
Class 13-A, Day 2

Aleron opened up the book placed on his podium, and scanned through it. "Welcome class, I'm glad to see you all back today." He said, as he kept flipping through pages. "Well anyway, we'll be heading outside into the training yard today as promised." Professor Aleron pointed to a door that led outside. "That's what that doors for, it's a shortcut to the yard. Head outside and wait for my instructions."

The students closed up their things and headed toward the side door. Sosuke stayed behind, walking up to the podium where Aleron stood. "Professor, what's wrong?" Sosuke stood patiently, waiting for a reply as Aleron continued turning pages.

"The page on core techniques is missing from my book, seems it was torn out. It's not information available on the student edition. I'm only telling you because you're already aware of most of the info on that page. Oh well, I have the information memorized regardless." Aleron snapped the book shut and tucked it underneath the podium. He gestured for Sosuke to follow behind him as he walked outside to the class.

Professor Aleron lead the class to the training yard, a place where magic spells could be used freely. The yard was a massive field of grass with targets scattered around.

"Now then," Aleron began. "I will start with something basic for you all, even if some of you have used a spell before. A basic water drop. This is a spell so basic, even beginners don't need an incantation to cast it. Go ahead everyone, try your best. I don't expect you to know how to do it perfectly."

The class began their best attempts at a simple water drop. Rin was able to get it first out of everyone, she even threw one at Sosuke. "Hey! I'm trying to focus. You covering me in water doesn't help!" Sosuke yelled in frustration. It's not that it was difficult, he couldn't concentrate. His hand twitched as he tried to focus, images of him unleashing a surge of lightning in that dungeon with Rin. How did was he able to unleash that surge of lightning into his weapon? Sosuke shook it off and concentrated. A ball of water formed in his palm, he turned to Rin with a smirk on his face. He hurled the water at her, dousing her hair completely.

"God damn it Sosuke. When we learn fireballs I'll burn your precious hair." Rin said as she walked toward Sosuke with her fist clenched.

Sosuke turned to the crowd of students behind when he heard screams. Someone had failed their spell, pouring water over countless students. "Phew, glad I'm not one of them right Rin?" When Sosuke turned back to her expecting an answer, she tossed a water ball right at his chest, drenching his clothes. Sosuke froze, glancing down at his drenched clothing then back to Rin.

"Yeah, glad I'm not you either." Rin smirked, placing her hands on her hip triumphantly.

"You wanna fight, don't you?" Sosuke muttered, shaking his head and rolling up his sleeves.

Aleron waved his hand, stopping everyone. "It was a wonderful attempt from everyone. Doesn't matter if you couldn't do it now, that's why I'm here." Aleron removed his professors cloak and placed it down neatly on nearby bench. "When you do any spell you have to picture in your mind what you're creating. Picture it incorrectly and you get a malfunction. Feel the mana flow from your core and around your body to use spells. Natural mana control with vary between you all, it's perfectly normal if you don't understand it immediately."

Aleron turned away from the students and toward a target far off in the field. "Fireball." He forced his hand out, summoning a massive ball of fire that streaked across the field and toward the target. The impact created a large explosion that shook the environment and created a deafening sound. "Sorry, I went a bit overboard. You get the gist right? Practice the fireball now. It's a simple chant so it won't be too hard to grasp. Make sure to spread out so you don't hit your own classmates."

The class spread apart around the field. Sosuke walked with Rin to an open area. Rin had already begun, she focused her mind and mana. "Fireball." She mustered up a tiny ball of heat that quickly dissipated.

"Good one. Now I'm really jealous." Sosuke spoke filled with sarcasm and smacked Rin lightly on the back, but when he looked around, he noticed everyone was struggling. "It can't be that hard…"

Sosuke put his palms together, he envisioned a large ball of flames appearing within. He focused on the image, making sure he knew everything about it. "Fireball!" Sosuke yelled, he forced mana out with all his might. Instead of a might fireball, ashes flew out of Sosuke's palms.

Rin burst into laughter, barely holding herself together. "No, no, that was a good one!" Rin laughed so hard she had to wipe tears from her eyes. "You have no right to insult me when you could even form fire. What the hell was that?" She made herself laugh harder.

Sosuke smacked the back of her head, knocking Rin over. She groaned as she stood back up. She brushed herself off, giving a quick menacing glance at Sosuke. She pushed her hand into the air once more, "Fireball." A real fireball formed and fired off before she could react. The ball of flames hurled toward a target and quick speeds, but it died out before reaching the target, turning to ash. "Yes! I knew I'd do better than you Sosuke. It's just my talent and hardwork coming together."

Aleron applauded and gave Rin a smile. "Well done Ms. Sakurai! It appears you have an affinity for fire. No one else has been able to conjure much of anything. This is expected of course." Aleron turned back to the rest of the class. "Everyone gather behind me, we're heading back to class now! I have something important to discuss!" Many sighed in disappointment, others were glad to be leaving.

