my miserable life.

My stepmom slap me across the face and I felt roughly on my butt you b****

you think I'll let you stay here and do nothing dream on because I am going to make sure you pay back every thing I repeat every dime my husband has spent on you miserable thing , just go and die we don't need you here she smirked and and came closer dragging my hair

" Now listen clean the whole house and make dinner and that is if you know what is best for you ,you do right good luck I'm doing that" and she left after saying that pushing to the ground,

I just sat down there and cry what a life that I'm leaving I'm so miserable right now why are they all treating me like this I just hate my life just which something will happen take me out of here


My name is Iris David's, the only child of the David's but unfortunately I got the saddest story ever, please don't pity me

My life wasn't as bad as it is right now when my mother was still alive I felt so miserable when she died. She was my life my everything , her smile makes my heart warm but since I was so unlucky in the life I lost her in a very terrible car crash .since the day she passed away and my dad got married to this witch of a stepmother I never knew peace, my stepmom and her daughter Rose frustrated my life, I did things I never thought I would do in my life .

Oh what a beautiful life and my daddy cared less, he treats me the same way though only cares about himself, he just canged completely, I regret having him has my father ,he never has time for me I tried many times to seek my dad's attention to the way they were treating me but it was to no avail I gave up trying , but what can I do he is my dad after all ,I guess I have to be enduring this but I can't have been enduring it for the past 5 years it is just too much for me I can't take it anymore I can't take it any longer I am just so fed up ,just which something will just happened a miracle and I will free from this place a miracle that'll just change my life ohh my goodness I feel hopeless, cause there's possibly no way out, I'm trapped.

Well since I knew what was best for me I stood up and get to work I clean the whole house and made dinner, I would eat the leftovers after all, but today, I just lost my appetite,by the time I was done I was so exhausted then I went to my room to rest my room is the smallest room in our mansion can you believe that like the smallest room inour mansion , for fuck sake I own one of the biggest room here, I never thought a day will come that I would sleep in the store room like the store the f***.

I took off my dirty stinky clothes and take a shower I'm lucky that I have a shower in my tiny room yeah I'm might be talking really cool but I am miserable right now, I shouldn't loose hope I went to the small mirror I hanged in my room, my cheek was so red ughrr that woman could tear a person's face apart with that her slutty hand, yeah she's a slut, only married my dad for his money.I landed on my small bed like of wood I was so exhausted I stared at the ceiling not able to get some sleep then I started thinking of my mom oohh if she was here I will be overjoyed "I miss you Mom I voiced out and and weeped. After some minutes I fell into a deep slumber.

Luke POV

I got a sudden call for my dad that was a bit surprising cuz he rarely call well I had no choice but to go . I am currently in his living room it has been a while since I've been here well who wants me anyway

So what is it that you want to talk about that is so important I said as I sat down and stared at him straight in the eye

You couldn't even say hi or hello that is so disrespectful of you

Please Dad go straight to point I have important things to do I said as I cut him off.' okay I won't beat around the bush…. It's about your marriage he said what does he mean by that I don't get you I replied confused okay as you know we and the David have been friends for a very long time and we betrothened you to their daughter their only daughter Iris,my inner parts started rejoicing , like is this really happening, I'm marrying iris the love of my love this is great

Oh that's right I totally forgot well not bad just make sure you don't tell anybody about me, I know you won't want to leave the rest to me I'll handle it I replied happily I don't like her family members at all so I want to do this and sort it out in my own ways

I can finally get married to the love of my life I'm coming baby wait a little bit more you will be mine in no time

Why do you seem so happy about this marriage why does it seems like you want this girl he asked staring at me

You are not mistaken that and I don't like her I f****** love her so much' I checked my watch.,'I have to go now Dad I'll see you later'I said and left I stopped at the door and glanced at him holding the door knobt

' and thank you I appreciate that effort of your' I meant that, cause I'm super excited

Iris is a very special friend to me more than a friend I've always had feelings for her but i wasn't able to confess so I was waiting for the perfect time and now is the time I'm coming baby. I'm wondering how she look now she would be so gorgeous and beautiful my love she'll he the most beautiful bride in this year.

I'm just the perfect man for her I mean I'm rich wealthy successful billionaire and I know a lot about her, nah I kow almost everything.

Like ever since we were a kid we were like the best buddies people would ever see

We became close when we had a chemistry practical she was like the with the high IQ

in our school and I was lucky to be with her, I was brilliant too but I can't stand besides, so this gat me wondering why she dropped out of school, and I never got in touch with her , she disappeared into the air like a thin smoke, I've searched the whole world for her but I got no clues , so I took a break on that but haven't given up but hearing my dad talk about her now takes my hopes up, it's mean I have a ninty percent of seeing her, I have a lot of planning to do and I could probably ask her about her sudden disappearance