if he was doing well, or if his parents were teaching him the right stuff. They were controlling everything his parents were teaching him and felt that his parents were not doing enough. Rose could see and sense from Alex’s emotions and feelings that he truly wasn’t happy being around his grandparents and also the way they were very controlling of his life and everything that involved his parents. She tried to console and comfort him that he should try and be more understanding on his grandparents side as they were only doing what they think is best for him now and in the future. She said, “Their upbringing methods, and teaching styles could be very traditional but in their eyes they see it as the proper and right way of raising a child.” She continued holding Alex’s hand, “don’t get mad at them just try to understand them. You never know maybe all they are doing or teaching you right now might be useful or helpful to you in the future.”
Alex: I understand what you are saying my dear, very clearly, maybe I am just over reacting or over thinking about everything. I should try and be more understanding and be calm and communicate with them more often maybe that will help.
Rose: Now you get it, it’s all about ‘communication’ my dear; it’s all about talking things out and trying to understand each other.
As Rose was finishing up her final glass of wine, Alex was just staring at her watching her every move even the way she talked. He was so impressed, so immersed and mesmerized that he couldn’t stop gazing at her.
Rose: Alex, Alex, Alex, are you okay?
Alex: Oh sorry, yes I am good.
Rose: You seemed lost there for a second; you were staring at me (smiling).
Alex: Was just looking at my wonderful amazing girlfriend that’s all.
Rose smiled as she turned her head to face the window, her cheeks feeling very hot due to blushing.
They continued their conversation touching on various topics including school and their upcoming project. They had three more weeks before going back to university and there was quite a lot of work and preparations that were needed to be completed prior to their return to Brighton University. They decided and agreed to spend the next three weeks working on the project ensuring that everything would be ready for the construction of the new mall in Brighton City before resuming to the university for the fall semester.
Alex requested for the bill that was brought by Mr. Hugo.
Mr. Hugo: Hope you had a lovely evening and enjoyed your meals.
Rose: It was fantastic, the best Mexican food I’ve ever had in Brighton City. I will definitely come back again and recommend your restaurant to my friends and family.
Mr. Hugo: That’s wonderful to hear Ms. Anderson. Thank you for the feedback and compliments.
Alex: It was truly wonderful, loved everything from the service, to the food and drinks. Thank you for making it also special for my girlfriend especially with the entertainment and music Mr. Hugo.
Mr. Hugo: Thank you very much Mr. Peterson for coming, was truly an honor having you and your girlfriend for dinner at our restaurant. We truly hope that we shall see you again soon.
Mr. Hugo escorted them to the main entrance where he also received a very nice tip from Alex thanking him for this wonderful service and hospitality. As they were heading to the parking lot, Alex asked Rose to wait at the entrance while he went to get the car; once he arrived he quickly got out of the car to open the door for Rose, and then closed the door when she was comfortably seated on the passenger’s seat. He got into the driver’s seat and helped fasten her seatbelt before he fastened his own seatbelt. Rose was now staring at Alex with thoughts of just how Alex was such an amazing, wonderful, caring and thoughtful gentleman. She was finding it very hard to believe how a perfect gentleman could land on her lap and become her boyfriend. Nevertheless, she felt that she wasn’t just the luckiest person but the happiest girlfriend in the whole world.
Alex drove off from the entrance area heading in the direction of The Anderson’s residence which was almost a forty five minute drive from the restaurant. Rose had fallen asleep; she looked quite tired but was sleeping very peacefully. Alex, actually found it quite cute the way she slept, peacefully and quietly like a baby. When they arrived at The Anderson residence it was already past midnight.
Alex: Rose, Rose, wake up, we are home, at your residence.
Rose: Oh we are home. How long was I asleep for?
Alex: Not for long, pretty much the entire ride from the restaurant. You looked tired and I didn’t want to disturb you my dear.
Rose: Sorry about that my dear.
Alex: No worries, I actually enjoyed watching you sleep, very cute (both laughing).
Alex opened the door for Rose and also handed her the bouquet of roses he had bought her which was still smelling good. He held her hand and walked her towards the main door entrance of their residence (the living room lights were still on).
Rose: I had the most wonderful time ever Alex, it was very romantic and special. I loved every surprise, every bit of it, a perfect first date, will be a date to never forget.
Alex: I am very happy that you enjoyed our first date my love. I enjoyed spending the afternoon and evening with you. It was also my favorite first date ever, one I will never forget as well.
They stood staring at each other then leaned and kissed each other, their first ever kiss.
Alex: I will text you tomorrow my love. Goodnight, sleep well and have pleasant dreams.
Rose: Goodnight, sleep well my dear boyfriend Alex. Have pleasant dreams and will speak to you tomorrow (her hands over his shoulders). Text me when you get home.
Alex: I will (walking towards his car while waving at Rose).
As she watched Alex drive off they waved at each other, once he had driven out of their residence Rose opened the door and walked into their living room where she was met by her entire family.
Rose: Hi guys!! Mom, dad sorry for coming home late (hugging and kissing her parents and brothers)
Mrs. Anderson: That’s alright dear, we figured you were still enjoying yourself, but how was it? I see he bought you a bouquet of red roses.
Mr. Anderson: Yeah, how was your date with Mr. Alex Peterson?
Rose: It was unbelievable, it was wonderful, and he made it so romantic and very special. Yes, he bought me this bouquet of red fresh roses, we went to the Brighton Cinema watched a movie in the VIP room, 4D by the way and finally had dinner at the Mexican Grill Restaurant. It was a perfect first date. Oh by the way I truly recommend trying out the food at the restaurant you will LOVE IT!!
Jeffrey: You are only on your first official date with Alex and are already using the word ‘perfect date,’ what are you going to say when you guys go on your second, third, fourth and fifth date?
Rose: I don’t know my dear brother Jeffrey, I don’t know; just have to wait till our next date to find out. For now let me just savor and cherish today’s perfect date as that’s all that’s in my mind right now.
Thomas: Alex seems to be doing an amazing job impressing our sister; he must be doing something right. Although he still has a lot to prove, I will congratulate him on a job well done on his first date.
Rose: I am off to bed, my dream land (kissing and hugging her parents and brothers), have a good night everyone, and sleep well and pleasant dreams. See you in the morning (humming a song as she walks towards her bedroom upstairs).
Jeffrey: She looks very happy and satisfied with Alex Peterson. The good thing was that they started off as friends for a year before getting into a relationship which was good. However, I really hope all will go well for the two of them and that Rose will be happy.
Mrs. Anderson: Agreed. I’m also very happy for my baby girl, I truly hope they will both be happy and cherish this relationship. Of course we shall support our dear Rose and make sure she stays on track and doesn’t get distracted or heartbroken. You two (looking at Jeffrey and Thomas) have to make sure your sister is not only safe, but protected, loved and cared for at all cost. Her happiness is the most important thing to our family, The Anderson Family and we have to ensure that nothing ever happens to our dear Rose that will ruin her life or her happiness, do you hear me?
Jeffrey and Thomas: Of course mother.
Jeffrey: We are definitely on your side and will keep an eye out on Rose from now on.