The Filth of Ferona - Part Three

Daria's POV

"Is she sniffing a week's worth? What is taking her so long?" I hissed, pulling out a clean laptop from the backpack at my feet and booting it up to connect it to the club's WIFI.

"What are you doing?" Devon asked, leaning over from the driver's side to catch my screen as he drummed his left hand against the steering wheel.

I turned it toward him and lifted my legs onto the seat to make myself a table. Then, I clicked on the command line and used the free Wi-Fi to connect to an employee's phone, which had entered the password for the main.

"I'm checking the security cameras to see what she's up to," I snickered.

I pulled up the cameras for the third floor and frowned when I saw Ferona in her living room but not Molly.

That's weird. Where else would she be unless she's already gone to the window? But as I looked at the door, I saw no one standing there.

Shit, did she bump into my brother before even going up?

"Wouldn't the camera for those stairs be on the second floor?" Devon interrupted, pointing to a row of cameras I hadn't checked yet.

I hummed in appreciation, lightly grabbed his jaw with a shake and a smile and clicked the camera. Molly's wide black eyes and a sly smile appeared at the door's window.

Talk about a jump scare.

"Fucking hell, she's off her face," I howled, shaking my head and pulling Rain from the back with my left arm to look at the screen and pointed over to her leaving the window.

His head popped between us to watch the screen with a raised eyebrow.

"I've never seen her face look like that," Rain whispered with a frown.

"I'm sure there's a lot of her faces you have never seen," Devon laughed, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I imagine she got a lot for all those warehouses," I laughed, turning my head and trying not to cry at the surprise on his face.

"Oh, didn't you know, nephew? She's been trading details about your operation to pay for her forever-rising drug debt… for years," Devon interrupted, pushing on his forehead so he could see me.

I smirked, shaking my head, and laughed, "Let's go. She'll return to the front soon, hopefully bumping into an old lay."

"What?" Rain growled, and I rubbed my hands together like a villain.

"My big brother is here, throwing my mom's money on a pole dancer. Good for the dancer, if I'm being honest, according to the PI, he's a big spender," I snickered.

I turned a few of the cameras we needed to walk past onto a loop and turned off the screen of my laptop. Then, I stepped out of the car into the biting wind and ran across the road before the guys exited the van. I need to control these extra stats; otherwise, I will set off alarms in the wrong people.

Devon shook his head as I shrugged my shoulders and headed up the black metal stairs with light steps. Not that it mattered when Devon and Rain stepped on them. I tilted my head and closed my eyes at them when I got to the top and opened the creaky door with a cringe for them to step in.

Devon froze, not even seven steps in and pulled Rain to look through one of the doors with wide eyes and an open mouth. What the fuck are they doing? I carefully shut the door and hurried to the door they were at, bending to see underneath them. I blinked, and my mouth dropped open as I watched Molly getting dicked out by Ferona's brother.

"I did not expect that," I whispered, grabbing Devon's black top and fisting my hand in it to stop myself from jumping in excitement.

Rain's breath rose as he watched Magnus pluck her nipples and illicit a shockingly deep moan from her. Her whole naked body was facing us as she kneeled over him with her arms around the back of his head and her face buried in his neck. His hands moved to grip her waist and guide her into his hard thrusts.

"Aren't you going to get the love of your life?" I taunted quietly, shifting from her little screaming session and heading down the hall with Devon as Rain continued to watch and pulled out his phone.

I laughed with Devon quietly, and we switched from Magnus' dark red and blue side of their flat to Ferona's heavy pink and gold décor. I shook my head in disgust and crept down the hallway as it broke into her living room. She was sitting on the sofa, her back to us with a phone nearly raised to her eye level, watching-

My head snapped to Devon as I watched Orion take out his dick and start matching the pace we were going.

Did she give it to Ferona?

I can understand Devon's shock.

For what?

'We can all guess what she was going to do to you this time,' Adam grumbled.


'Something along those lines,' I could feel the eyebrow raise in his voice.

 She's too dangerous. I expected her to send it to my family members, not a fucking sex trafficker.

I felt anger build within me, and my reflection appeared on the screen. Ferona screamed in surprise, dropped the phone, and jumped over the table in her heels. I snickered, effortlessly jumped onto the sofa, and stepped across the table and another chair, catching up as she tried to run for her desk at the end of the room.

'Not too smart, is she?'

Don't be mean. This is that flight or fight response that isn't always too logical.

I laughed and swiped at one of her heels, "Oops," I snickered as she toppled to the floor, stepping on her back and holding her down as she struggled and wriggled on the floor.


"He's otherwise disposed," I laughed, pressing my foot into her chest so that all she could do was scream at a lower volume.

Devon came around in front of us, the phone gripped in his hand and his eyes blazing with fury.

"It was stupid of us to do that. We thought she would show Rain, not sell you off to this degenerate," he growled, dropping the phone on the floor and stamping on it.

Bits of glass flew around the place, forcing Ferona to cover her head and scream like a strangled cat.

I sneered and lifted her, crying, screaming, self up by her hair to get her to stand up straight.

Luckily, Molly is a screamer.

"You'll be perfect next to Rain. Now, where is Nexus?" I hissed next to her ear.

"He's mine," she barked hysterically, hitting Devon as he grabbed her wrists.

Ferona threw her head around, screaming about how she'd chuck me to a group of men when her brother arrived.

She obviously doesn't know he's deep in her spy right now.

I rolled my eyes, roughly grabbed her chin and the base of her neck and snapped it to the right with lightning speed. I shifted away as Devon let go of her hands, and her body crumpled to the floor.

"So noisy," I sighed, dropping on her sofa and rubbing my temples.

"You've killed her," Rain said in surprise, and I turned around on the sofa to face him.

"Oh my god, Rain. Shut the fuck up and carry her to the van," I ordered indifferently, standing up and heading for her laptop.

'Wow, I didn't think self-righteous was something his brain could comprehend,' Adam mocked, and Devon and I laughed.

I yanked her charger from the wall and picked up her phone, a sly smirk gracing my lips as I looked around.

"I'm going to dismantle the shit out of this place," I grinned, walking down the hall and past the room with Molly moaning and meowing like a cat.

"What the fuck?" Devon whispered with a hand cupped around his ear and his other holding the door open for me.

"I'm not one to kink shame, but I believe she likes to be a kitten," I whispered back, sticking my tongue out and licking the air at Devon and moving my head over my ear with a cute pout.

I watched Rain slowly turn his head back to me, ignore the door with a red face, and carry Ferona like the princess she wasn't.

I snickered and skipped down the stairs, putting my arm around Devon's shoulder and kissing his cheek as we crossed the road.

I pulled the back of the van open, gesturing for Rain to get in with her. I slammed the door in his face and spun around with a serene smile.

"You're not meant to look this sexy after killing someone," Devon chuckled, taking my outstretched hands and lifting them around his shoulders.

"The first time was a bloody mess," I sighed, pulling him into me by his neck and bouncing us into the van door.

"Ah, is that why you snapped her neck?" he mumbled, kissing my exposed collarbone and sending shivers down my spine.

"Mmmm, yes, I wasn't staying in that vile place to clean it," I cringed, dreading the work of shutting it down.

"The strongest men in my team would benefit from training with you for motivation," he growled, lifting my leg onto his waist and grinding into me.

I jumped and wrapped my other leg around him. 

"Is that an invitation?" I chuckled, running my hands through his hair and sighing into the sky.

"Daria? What the fuck are you doing here?"