Date a movie star madness

Waiting in the lobby a silver pick-up truck pulled up and Renee smiled. "That figures." Of course, he is a big Texan what else would he drive? She just wondered how she was going to climb up in there. He came around the front of the truck as she came out the door. He smiled and she knew she was doomed. She wondered how many women he had lured to his bed with that smile. She plastered on her best smile as he approached. 

"You look so sexy tonight are you ready to go?"

Renee flushed red and hoped the darkness hid her reaction. "Thanks, you look mighty nice tonight too," she told him walking towards the monster truck he drives. "You're going to have to help me up," Renee pointed out seeing the distance she would have to lift her foot was well above her waist.

"I didn't think about that when I had the new tires put on this thing. One of the guys that works with me goes mudding down by the river. Travis and I had a lot of fun going with him. So, I rigged mine up to go and we haven't had a chance to go with all the rain we have had the rivers are too flooded," he offered as he took her waist lifting her up and in. He lifted her as if she was a feather.

"Well, it sure is tall," Renee commented again embarrassed scooting into the seat.

"Yeah, I was not thinking, and I only have about half an inch of clearance to park it in my garage. I lucked out on that one." He said closing her door. She watched him walk around and slip in his side with just a little pulling up on the suicide bar and he was in. 

"So, what brought you to Dallas?"


"It is always the best way to go," he told her.

 With a chuckle, she said, "I always thought so too. Ok, here it is. I came here to meet up with a man I was interested in. We met at a singles resort, and I wanted to see where our interest in each other would go. I was there less than ten minutes and his old girlfriend showed up throwing a fit. She ran off to California to be a movie star about six months earlier. She was back acting as if I was trespassing, so I left. I wasn't about to get involved in their drama. Then I got to looking around and thought this may be a good city to move to. I want to move away from Austin."

"I like Dallas too. It is a great place to live we are just hoping the influx of Californians coming in doesn't change this place."

"Exactly that is what has happened to Austin between the leftist professors at the college and the Californians coming in they have changed the city big time." She told him not caring if he is a Democrat, she may run him off quickly. 

He drove up on the freeway heading north as they talked. They drove under a huge spaghetti bowl of on-ramps and off-ramps for the different highways. This one made the one in Austin seem tiny. 

"Tell me about this vacation spot you found," Toby asked she seemed to be closing down, so he had to step in.

"The FBI agent who was working on my deceased husband's case told me about the place. They had a case on the island, and he was upset they solved it so quickly because he didn't have a chance to go. All the others raved about how cool the place was, so he suggested I go when I was talking about getting out of town." 

"I was going to tell you I'm sorry for your loss," Toby said glancing over at her to judge her response. If he had known beforehand, that she was a recent widow he wouldn't have approached her no matter how cute she was. His last girlfriend was a recent divorcee, and she had all kinds of issues. He had to walk away from her; she needed to work out her problems on her own. He got a good price on her house to start his remodeling business. 

He knew he got a good price much to her ex-husband's chagrin. Lisa was paid back everything she put into the house, and he got nothing. That was Toby's final dig into the man who tried to cause so much trouble for her and her kids. Her ex went ballistic when he found out she was dating him. He caused all kinds of problems for them. She went to court to show the judge how he was causing her trouble. The judge ordered the house sold at a realistic price and for them to stay away from each other. He must pay someone to pick up and return the girls and he had better not hear he is bad talking to his ex-wife again. Toby walked away from the mess she needed to prove to herself she could make it on her own without a man. He takes her calls she just mainly wants to vent about the problems she has in life, and he listens. That is all she wants is for someone to listen. They are coming fewer and fewer he figures she is doing better. 

"It was a shocker, but I was nine days away from my divorce being final. He had a problem with underage girls that I knew nothing about. It was all quite sick I didn't look young enough for him anymore," Renee said looking dejected. 

"He had to be crazy you're gorgeous. What are you twenty-three?"

"No almost thirty. We were married nine years."

"Wow, here I was kicking myself for asking out someone so young. "

"And look I'm old." Renee teased as he pulled off the highway. 

He parked in the lot of a very busy buffet restaurant. "But you wear your age well. I'll be thirty-five next Friday."

"I would have thought thirty at the most," she told him, and he laughed. 

"We both wear our age well," Toby offered and helped her out of the truck. Slipping down her shorts rose pretty high, but she didn't think he saw anything. She jerked it down quickly. Stepping into the place it seemed everyone in the place turned and looked at them walk in. It had to be Toby no one knew her here.

