Dain found them in the fortress archives, among towering shelves of ancient texts. Lysara was explaining something to Elaris, her hands weaving patterns in the air as she spoke. The sight only hardened his resolve.
"You know what fascinates me?" His voice made them both start. He stepped from the shadows, deliberately blocking their easiest escape route. "How someone so learned can be so blind."
Lysara's hands stilled but didn't lower. Elaris shifted slightly, positioning himself where he could watch both exits without being obvious about it. The movements were subtle, practiced - more evidence for Dain's suspicions.
"Blind to what, Sir Knight?" Lysara's voice carried polite interest and nothing more.
"To the fact that you're choosing another master." Dain's scarred face twisted with bitter certainty. "Trading divine chains for void-marked ones. As if Kael's power is somehow more noble than the gods'."
"You've fought both," Lysara noted carefully. "Seen both sides wage war. What makes you think they're the same?"
"Because I've watched them both destroy everything they touch." Dain's hand rested on his sword hilt - not a threat, but a reminder of battles fought. "Divine warriors burn villages in the name of perfect order. Void-marked soldiers shatter reality in the name of so called freedom. The civilians caught between them die just the same."
"But isn't there a difference between power that demands submission and power that can be refused?" Elaris asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.
"Refused?" Dain's laugh was sharp as broken steel. "What choice did those civilians have when void-touched chaos turned their homes into tears in reality? What choice did children have when the ground forgot how to be solid beneath their feet?" His eyes fixed on Lysara. "Or do their deaths not matter as long as they die for the 'right' cause?"
"Their deaths matter precisely because they had no say," Lysara countered, passion bleeding through her scholarly tone. "The gods demand perfect order without caring who it breaks. At least with Kael-"
"At least with Kael, the destruction comes with pretty words about freedom?" Dain's voice was bitter. "How many villages did I help purify before I turned against the divine? How many families did I watch crystallize into perfect, beautiful corpses? And now you push us toward chaos instead of order, as if that's somehow better."
"I've read the histories you tried to burn," Lysara shot back, real anger entering her voice. "Seen what divine 'perfection' really means. At least chaos can be survived. Order..." She gestured at the ancient texts surrounding them. "Order tolerates no imperfection at all."
Elaris watched the exchange with careful attention. When he spoke, his voice was thoughtful: "Most of what I know comes from these archives. From studying both sides. The divine promise peace through submission. Kael promises nothing except the right to refuse."
"And that's what makes you dangerous," Dain's attention shifted to the younger man. "You've accepted her certainty without questioning it."
"No," Elaris shook his head. "I've studied the same histories she has. Seen the same evidence. My trust isn't blind - it's earned."
Dain studied them both - the scholar burning with conviction and the squire whose certainty was quieter but no less real. He had hoped to drive a wedge between them, to use Elaris's youth against Lysara's experience. Instead, he found their confidence in each other ran deeper than mere loyalty.
"You'll never turn us against each other," Lysara said softly, reading his purpose.
"Then you've chosen destruction."
"No," Elaris corrected quietly. "We've chosen to face whatever comes with open eyes."
Dain left them there among the ancient texts, his attempt at manipulation having revealed far more than he intended. He had thought to find conspirators or blind followers. Instead, he had found something far more dangerous - genuine conviction.
In the shadows of the archive, surrounded by histories of divine law and mortal defiance, Lysara and Elaris shared a look of understanding. The price of defiance was high, but they had both decided it was worth paying.