The High Council

Ren and Rin walked through the hallway, rubbing the spots where their wounds were. Sosuke looked over to them, and lifted an eyebrow. "You do know you're not actually hurt."

"You just don't understand." Ren muttered.

"Your fight was way easier. It's not fair." Rin placed on hand on her stomach. "I was literally burned."

"Yeah… I guess you guys are right." Sosuke turned his eyes away and back down the hallway.

The trio arrived to the first-year hub, now becoming their meeting place. Ren and Rin fell onto the couch and let out sighs of relief in unison.

Sosuke sat on a chair next to the couch and pulled out a book from underneath.

"I'm so tired. It's still only 4pm though." Ren closed his eyes for a moment, then turned to Rin. She was out cold, even snoring. "That's expected at this point."

Bastion of Eternis: High Council

The large, gold trimmed doors open as Seraphina Caldus steps inside. One servant bows in front of her and introduces himself. "Welcome Principal Caldus, I will be guiding you through the building. Right this way." He raised a hand toward the direction they're walking.

Caldus looked around the building. This way her first time here, it's a rarity for anyone other than guards, servants, or High Council members themselves to be here. The walls were white with gold trimmings and designs. It was a beautiful place.

The servant stopped right before another set of doors. "This is is madam. The servant opens the doors, allowing Caldus to enter. "Lord Aurelius, your guest has arrived."

The meeting room was massive, the walls had paintings of each member hanging off and a large table was in the center. Ten seats. She walked inside and stood at the opposite side end of the table where Gabriel sat.

"Please, take a seat. Preferably next to me, that would make it easier to chat." Gabriel gestured for Caldus to come toward him.

Caldus followed and walked toward a seat next to Gabriel. "It's an honor to be here, Lord Aurelius."

"Oh please, drop that Seraphina. We've known each other for years." Gabriel smiled, making Caldus feel more comfortable. "You're probably wondering why I called for you. I was meaning to discuss the event you had at the school, when you brought me. There was a student that… piqued my interest. Sosuke Estrella, Shuhei's kid. I'd like to meet him."

Seraphina was taken aback, she let out a small laugh. "He never said anything when kids were asking questions. I'm surprised, even if he is Shuhei's son." She tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

"I just wanted to speak to the boy, that's all. I was considering… I don't know, teaching him myself maybe. He is the son of the Sword Saint, his practically oozing potential." Gabriel took a sip from a mug that was placed in front of him. "He's not the only special one either. When I examined all those kids, I could see the mana in the air, it was… disturbed. This generation is so strong they're disrupting the flow of energy in a room just from being there together! It almost has me excited." Gabriel laughed.

"I see what you mean. I've spoken to each student myself before. You're certainly right about that, Gabriel." She glanced at the paintings around the room. "Will you be coming to the school again to meet the young Estrella?"

Gabriel caught Seraphina glancing around at the paintings. "I'd appreciate if you wouldn't look around much. Don't forget many of the council members prefer to be anonymous, but anyways. No, I won't be going to the school. I want him to visit me, here."

"R-really!? Here?" Her eyes were wide and hands placed on the table in surprise. "A sixteen year old… in the High Council's own building. It sounds unbelievable, even if he is Shuhei's son."

"Yes, yes, I want him to see how it is around here, among other things. Just get him to come here. I understand that Professor Aleron is holding a tournament for the students currently, have him come as soon as that's finished." Gabriel took another sip. "That is all, you may leave Seraphina. Oh, and I retrieved the crystal you wanted." Gabriel snapped his fingers signaling for the servant to present a gift to Caldus.

"I-I don't know how to thank you." Her eyes were wide with shock.

"Don't. Just take it and make good use of it. It freaks me out having that strange aura of mana coming from it. Goodbye dear friend, till next time."

Caldus gave Gabriel a smile, something she rarely does, and walked out of the room.

Astralis: School of Magic

Sosuke left the hub area, letting Rin and Ren get their well-earned rest. He walked through the empty halls, it was an unusual sight. No one was out this time of night. He checked one of the clocks on the wall, 11:09pm. Sosuke knew he should've gone to sleep, but he couldn't. He figured a small walk around would change things.

He even began to explore the school further, areas he's never seen before. He was nearing the staff wing, he wasn't sure if he was allowed near. The staff wing was outside, on the opposite side of the enormous courtyard. He thoight, why not? As Sosuke grew closer to the smaller building within the school, he heard strange noises. Curiosity got the best of him, he stood in front of the staff building, hearing screams and other unknown sounds. What is going on? He thought. Thousands of thoughts ran through his head, the screams were agonizing and horrifying. It sounded like multiple different things.

Sosuke pulled on the door handle, obviously to no avail. What was going on in there. Sosuke thought it best not to go in there, at least alone. He was planning on returning another time, when he could bring Rin and Ren.

During his walk back to the first-year hub, he felt uneasy, like something was watching him. It was a terrible feeling. Sosuke looked around as paranoia began to fill inside of him. When he finally made it back he closed the door of the hub and took a deep breath to calm himself. The place was empty, expected. 12:47pm, the clock read.

He went to bed.

The morning came, Sosuke stretched out his arms as he stood. The night before feeling like some unsettling dream. He followed the usual routine, bathroom, change, talk to his friends. But the thought of last night lingered. He had to get to the bottom of it, he would, at night.

Sosuke smacked himself, he had to focus on the moment. He had won his previous fight unlike the other two, he was still in the tournament.

Ren walked outside his room, he looked completely refreshed. Rin walked out too, she looked like crap, messy hair, uniform was on wrong, she was a mess. Sosuke sighed and walked over to them.

"Are you guys getting up to watch me fight today." Sosuke grinned.

"Yeah, I get it, you won. I didn't have an easy fight like you." Ren snapped.

"Someone's in a bad mood." Sosuke gazed at Ren, he was clearly irritated.

"I had the hardest out of all of us! I fought some kid who used a crazy spell on me! It was completely unfair, but I kept my ground." Rin placed a hand on her chin and looked up in thought. "Does that make me the strongest in the group.

The two ignored her. "I will be stronger than you Sosuke, no, I am. We're friends, but I won't stop beating you at everything." Ren crossed his arms and narrowed his gaze on Sosuke.

Sosuke laughed awkwardly, unsure of how to respond. He turned to the clock, 9:57am. "Sh—I have to go! I don't want to be late." Sosuke left sprinting.

Rin yawned and looked at Ren. "What's your problem. I thought you lost the ego."

"Shut up. Not everyone had it easy."

Rin raised an eyebrow, offended. "What makes you think I did? Because I'm a Sakurai? Me and my father weren't even acknowledged by the clan. I fought for this spot… well, I somewhat tried for this spot. But the clan had nothing to do with it." She crossed her arms and waited for his response.

"Oh, I didn't know. I assumed… nevermind. Sosuke's probably down there already, we should go."

Rin nodded and followed Ren down the stairs and outside toward the training yard. Everything was already set up, they were late. It didn't matter since they lost the day prior. The two spotted Sosuke and called out his name. When he turned around he bore an expression full of fear. Ren saw Lyra within the crowd of students and walked over to her. "Hey, did something happen."

Lyra turned around to look at Ren. "You just missed it. The professor announced the next fight. Your buddy's fighting Arthur."