The living room was dimlit, sparsely illuminated by the fireplace on the wall. It had just 3 large venetian red leather sofas and a dining set, convenient for lighthearted discussions over tea.
Leon was alone in the room at this moment in time, with his equipment unequipped.
As if believing himself the sun, this hero fancied the warmth of the fireplace, standing so close to take in more than just the heat
"You are suppose to be tending to the carriage, so why are you here, Stella?" asked Leon, without taking his eyes off the fireplace.
"I brought someone I think you'd want to meet" Stella replied, gesturing to Yel.
He stepped forward to introduce himself.
"It's an honor to meet you, Sun Hero Leon. My name is Yel Arki, rank C adventurer, acting Scout for this mission" Yel had mustered a good deal of his courage and composure to produce that
Leon turns around to get a good look at his eager visitor.
After a brief examination, he gave Stella a curious look.
"What's the meaning of this? I thought I made it clear you were to keep an eye on him, and only that" Leon asked his partner
"My sincerest apologies" Stella bows. "But if I may, this one; came to us instead"
"Hm?" Leon was surprised
Stella lifted her head up and continued. "For you see, he's made the unwise decision to inquire about the truth behind this mission. Thus, going by what you said about him, I thought it wise... to bring him into the fray"
"Another one of your instincts?" Leon asked
"Yes, I have a feeling this one is going to surprise us" Stella smiled charmingly at Yel.
He was slightly flustered, but managed to reign in his embarassment quick enough.
Leon gave him another piercing look
"I see...Very well, you may leave us" replied Leon, choosing to trust his partner's instincts rather than question them.
"Understood" Stella nods, then turns to Yel and whispered. "Here's hoping you don't come to regret this choice."
"I appreciate your help" Yel expressed his gratitude.
She smiled and waved him goodbye, exiting the room.
Caught up in watching Stella go, it required Leon's hard voice to call him back to the matter at hand.
"Have a seat" Leon said, ushering Yel to help himself with one of the sofas
"Th-thank you!" the nervousness is starting to set in again.
Stella's presence gave him a bit of courage earlier, for they were getting acquainted.
But with her gone, the pressure was starting to get back to Yel.
"Leon and I...about to have a private discussion. I'd say this is the stuff of dreams but considering some of the dreams I have, perhaps this is one dream I can and should properly navigate" Yel trying to settle himself as he sat down.
Leon could sense his restlessness, so in order to avoid being twice as imposing, he had a seat at the opposite sofa himself.
"So, what do you want to know?" Leon got straight to the heart of the matter.
"" the words were not leaving his mouth, Yel couldn't speak.
"Speak freely, we're all adventurers here. Or is your display of courage only prominent in the presence of my partner?"
"tsk, you're not exactly helping, Sun hero..." Yel thought to himself as Leon's words were putting him more on the defensive.
He looked up and saw Leon staring directly at him, his eyes unwavering.
"He's..." Yel calmed and took a deep breathe, and another.
Realizing he had the full attention of one such as Leon was somehow encouraging and gave him the determination to speak his mind.
"It's about the job. I'm curious to know why, what was to be a simple escort mission is being led by such a high calibre team. It's true the Malign forest can be a tricky environment to navigate, but surely it's not so daunting as to call for the full might of the number 5 team in the revered 10"
Yel asked, but for a small moment, he got no answer, only silence. Then,
"Is that all?" apparently Leon was waiting for him to continue
"huh?" but Yel was done, or at least he thought he was.
"What does he mean is that all, is he expecting another question? What question?..." Yel's mind trailed.
For a brief moment, he wondered if somehow Leon knew something about the nightmares that haunted him. He pondered if that was the ...'potential' he meant.
"No, it's impossible. I've hidden the evidence, no one knows of this affliction I have, not even Ema... there's no way..." Yel's mind was not at ease.
He didn't want to reveal what was going on with him, not yet. He was worried it'd get to his friends and then they'll start to worry.
His focus was on this mission, and the best ways to ensure it's success. Anything else, was irrelevant at this moment in time.
However, an opportunity to talk 1-on-1 with a figure like Leon doesn't come everyday, so to learn even just a bit more about his affliction, or what might have caused it-
"...What can you tell me, about the black plague?" Yel asked, with a determined look on his face.
Leon, the mission, was not his concern with this question; this was entirely for his own selfish reasons.
"Hoh, not the question I was expecting, but an interesting one all the same" Leon lets out a subtle smile, then leaned back on the sofa, folding his hands.
"Let's talk about the mission first" said Leon as he geared the atmosphere up for a crucial chat.
"Transport a priceless item to Saint Michloe's chapel. That is the mission, but that's not what you want to know. What you want to know is what is this item, why Saint Michloe's chapel, and why must the mission be a success; so much the strongest available party at the time was assigned this job"
Leon said as Yel nodded to confirm, giving him cause to continue.
"Now, what I am about to say is an absurd notion I know, but have you ever wondered what happens, when a Shepherd dies?" Leon asked
"!? ...That's impossible, Shepherds are-"
"Immortal?" interrupted Leon
"..." Yel stood silent.
"One would imagine so, for after all, a Shepherd has only ever been known to leave this world, once their own pursuit of prosperity has been achieved. But, the truth of the matter is, although the Shepherds are strong, they're not immortal, nor are they invincible, as we've come to learn"
The shock was evident, the thought of a being the entire world of Leithell considered a savior, so almighty a guiding light, could have their life force snuffed out prematurely was leaving too much room for doubt.
"What do you mean? ...are you saying?"