"Ah, Mr. McBride nice to see you again where is my sweetie Travis," an older Asian lady asked. 

"At home, his daddy has a date," he smiled and glanced over at Renee seeming to be proud to be out with her. Renee this is Mrs. Lang, her and her husband own this place and never seem to leave," Toby teased the woman.

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Lang," Renee offered as the woman bowed and smiled. A girl even smaller than Renee guided them to a table. Renee pulled her chair out, but Toby acted like he wasn't going to sit he was scanning the food tables. Renee smiled apparently; they were eating right now. She followed him as he signaled to her what each area was. She felt tiny walking behind him as he made his selections. He would turn and tell her something about this dish or that dish and warn her if something was spicy as he grazed the tables. She filled one plate and then half of another one and he smiled when he saw the amount she took. Heading back to their table the waiter came over to take their drink request. 

"So," Renee asked taking a fork full of fried rice but before she put it in her mouth she asked, "How long have you been divorced?"

Toby cleared his throat realizing she knew nothing about him. "I have never been married not even close. My son came from a one-night stand. I wanted to keep seeing her, but she was just out for sex. I swore to never have another one-night stand. I found out by accident she had my son and planned to give him up for adoption when he was five days old. I got him from the hospital. He has been my world ever since."

"How sad what was her problem? I want a baby so badly I couldn't even imagine how she could have done that." 

"Most people who know the situation felt the same way; but she wanted to be a doctor, not a mother. I'm just lucky she didn't have an abortion. He is the greatest and too damn smart. He is doing some senior high work at three and we expect him to be doing college work in a year or so. He has already surpassed me a year ago. I'm just glad the nanny is so smart." 

"I didn't read that much about you, but I did read that he composed the music for your new movie. That is amazing."

"It was, he just took what I would tell him about the movie we were filming, and he worked on it with his piano teacher while we made the movie in California. He said it just kind of came to him."

"Did you like it there?" Renee asked and took another bite which kept him talking. 

"No; it never rained the whole eight months we were there, and we had three earthquakes. They weren't big, but each time one started all I could think about was where Travis was and if this was just the beginning of the bad one. No, I don't want to go back there again." 

"I can understand that. Good weather only goes so far." Renee said and kept eating. The food was very good for what the place was. She could see why it was so busy and why his son liked it there. 

"So why is it you want to move out of Austin? I have never been there, but I hear it is nice."

"I have lived there all my life and there is nothing new about the place. One more new strip shop or subdivision big deal. Looking for a house there is depressing."

"So why are you moving? I assumed you lived in a house."

"I did but when my ex died, I sold it and when I went on vacation someone emptied the place. They stole everything. Plus, everywhere I look my ex I know had that girl there. Even if he didn't, I still see her, and I don't want to live there. I didn't want that house in the first place. It was too big for two people it was like he wanted to show off, but not let people come over. I don't understand why he wanted that house. Yes, it was nice but one-half that size would have been fine for me," Renee told him working on her dessert. 

"So, they stole everything?"

"Yes, nothing but trash was left. I had to leave the alarm off because I was gone, and the realtors were coming and going. They tore up or spray-painted the walls and broke the counters. The new buyers are working with the repair guys so I'm out of it," Renee said dismissing the whole thing. 

"I take it you sold before they messed it up?"

"Yes, thank God. My neighbor took a picture of the truck they loaded the stuff in. She thought we were moving because the sold sign was up; but was weary something may not be right. The police may catch them. They seemed interested in finding them. They may feel bad that my ex died on their dime. He was not my ex yet, but to me the second I saw him with that girl he was my ex." 

"Wow you have had a hard time," Toby told her, and he looked concerned for her.

"Oh yeah and then the next day I went to the bank to retrieve my papers from the safety deposit box and bank robbers burst in. I was kicked and dragged across the lobby and dumped with the other's cowering on the floor. That is another reason to want to leave that town." 

"Understandable are you Ok," Toby asked looking very concerned for her.

"Yeah," Renee said and looked at her hip lifting her short pant leg the bruise was purple and green. Toby looked too and shook his head feeling bad for her to have gone thru that. But it was a nice thigh. He hadn't been with anyone in months, and she had all his attention. He and Lisa had a good four months together mainly on weekends her ex took the girls. Once he and Lisa broke up, he just was not into looking. Renee caught his attention quickly, but she sounded like she had more issues than he wanted to deal with. He is finding everyone has issues. The question is does he want to help her work past the issues and how long would it take? 

