
Operation Pursuit

Kabir's knuckles on the steering wheel were turning white. It was taking everything in him not to ram the vehicle into anything.

The inky sky outside was dotted with stars as he moved away from the mainland to the outskirts. He wondered where on earth this girl was headed. He had almost lost sight of the limo twice. They had gotten a head start when he was picking up that call and so had the upper hand. Plus this wasn't the most discreet option for a car chase.

It hasn't been that long since Kabir left his old life behind, but it had been for a reason. And that was reason enough to never look back. The guy on the bike from earlier looked too familiar for his liking. Was everything he buried going to come back bubling up?

The limo had disappeared a third time when he got a call from his secretary, Majeed again.

"What are the family saying?" Kabir asked.

"They're convinced you ran off with the girl."

"What? Why? I mean how?- What?" He almost lost control of the wheel. It was the last thing that seemed to be within his control at any rate.

He took a deep breath and tried again, "What do they mean by that?"

"Someone said that you've both been acting strange all along. Some say that's why the groom left."

"What?" He almost lost control of the wheel again.

He was at an intersection and couldn't spot the limo as far as his eyes could see. There was no point in driving aimlessly so he parked by the milestone.

Dandelions swayed in the wind as he leant out the window, letting the breeze cool his face for a moment.

"Hello?" Came Majeed's voice from the other end.

"No I'm alright. I just don't know what to do now. The girl ran off with someone else."

It was Majeed's turn to be flabbergasted.

"See, they saw you drive her away, more or less, that's where their suspicions start and end. If you manage to bring her back anyhow it ought to be alright." Majeed said.

"That's what I'm saying, I lost sight of the-" Kabir paused. Taking a good look around he realised where he was.

He didn't know this locality, but he knew who did. And he would hate to make that call. So he didn't.

"Majeed, you need to call Acair. There's something he needs to do for us."