"Yes, it's been 50 long years since the last Shepherd graced us with his presence" Leon gave a brief pause, to let the gravity of the situation set in.
"The one before that, showed up 10 years prior. It could only mean one thing" Leon continued guiding Yel's train of thought towards one direction.
"... There's someone, or something out there...killing off Shepherds..." Yel couldn't believe the words coming from his own mouth.
Leon nods, further adding to the shock of Yel's own words and his beliefs, no, not just his, these were also his friends, Cyn, Ema's beliefs.
They've been praying to an entity that may never come, and someone was out there making sure of it.
"But...WHO WILL DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT?" Yel snapped, almost leaving his seat
Sure Yel didn't really look for a Shepherd to solve his problems, that's why he became an adventurer.
But then there was his friends; something was trampling over their hopes and dreams and he couldn't take it lightly.
Leon scowled at him, demanding he calms himself.
Yel sat back down and stared at the wooden floor apologetically, before Leon continued.
"Potential Shepherds are being killed across the 8 kingdoms. As such, the majority of the saints are leading an investigation." Leon said, in the hopes of lifting Yel's spirit some, for he understood what was just said would unrattle anyone.
"While that happens, it falls on us adventurers, the revered 10, to ensure the safety of our borders, with our current suspects being the Deilons shadow walkers" he continued
"The Deilons? Why?" Yel asked concerned
"I'm sure you're aware of the stance of the 3 orders. While the Holy Inquisition stands for unity, the Circle stands for independence. A moot point, but the dead of a shepherd only pushes further that pursuit of independence. Added to that, the fact the investigation is leading no where and the Holy Inquisition needs something to cling onto, that's the best we can come up with"
"So you mean to say we have no evidence..." Yel muttered
Leon nods - "We don't. What we do know, is someone's benefiting from it and they're being very careful about it. Otherwise they wouldn't go so far as to attack and potential wage war against the Holy Inquisition itself"
Yel still staggered by what has been revealed so far, he couldn't help but take some time to gather his thoughts.
Time Leon afforded him, but not too long
"A... frightening thought to entertain I'm sure, but entertain it we must, for you see, there's evidence of this one" said Leon
Yel stared back at him, he couldn't believe his words completely earlier, but to think he's leaving no room for doubt.
Leon smiled, for he saw through Yel's mind.
"Which brings us back to this question - What do you think, happens when a Shepherd dies?"
"..." again Yel stood silent, he didn't know the answer, he was afraid of the answer.
"An artifact, dubbed the - the True scriptures is formed; an embodiment of all that makes the core essence of a Shepherd. A Divine and most powerful energy in it's natural form, contained in a small mysterious vessel; that, is the price of a Shepherds life"
Leon being as clear and as descriptive with his hand gestures while revealing the truth behind a Shepherd's dead to Yel.
"Ironic, isn't it. Alive, a Shepherd promises prosperity. In death, they promise ruin" Leon concluded.
Yel's was brave, being fed what was clearly classified knowledge, dangerous knowledge.
His heart was bleeding at the thought of what Leon just described, and yet he didn't run, he stood there to take it all.
Leon was impressed by his valor, and thus decided to establish what they must now consider priority.
"It was important you knew about this information, so you'd understand the importance of the item we are task with its safety. We have learned someone is gathering the True scriptures. To what end? we don't know. But, nothing good can come from amassing so much power"
Leon said, standing up and slowly making his way towards a door to the far side of the room.
"uh? wait! so the item we are to escort is-"
"A True scripture. 2 weeks ago, a Shepherd potential was killed in Malecia, the Holy Capital. It was only thanks to the efforts of Demira the Faultless blade were the efforts of the perpertrator thwarted, and the artifact was recovered this time" Leon said
"Suspecting the perp might return for it, we're moving the True scripture" Leon continued
"...That will explain why a high profile team was assigned, to ensure such an important item is not lost. But, wouldn't it be safer in the Holy Capital?" Yel asked, Leon smiled.
"Good question. However, staying in the defensive is not the Holy Inquisition's way. In an attempt to bring the shadow walkers out of hiding, figure out their motives, they're taking a risk. It's a risk, we all must take"
Leon emphasized, as he reached the door.
"That said, there's someone I'll like you to meet. She should bring much to light concerning this mission"
"Does he mean the client? who could the client for such an important mission be?"Yel pondering as Leon knocked gently on the door
"My lady, it's Leon. I'll like you to meet someone, he's going to help us"
After a brief moment, the door slowly opened.
Yel tilted his head, trying to sneak a peek of whom Leon was now in hushed conversation with.
A short while later, Leon nodded and gestured for the young woman to make her way to the center of the room.
She carried herself eloquently, dressed in fine fabric and decorated gowns found only in the Holy Capital.
Exquisite makeup, silky white hair adorned with fancy jewellery, she struck a truly prominent figure, royalty even.
Yel was immediately charmed by her looks, but he tried not to let it show; strongly convincing himself this was not the time to be in awe.
Then Leon slowly joined them, introducing the lady in the process.
"I'll like you meet Lady Merika, grand-daughter of the All Saint Father and the crown princess of Malecia"
Yel was lost for words, his amusing ruse to convince himself against being awed was now shattered by those words. Finding himself in the presence of royalty was not on the agenda today, was not on the agenda ever.
However, this was only a brief moment weakness, as Yel quickly reigned in his emotions, having just noticed the forlorn look in Merika's eyes.
This was no time to be curtsy, no time for formalities, as Yel will soon come to realize, the burden she's been forced to carry, was no small one.