"So, what are your plans?" Toby asked coming back from filling a new plate. 

"I'm not sure I have some thinking to do. I have a car dealership I must deal with. I make a lot of money off that place and have a good general manager so I can leave it any time all the time. That is the biggest problem. Why sell when I can just keep the profits."

"That is true so why leave Austin when you know it so well?" 

"Haven't you ever just wanted to make a change? Everywhere I go people look at me and they know my husband was killed. They also think they know me from the commercials. I think I want a new life away from all that. Of course, not too far from Austin and this will be an easy drive when they finish the highway," she told him. 

 He pushed his plate to the center of the table and asked, "So now what would you like to do?"

 "I don't know this area what is around here?" she offered to keep the night going.

 "There is a movie theater across the road," he suggested.

"I have no idea even what is playing." 

"Neither do I, so we could drive by and see if anything is starting this late or if anything even looks interesting," Toby offered. He wasn't taking her dancing they would look like Mutt and Jeff if he tried to take her out on the dance floor. He didn't realize how little she was either. She was smaller the Missy his co-star in his movie. They had a thing for a short while when the movie was over. She quit coming around for booty calls when he started dating Lisa, which was a good thing. She wanted more than he was willing to give to her. But sex with her was great little or not.

"Shall we go," Toby asked extending his hand to help her stand.

"Sure, I haven't been to a theater in years," she said as they left the restaurant. Being boosted like a child into the seat they made the quick trip across the street. Either it was a kid movie, or many people being killed in some scary way. Otherwise, they had already started thirty minutes ago. "I don't like being scared so I think that idea is out," Toby told her.

"Me neither. We could call it a night I'm afraid I'm not exactly the authority on dating. I have zero experience. I never dated in college and then I married early. So, if you want suggestions from me, you're backing up." Renee told him.

"Ha, ha very good song lyric I'm good at movie lines. I can throw them in at a drop of a hat." Toby said and chuckled and drove out of the parking lot. "You know women assume I'm a dating fool, but I haven't been with that many women. Most of the ones I have been with came on to me."

"I get it the way you look makes people think you're a player. When people look at me, I am just the trophy wife for the old man. I must be a slut how else could she have caught him. Not true he was my only until I went to the island resort. I wanted to prove I was more desirable than some teeny bopper. So, I found a man and we had sex. I found out two things one that my husband was a lousy lover. Second I was sexy, and it was he who had the problem. I lived nine years trying to please that man and the older I got the less he liked me," Renee said and realized he had parked along the feeder as she finished her rant. The Viagra was just to keep the ruse up that he was happily married to her. "Wow I was a fool," Renee said and chuckled. "You must think you're out with a crazy woman?"

"No; but I do realize you have a lot of work to do to become whole again. You had a divorce and a death all within two months. You need to find an apartment near work and slow down before you hit a brick wall," Toby suggested and pulled out to take her back to the hotel she was staying at. He should have known better when he read her story on the internet and made an excuse not to come.

"I just realized that, but thank you for this wonderful dinner," Renee said she was wound up tonight and this man was not interested in having sex with her. She was not sure how she felt about that. She had this weekend all thought out and that bitch messed it all up. "You probably are right it all just kind of hit me. So yeah, I think I'll go back to Austin and slow down. People kept telling me not to make any changes for at least six months, but I couldn't stay in that house."

"Sounds good; when you do figure it out call me, I want you to know I do like you, Renee. I just don't need to add any more clouds to your storm," he said and picked up an old receipt and while he waited for the light near the hotel, he wrote his number on the back. "Here; I mean it call me, if for nothing else than to vent I'll be here for you," he said and brought tears to her eyes. He was pretty sure he would never hear from her again but who knows. He does know she wants kids. She said so in one of her rants. Otherwise, she must be a sweet and patient person to put up with the husband she had for that long. She doesn't seem dumb just loyal.

"Ok and thanks again," she said not waiting for him to come around and help she opened the door. She took his hand squeezed it and slid out and closed the door. 

He realized it was a long way down and he needed to put a step on the side of the truck now. Since he bought those massive tires; people will have problems getting in and out. If nothing else, he got out of the house, and she was a pretty thing. He wondered how many pictures will be on the internet tomorrow. He knows if he ever does find a girlfriend, he will never be able to step out on her. She would have photographic evidence every time he stepped out of his house. The locals love to post his pictures on the fan sight.

