Tournament Begins!

After a week of training together, the trio began to feel more confident about their battles. Although, Rin ended up doing more teaching than actual training.

Rin, Sosuke, and Ren walked slowly through the hallway. Ren was sweating, Rin's hands were shaking, and Sosuke couldn't stop fidgeting. The tournament was starting today, and none of them were sure if they were truly prepared.

Aleron led the class outside into the empty training yard. "I hope you all had sufficient training this past week. It was meant to test how quickly each of you could learn in such a short time. That is why I allowed access to the first chapter in your books." Aleron grinned, reaching into his robe and pulling out a cube.

The professor stopped, and the rest of the class halted behind him as well. He turned the top of the cube and tossed it far away. The object shot out beams of mana in multiple directions, outlining a cube in the air. Once the shape was complete, a burst of mana filled the translucent space.

Aleron cleared his throat, drawing everyone's attention. "I'm sure you all reviewed the tournament bracket a week ago. If you didn't, that's your own fault. I'll give you a few minutes to warm up before we begin."

The trio moved to a somewhat secluded area.

"You know something Rin, fire magic is stupid. It never works for me, like it hates me. I don't understand what im supposed to do," Ren sighed. "I can't even get that one spell down."

"You mean a basic fire cannon?" Rin scoffed. "But it's so simple! I just find it ironic that you are so informed and excell at many spells, but fire spells is where you struggle."

"I don't know what you want from me. It won't work."

Rin sighed and pulled out the book she had tucked into her bag. "Here's the incantation: Sear and strike—fire cannon. Simple enough, or should I dumb it down for you?"

Sosuke groaned at their antics and took the book from Rin, flipping through it. "I can't believe we're restricted to basic spells. Ren should stick to literally anything but fire. It's his worst element."

Ren opened his mouth to respond, but no words came out. He knew there was no argument to be made.

"I'm just going to make sure I remember the spells I actually know how to use," Sosuke said, rolling his eyes.

As they continued warming up, the sound of students practicing spells filled the air. Bright flashes of mana and the occasional small explosion erupted around the yard, adding to the tension.

Aleron raised a hand, signaling the students to gather around him. The cube in the distance began to pulse, its translucent walls shifting to a faint blue.

"Listen up everyone, the tournament is about to begin. But first, let me go over some rules. The matches will be five minutes long, normally it will be easy to tell who the victor is but, if it's a close fight then the winner will be left up to a simple vote. Weapons are allowed, if you do not have one I will hand you one if you wish. Only tier-1 spells are allowed in this tournament, meaning only the simple ones learned in chapter one. If you beat your opponent to the point they can no longer fight back, continuing to attack will result in a loss. Is that clear?" The students glanced at each other and nodded.

The brackets were displayed in the air, glowing brightly with the names of each participant.

Ren looked up at the board, his eyes growing wide. "I've been dreading this day for a reason. My first fight… Lyra Valcrest."

Sosuke didn't bother looking at the bracket. "I'll be just fine. I don't even recognize who my opponent is."

Rin placed her hands on her head, gripping her hair nervously. "Arthur a Veiss, I've heard of him. He doesn't talk much, but he's the smart kind. I can tell he's strong."

One by one, students were called into the cube. The first match began with an explosion of mana, and the crowd murmured in awe.

The trio watched intently, observing every move of the duel.

The nervous tension was broken by Sosuke's voice. "It's more close-quarters-combat than using spells. Isn't it?"

"It seems a lot of people lack the skill to use spells in actual fights. I don't blame them, it's difficult to remember those things when someone's actively trying to hurt you." Ren spoke with a calm analytical tone.

The group's attention shifted back to the sparring match in the center of the training yard. Two students circled each other, their movements quick and deliberate, but their spells were slow, faltering under pressure. One tried to summon a defensive barrier, but it fizzled out as a well-aimed blast sent him sprawling to the ground.

"I'm not ready for this at all. The more I think about it the more nervous I get." Rin sat watching the fight nervously.

Sosuke glanced over at Rin, she was watching the battle intensely. "Hey, you alright?"

