The Hidden Sanctum hummed with void energy as Lysara studied the spreading corruption across Kael's unconscious form. As his chosen scholar of arcane matters, she could see what the others might miss in the battle between void and divine powers.
"The corruption spreads faster when he remembers," she noted, watching golden lines try to establish themselves before his void-marks rose to fight them off. "Every time his mind pushes against the illusion, the conflict intensifies."
Thrain stood guard nearby, his legendary shield humming in sympathy with his lord's corrupted marks. The northern warrior hadn't left Kael's side since carrying him here three days ago. His presence was a given - where Kael lay wounded, his shield-bearer would stand watch.
Valeria Nightfall moved like a shadow through the chamber, her corrupted divine armor absorbing ambient light. Few were trusted enough to be here, but as a former divine warrior who'd chosen to follow Kael, her insights into celestial power were invaluable. "The divine energy's trying to rewrite him," she observed. "But his void-marks are fighting back harder than anything I've ever seen."
"Which makes sense," Lord Drenmir added, his scholarly detachment failing to hide his concern. Ancient texts and experimental instruments surrounded his workspace. As head of void-touched research, his presence was essential. "Divine law and void energy are fundamentally opposed. One must destroy the other."
The scream hit like a physical force, making the chamber walls crack. Kael's back snapped up at an angle that should've broken him in half. His void-marks blazed with pure darkness, fighting against the golden corruption trying to spread from the wound in his chest.
"Hold him!" Valeria shouted as chunks of the ceiling started coming down. Kael lifted off the table, his body jerking as his marks fought to purge the divine energy trying to rewrite them.
Thrain got his shield up just as void energy exploded outward, pure darkness fighting to burn away the divine corruption. The impact drove the northern warrior back, leaving deep gouges where his boots scraped stone. Even his shield, which had turned aside divine armies, groaned under the strain.
Blood poured from Kael's eyes and nose, but his void-marks were turning it to shadow before it could crystallize into divine patterns. Where golden light tried to spread, darkness rose to meet it, consuming the corruption. When his eyes snapped open, they blazed with void energy fighting to burn away the gold trying to seep in.
Another scream shattered every piece of glass and crystal in the room. Lord Drenmir's instruments burst apart, the pieces hanging in the air as void energy disrupted divine law's hold on gravity. The sanctum's protective wards blazed white-hot as they struggled to contain the battle between powers.
Valeria stumbled as her armor started vibrating. "We can't hold this much longer!"
Lysara tried to help strengthen his void-marks, pressing her hands against Kael's chest, but the sheer force of his power was too much. His skin burned cold with void energy. She pulled back just before Thrain's shield caught another explosion of darkness.
Kael's body bent backwards, his mouth open in a silent scream. His void-marks pulsed stronger and stronger, actively hunting down and destroying the divine corruption trying to take hold. Where divine geometry attempted to form, shadow rose to consume it.
Then it just... stopped. Kael dropped to the table like someone had cut his strings. All the floating debris crashed down at once. The air still crackled with residual energy, and deep cracks ran through every wall, but the worst had passed.
But they'd all seen it - during those moments of pure chaos, his void-marks had started actively hunting down the divine corruption, becoming stronger as they fought it off. Kael wasn't being transformed by divine power.
He was learning to destroy it.
"The gods won't expect this," Valeria said, her corrupted armor still humming with residual energy. "If they realize he's not just resisting, but actually destroying divine power..."
"They can't see him," Lord Drenmir reminded her. "That final clash with Icarion did more than just wound him. It changed how divine observation works in this realm. We have time."
"But not much," Thrain spoke, his northern accent thick with worry. "The battle spreads deeper each day."
"Then we work faster." Lysara turned back to her instruments. "The illusion they've trapped him in - it's not just a prison. Every time he pushes against it, every time he remembers who he really is..."
"He grows stronger," Valeria finished. Understanding dawned in her ancient eyes. "The divine corruption isn't changing him. Fighting it is making his void nature more powerful."
"Which means we can't break him out," Lord Drenmir concluded. "He has to fight free himself."
"And if he doesn't?" Thrain asked the question they'd all been avoiding.
Lysara watched another wave of darkness consume a patch of divine geometry. "Then we'll find out if even gods can survive having their power turned against them."
In the center of the chamber, Kael's body continued its battle. With each surge of divine corruption, his void-marks grew stronger, learning not just to resist celestial power, but to destroy it completely. His consciousness remained trapped in the illusion of a normal teenage life, but with each remembered fragment, each push against the false reality...
He was becoming something the gods had never intended - not a merger of powers, but the antithesis of divine law itself.
The sanctum's wards hummed as they contained another burst of energy. Outside, reality itself seemed to hold its breath, waiting to see what would emerge from this crucible of opposing powers.
Above, in their chamber of eternal flames, the gods' silence felt heavier than ever. They had lost sight of their greatest mistake, their perfect weapon had fallen, and now...
Now they could only wait, and wonder what they had accidentally created in their attempt to control what was never meant to be controlled.