Renee plopped on her bed and continued to cry. Why kept floating in her head as she worked herself into a jerking cry. Caleb popped into her head. He hadn't even fought for them. He accepted to go back to your girlfriend and did. She continued to cry until there was nothing left. She rolled across the bed and ran into the remote. She snatched it up wanting to break something; but thought better so she turned the TV on and began to look for something sad to watch. Maybe she could cry some more if the storyline was sad. 


Back in Austin Renee swung by her storage building first and changed out clothes. Even with all her shopping she had less than a third of the amount of clothes she had before. She would have to do a lot more shopping how sad.

She was doing well today, that cry was good for her. It kind of cleared the cobwebs out. Toby was right she needs to find an apartment and get on with her life. She checked back into the hotel, and they gave her a room closer to the nice lobby. She didn't have to schlep down some boring long hallway dragging that suitcase. 

 The drive back had been easy. They had the other side of the highway narrowed down today so she sailed past the construction zone. It did feel good to be back in Austin and she saw several places up north she should go shop at. Listening to the radio on the way home she decided to look at furniture rental places for the apartment. That way she can walk away from it all when she decides where and how she wants to live. 

 She picked up a take-out meal for dinner and settled in for the night. Tomorrow she would stop by the dealership and then go apartment looking. She knows there are a dozen around there to choose from and they all seemed nice.


Renee walked out nice and casual for a work day. As she drove up, she heard Kathy call out, "Renee is here." She watched the whole staff jump up and walk towards the front of the building. She walked in smiled, waved, and prayed that nothing happened while she was gone for that reaction. Kathy met her flushed face at the door, "You went out with Toby McBride?" she asked looking so excited.

"How do you know that?" Renee asked with a dozen grinning faces looking at her waiting for the answer. 

"Bradley saw it this morning on his computer," she informed Renee. 

"I did he is a very nice man too; but too tall of a man for me. But yes, we had dinner and that is all."

"Oh, is he as cute in person as he was in the movie," Kathy asked so excitedly.

"He is amazing and very much the gentleman. But yes, he is better in person because you can smell him and feel the heat coming off him," she told Kathy as they giggled together, and the men walked away. She was surely feeling inadequate. She went on to tell her what they ate and how nice the evening went, but no sparks. 

Bradley was waiting in the background to talk to her, and she saw him. Renee approached him hoping her puffy eyes had calmed down. With the amount of product, she put on them they should have. "So how are things going?" she asked as she walked to his side to survey the place. Everything looked good even the fake plants had been replaced as she suggested.

"Good still selling cars. We need to talk about making some new commercials soon. The new year's cars have come in and we need to start pushing them and making deals on this year's cars we have left. We have done well and don't have that many left." Bradley told her.

"Sure, we can do that just set it up for this Sunday and we will knock it out. So, does that mean you can make me a good deal on the one I was driving this past weekend?"

"Just for you a very good deal," Bradley teased and got a smirk for his trouble. "I didn't expect you back so quickly," Bradley told her.

"Me neither but some dreams die hard. But I'm not hanging around long today. I need to find an apartment until I decide where I want to live." 

"Good idea so let me show you the books and have you sign some papers." He walked towards his desk picked up a notebook and followed her to her office. "Ok, this is the taxes for this quarter if you would sign this check. This is the receipt for the new cars" he told her as she signed the check. "We have another shipment expected today." 

"What do you think of them?" Renee asked looking over the paperwork at the cost of the cars and shook her head.

"I'm impressed they did some nice remodels, and they look nice with all kinds of new gadgets."

"Maybe I'll change my mind and get a newer one," Renee thought out loud.

"I would; it won't cost that much more. Just drive that one until you find something you love," Bradley suggested.

 She pulled her keys from her purse for her old car and handed them to him and told him, "Have someone detail my old one and check it out so it will be ready to go."


Three apartment complexes down and she found a nice two-bedroom with a garage underneath for her new car. It is about a mile and a half from the dealership and closer to her favorite grocery store and restaurant, so she is set. She can swing by and pick up her dinner from her favorite restaurant she has missed their cooking lately. 

 "Now furniture," Renee said walking out of the rental office with her key. She went back and looked it over to make sure she didn't rent too much furniture. Why two bedrooms? Monica may come and visit one day plus she needs the closet space. She found Aaron's rental in the strip shops close to her new place. Walking in she was amazed by what all they had for rent. No, it was not great quality, but it would work for six months or more. She picked out an apartment full of furniture plus a washer and dryer stacker and a nice big TV for her living room. She signed her life away and for two hundred and sixty dollars a month, she is set. All she must do is call them to pick it up when she is ready to move on.