Rin didn't turn to look at Sosuke. "The fights may just be friendly battles, but the pain you experience will be very real. I'm… a little scared, that's all. That fight in the dungeon took me a while to recover from."

"Rin, you're a strategical genius and you don't realize it, do you? Youre overthinking it, you won't fight your best if you can't stay calm." Sosuke crouched down to look at Rin. "You're not like everyone else here."

Finally, Aleron's voice boomed across the yard. "Next match: Sosuke Estrella versus Carlen Ardyn. Step forward!"


Sosuke's heart raced as he walked toward the cube, gripping his katana tightly. The translucent walls shimmered as he stepped inside, closing behind him with a faint hum.

The crowd fell silent as Aleron raised his hand to signal the start of the match. The opponent stood across from Sosuke, their mana already swirling around them in preparation. Caelen was tall and imposing, Sosuke grew more anxious watching him enter.

Aleron's voice echoed through the air. "Begin!"

The two circled the arena slowly, gazing at each other intensely. Caelen moved first, his foot pushed him off the ground flying toward Sosuke quickly. He grappled onto Sosuke and forced him to the ground. Caelen was overwhelming strong, he tightened a grip around Sosuke's limbs. At that moment, Sosuke thought back to his research. He wasn't going to fight unprepared.

Caelen was incredibly strong, but his control over mana was mediocre. "Ignite my grasp, Flamebound!" Sosuke's hands erupted into flames. Caelen screamed in pain and loosened his grip. The opening allowed Sosuke's fist to land on Caelens's face, knocking him back.

Sosuke jumped back up, shifting into a defensive stance. Caelen shook off his injury and charged forward again with a scream.

"You're a hot-headed one, aren't ya?" Sosuke dodged Caelen's charge and lept onto him. He grabbed him by the head and slammed him down. Sosuke held Caelen down with all his might, restricting movement. "Rise and shatter, Earthstrike." Sosuke stepped backwards as the ground shot up jagged shards of rock.

The spell pierced Caelen, his wounds bleeding profusely. He took a deep breath before he stood up using his leg as support.

"Durable too." Sosuke grinned, and Caelen grinned back. "Whisper, Unseen Strike." Sosuke's eye grew wide, he didn't know this spell.

Caelen chopped the air with a swift motion. A wave of nearly invisible mana sliced through the air toward Sosuke. He was hit, the strike had knocked him back and slashed his chest.

Sosuke staggered back, pain searing through him. "This isn't the end though." Sosuke thought. Caelen had used up his low reserves of mana on that powerful move. It was Sosuke's turn again.

Wait! Sosuke sensed a second attack hurling toward him, but this time he could recognize the ripple in the air it caused. With a sudden flick of his wrist, Sosuke summoned a defensive shield of mana that rippled just in time to block the second strike. "You're fast, but I can move faster." His voice was steady, despite the pain.

Caelen charged again, his eyes blazing with determination, but Sosuke was ready. He side-stepped at the last second, using Caelen's momentum to his advantage. Grabbing his arm, Sosuke twisted, sending Caelen crashing to the ground with a force that rattled the arena.

"Let's end this," Sosuke muttered, eyes glowing with focus.

He slammed his palm to the ground. "Paralyze!" A burst of lightning shot from his hand, arcing toward Caelen, catching him mid-rise. The electric shock paralyzed him for just enough time.

He crashed back to the ground. "Stop! I'm done!" He cried out for Sosuke to stop before he could launch another attack. The match was over.

A door opened on the side of the arena, Sosuke wrapped his arm around Caelen and helped him out. The moment they stepped foot out of the arena, their injuries faded. It's like nothing happened.

Aleron applauded the two fighters. "Well done, I'm impressed Mr. Estrella. You practiced the thunderbolt spell enough to shorten the incantation."

Sosuke smiled and rubbed the back of his neck. "It's not a big deal. I didn't learn it myself, Rin taught it to me. She deserves the credit, but thank you professor." Sosuke jogged back to Rin and Ren excitedly.

Aleron's gaze turned to the trio in the distance. "Those three are something special. It seems my class is full of prodigies this year."