Chapter Eight

The following day, Dara decided it was time to tell Chloe about the note and the message. She had just arrived at school, and she figured she was better off discussing it with someone who knew more about the school than she did.

That morning, she arrived in class earlier than the other students and was relieved when Chloe was the next to walk in.

"Hey, D. Why are you here so early?" Chloe asked, dropping her bag on her seat before sitting in front of Dara, facing her.

"There's something I want to tell you..."

"If this is about them, D, I don't think I want to have this discussion." Chloe was about to turn away when Dara handed her the note.

"What is this?"

"See for yourself," Dara gestured for her to take it.

Chloe took the note nonchalantly and unfolded it. The moment she read its contents, her eyes widened.

"Where did you get this?"

"I saw it—"

Before Dara could continue, more students began entering the classroom, interrupting their conversation.

"We'll talk about this after class," Chloe whispered.

Dara nodded, taking the note back and tucking it safely into her bag.

The teacher walked in, slamming a large book onto his desk. "Quiet down!" he commanded. The noise quickly died down.

"Today, we will be working on a group project."

Murmurs spread through the class. Some students were excited to try something new, while others groaned about having parties to attend.

Dara shook her head in disbelief.

A student raised her hand. "Yes, Maria?" the teacher acknowledged, pointing at her.

"What kind of project? Is it like a field trip?" Maria asked hopefully.

Some students' faces lit up at the thought, but the teacher shook his head. "Thanks for the question, but I'm sorry to burst your bubble—this has nothing to do with a field trip."

Disappointment spread across the room, but the teacher remained unfazed.

"This project is about self-discovery," he continued.

"Self-discovery?" the students echoed in confusion.

"How well do you know yourself?" the teacher asked, his voice carrying through the silent room. "What are your strengths and weaknesses? Are you truly the person others perceive you to be?"

His words lingered in the air, making many students shift uncomfortably.

Dara raised her hand, and the teacher gestured for her to speak. "Is there a reason for this project?"

"There's a reason for everything," he said. "However, your understanding of that reason will depend on the experiences you share with your group. Learning something about your friends is an added advantage."

Christian leaned close to Dara and whispered in her ear, "I hope I get paired with you. I can't wait to show you my world."

Dara turned to him with a disgusted look. As she shifted her gaze, her eyes met Kim's. He quickly looked away, pretending to focus on the book in front of him.

"The more you refuse, the worse it gets." The memory of Kim's words echoed in her mind, but she shook it off. This was her life, and she wouldn't let anyone dictate it.

"Now, come forward, pick a paper, and find your partners," the teacher instructed. "Each group will consist of five members, and the goal is for all partners to discover something new about one another."

As the students lined up to collect their papers, someone asked, "How long is this project for?"

"One month," the teacher replied. "In a month, you should have learned something significant about yourself and your teammates."

Some students cheered while others groaned in frustration.

Chloe rushed to Dara's side. "I'm in Group D! What about you?"

Dara unfolded her paper. "Group D," she announced.

Chloe squealed and hugged her.

Christian, Kim, and Jackson were also in Group D, but they remained silent.

"I wonder who the rest of our partners are. I really hope they're good people," Dara said, hoping for the best.

Before she could finish her thought, Christian stepped in front of her, took her hand, and kissed it lightly.

"It's nice to have you on the team," he said with a wink before walking away.

"On the team?" Dara thought, confused. She glanced at Chloe, who wore a look of disappointment.

"Kim and I are in the same group as you guys. I can't wait to learn more about you," Jackson said before he and Kim left the classroom.

Chloe was stunned that Kim hadn't said a word. "What just happened?"

"We got paired with our enemies!" Dara groaned, sinking into her seat.

Chloe stared at the boys, deep in thought. "I think this might be a good thing."

Dara shot her a questioning look. "How? You told me it was best to stay away from them. Now we're stuck with them for a whole month!"

"Aren't you curious?" Chloe asked. "About the note? Because I am." She grabbed Dara's hand, forcing her to meet her gaze. "We might discover something we don't know about the boys. What if some people's lives are in danger? What if we're the ones to s—"

Dara quickly pulled her hand away.

"I didn't come here to fulfill a quest, Chloe. I came here to get good grades, graduate, and go home. No drama."

"Well, life has its own way of turning things around. Just think about it! Or do you plan to avoid them for a whole month? This is a graded project, don't forget."

Before Dara could argue, Chloe walked out of the class.

Dara sighed deeply. What was her life turning into? She had planned everything out perfectly, but now it was spiraling in a completely different direction.

"Hey, I heard you got partnered with the three baddies. Want to switch?" Maria asked, leaning toward her.


"No, she's fine with pairing with us, aren't you?" Kim interjected.

Dara hesitated before nodding slowly.

"Oh! Well, let me know if you change your mind," Maria said before walking away.

"If you switch partners, you'll get an F," Kim stated. "And as someone who's concerned about grades, I don't think you'd want that."

Without another word, he turned and left.

Even if she wanted to, she couldn't leave. She was stuck with the bad boys for a month.

Frustrated, she buried her face in her arms on the desk.