The students followed Professor Aleron's lead back to class. Everyone walked back up to their seats, chatter filling the air. Aleron pulled on his professors cloak and waved his hand, silencing the room.

"For the midterm exam students will be placed into a trial that will test not only your magic, but your resolve. It will be groups of three students, plunged into a forest filled to the brim with monsters and beasts. " Many students gasped and were taken aback by the information. Sosuke's eyes grew wide, he thought for a moment, Would they really do something this dangerous for first years?. "You can opt out of course," Aleron continued, "but the alternative is retaking the first year until you feel confident enough." Aleron gave the class a smirk as it filled with nervous murmurs. "I know it's only the second day of class, but I suggest you learn everyday with that in mind. I'd also suggest you be close with your three future group mates. Winner gets a legendary weapon handed to them, with one caveat," He paused, his gaze sweeping the class. "There may come life or death situations."

Rin, slumped beside Sosuke, raised an eyebrow. "Life or death? I might need to start making other friends. I'll need competent ones." Rin unable to hold back a grin when Sosuke shot her an incredulous look.

First-year Hub

Sosuke sat in the hub again, reading a book. He peered over his book when he saw a shadow. "Ren Natsume, what is it this time?"

Ren grinned and pulled Sosuke's book away, but he didn't throw it. "I have a proposal for you, Estrella. I want to be apart of your group for the midterm."

Sosuke reached for his book, but he stop himself. He crossed his arms, examining Ren's expression and body language. "Alright, I'll bite. Why should I let you be with us?"

Ren sighed and opened his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come out. "I—I think you really should. Trust me, the three of us are likely the best students in this class, other than Lyra. We could easily dominate everyone else." His eyes flickered away for a moment.

Sosuke's mind went through the many possibilities, as he stared at the ground. Ren could be right, they are the best in the class after all. "Why not your own friends?"

"Because I trust your skills more than theirs." Ren spoke quickly, eager to get the words out. "I need you and Rin."

Sosuke stood up and yanked the book out of Ren's hand. He walked away without a word. Ren called out from afar, "Can I get an answer!?"

"I'll let you know," Sosuke said flatly, as he walked away to his room.

Sosuke walked into Rin's room through the shared bathroom, and sat in an armchair in the corner. "Hey Rin," Rin sat up in bed and rubbed her eyes. "Yeah?" She yawned.

"Do you think it's a good idea to bring Ren into our group. He came up to me in the hub area and asked if he could join us. I know he's skilled and intelligent, but there's something about him I don't trust. I don't know… what do you think?"

Rin leaned back against the headboard and rested a hand on her chin. "He's only been kinder to you each day hasn't he? Who's to say he won't be a great friend and ally when the midterms roll around?"

Sosuke raised an eyebrow and grinned. "Who knew you were so wise at night? You make a good point though. You're probably right."

"Hey Sosuke," Rin looked into Sosuke's eyes. "Why do you… do anything? What makes you try so hard?"

Sosuke stared at Rin, as he processed the question. Was she actually asking something real? The shift to something serious was very sudden to him. "You know my father of course, since his death I feel like I've been living in his shadow. It's the first thing people mention when meeting me, besides you…" Sosuke continued, "The Sword Saint's son. I had enough of it, at some point I decided i didn't want to live in his shadow. I want to be as great as him. I want to learn magic to rid the world of evil."

For a brief moment, Rin couldn't hide her surprise. She spoke softly. "That makes sense. I didn't mention you being his son because I didn't care about that. You were actually… kind to me. Listen Sosuke, you don't have to become the new Sword Saint to get respect. You just have the be the best version of yourself, and people will recognize you for it."

Tears formed in Sosuke's eyes, but he wiped them away quickly. He let out a small laugh, surprised by Rin's sincerity. "Thank you. That… means more than you think." Sosuke glanced at Rin and smiled. "What about you Rin, what motivates you? If anything."

Rin smiled, pretending she didn't see Sosuke's tears. "That's why I asked you." She shrugged, her voice casual with a hint of sadness. "I never gave it much thought myself. I just kind of… went along with where life took me. But lately, I've been thinking about my past. My mother died when I was young, my father well… he wasn't around often, always working his ass off to keep us afloat." Rin waved her hand dismissively, "I don't want pity." She said softly.

Sosuke thought about his father and how lucky he was to get to spend time with him, even if it was just ten years. He nodded, silently urging her to continue.

"But none of that really encouraged me. I tried to do the bare minimum for my father to be happy. Now thinking about it, I feel kinda bad. Like… I should've been trying harder all along."

Rin's words sank deep into Sosuke. His brow furrowed. "That's why you actually put in effort in the training yard today."

Rin nodded. "And that's why I'll keep trying." She sank back into bed and pulled the covers around herself. "I say we call it a night."

Sosuke stood up from the chair and stared at Rin for a moment. He walked back through the shared bathroom and into his own room. Sosuke lied in bed, thinking over his chat with Rin. He'd never seen that side of her. He didn't know what to think.