Settling in? Not so much


The next day many of the Hendrix family members had gone out. Everyone except for Justin Harper.

I tried not to roll my eyes seeing him at the bar, where I had come to cool off. The smile on his face made him cringe.

When I settle down amongst the chairs, Justin comes to sit beside me with the same cringe worthy smile on his face.

"Why cant you just leave me alone?" I asked.

"I am just trying to know you. There is nothing harmful about knowing the woman my step brother married as a wife." He said.

The waiter approached the table and dropped a cocktail drink at his table. "One more for the beautiful maiden over here." He ordered.

"I am not thirsty. Thank you." I respond with a polite smile at the waitress who walks away after wards.

"Everything I have tried offering, you keep rejecting them. I want you to understand that whatever Aiden has told you about me is a lie."

"This is not about Aiden!" My voice was loud, but I did not care. "Aiden doesn't even care about you."

"But does he care about you?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"What are you talking about?" I asked. 

He reached out to his pocket and pull out his phone. He dropped the device on the table and pushed it over to my direction.

I picked up the phone and stared at the image with widened eyes and try hiding my disbelief by closing my mouth.

It was Aiden in the photo but with another woman. The headlines caught my attention.

The new Mrs. Hendrix? Is Aiden ready to settle down?

"Remember I asked you a question. Does your husband care about you? If he truly cares, he will not be letting these headlines fly around the place." Justin pointed out and sipped his drink afterwards.

I was lost in my thoughts.

I should not be angry, but something deep inside of me could not resist the anger that is slowly building inside of me.

"The choice is yours to leave the marriage or remain in it." 

I rose up to my feet, staring at Justin with a scowl on my face. "Regardless of the headline, Aiden is still my husband and he will explain it better to me."

I threw the phone over to him and walk out of the bar room.

On my way to the room, my ears picked up the sound of Aiden's car and I knew he will come to the room.

Not long after I sat down on the bed did the door pull open, revealing Aiden with a briefcase.

"I can't believe the investors will not take my products," He commented and walk past me, dropping his brief case on the bed. "They are asking for a large sum of money to get the product and the company is not willing to pay."

I said no words and did not look at his direction.

"Why are you quiet?" He asked coming behind me and placing his arms on my shoulder to squeeze them.

"Get your hands off me!" I demanded.

"What is wrong with you?" He asked, after removing his hands away and coming to stand in front of me.

"We had an agreement Aiden. You made me an offer to be your wife for one year and you cannot simply keep that promise?" 

"I am confused." Aiden admitted, his eyes never leaving mine.

I reached out to my phone at the bed side and searched through instagram for the picture Justin had showed me earlier.

"What is this?" I shoved the phone on his face.

"Who showed you this?" He asked, getting the phone away from me.

"Does it matter? You need to let me know if you want to continue this offer or not" I demanded.

"Did Justin show you this?" He asked, while ignoring my question.

"It doesn't matter Aiden. The headlines don't lie" I tried to let him understand.

"It is not about the headlines Sofia. It is about who controls these medias" He revealed and for the first time since he got into the room, I lacked words to say.

"Justin controls the media and I am sure this is one of his tricks to make people see what he wants them to see. Through the media, Justin controls propagandas."

"I…I…How am I supposed to know?"

I know it was lame to ask, but I did not know what to say.

"You should have waited for me before jumping into conclusion!" From his voice, I could tell he was pissed.

"Just give me a minute. Someone needs to be taught a lesson about boundaries." 

"Aiden!" I tried stopping him, but he was gone.

My instinct could sense a possible danger approaching. I quickly got out of the bed and head out of the room to the sound of shattered glasses and chaos.

"I have warned you to stay away from my wife!" 

I ran to the bar, panting helplessly and realizing I might have caused a fight between brothers.

When I arrive, the soldiers were trying to separate the two brothers from harming themselves. Aiden held a broken bottle in his hand and Justin held a knife.

The rest of the family members came to the scene and many tried to calm the situation down.

"Justin. Aiden, Enough!" A voice barked behind me and when I turned around, it was Aiden's father.

"Father, I am sick and tired of Justin pettiness and if nothing is done about it, I am going to kill him."

"Don't you dare threaten my son!" Justin's mother and mistress of Aiden's father warned and once again there is a loud commotion in the room.

Behind me, Aiden's father begins to cough aggressively. I rushed over to him and try to help him only to realize he was coughing out blood.

"Shit. We need the medics!" I yelled amidst the commotion ongoing, but no one paid attention.

The old man's hand slipped away from mine and he fell down with a loud thump to the floor and this pulled the attention of everyone.

"Get the medics!" I yelled, kneeling down beside him. His mistress joins us later and the commotion between the two brothers stopped.

"We need to get him to the hospital!"