
Harry fumed silently as he stuck his finger into his mouth to suck off the remaining blood. Malfoy scowled at him, he was holding out a square of cloth, a handkerchief, but he slipped it back into his pocket as Harry glared at him defiantly, still sucking the traces of blood off of his healed skin. Harry wasn't that stupid, he wasn't giving his blood to Malfoy of all people.

He watched suspiciously as Malfoy inserted his wand back into the cane and clunked it back onto the desk; the snake head was again facing Harry.

He turned back to the goblin who had mixed the strange liquid in the second vial with his blood before shaking it vigorously and then tapping it with the tip of his finger, which he then tapped on a piece of large parchment.

Harry watched in fascination as runes started spreading out over the parchment, he wished he could read them. The goblin, Nagnok, then uncorked the vial and tipped it over the parchment and Harry was amazed when it started forming letters and then words.

"Harry James Potter, born in July of nineteen-eighty to James Doran Potter and Lily Potter née Evans." Nagnok read aloud questioningly.

Harry bobbed his head. "That's right."

"You were legitimised on the twenty-sixth of September nineteen-eighty, correct?"

"Legitimised? What does that mean?" Harry asked, looking from Nagnok to Malfoy in confusion. "Your father wanted you to have the Potter lordship, which he couldn't have given to you if you had remained a halfblood, so he had you legitimised by naming an appropriate pureblood as your godfather." Lucius replied smoothly. "If you marry an appropriate pureblood, then the Potter line will remain in the Pureblood Directory, if you marry someone who isn't a pureblood, then the Potter family will be taken from the Directory and your children will be unable to claim your lordship when you pass and it will fall into the hands of the Ministry unless you declare your seat voided before your death."

"What if I name a pureblood as their godfather?" Harry asked while thinking of Ron.

"As you, yourself, are not fully pure and your spouse will not be pure either, then your children cannot be legitimised, whereas if you marry a pureblood, you may then be allowed to legitimise all children you have to claim them as pureblooded. The lines of the Potter family will remain unbroken, they will be bent a little due to your muggleborn mother, but still legally pure as she was still a witch and not a squib or a muggle."

Harry's head spun with all this new information and he nodded his understanding. He wasn't planning on marrying anyone for a long while, so he had time to figure out how important this lordship was and if he wanted to pass it down to his maybe children.

"Why does me being legitimised show up on a blood test?" Harry asked instead.

"To fully legitimise you, your chosen godfather would have given his blood to you, so his blood, which was pure, would run through your veins to a lesser extent than your parents' blood, to make up for your mother's impure blood, but it is still picked up by the blood test administered." Harry nodded again.

"With the recent passing of the Black heir, Sirius, who was named your godfather on the twenty-sixth of September fifteen years ago, you also have the most legal claim to the Black lordship." Nagnok told him.

Harry felt Lucius Malfoy stiffen beside him and his hand slid down further to touch his wand handle instead of merely hovering over it, just in case.

"Would you claim this as well?" Nagnok demanded of him.

"I don't even know what they are." Harry sighed exasperatedly.

"I would advise you to claim them both." Malfoy told him, completely surprising Harry. "Draco is a candidate for the Black lordship through his mother's side, but as Black's actual blood runs through your veins as his godson, you are the closest thing to an actual son that he had before his passing. Draco needs to focus on his studies more, I fear a lordship would be…ill-suited to him at the moment."

"Why not just let him have it?" Harry asked curiously, wondering why the hell Malfoy was passing this opportunity over. "It must be a huge honour from what the man in the café was saying for someone to have one lordship, let alone two."

"It is, but it is yours by rights and I would prefer that Draco focused more on his studies. He is already very distracted lately, it seems he spends more and more time with his little friends than he does studying and his subject grades are…declining."

"He and Pansy were getting very close last year, a Ravenclaw swore she saw them coming out of a broom cupboard all messed up." Lucius Malfoy's eyes widened slightly and his nostrils flared, but that was the only outward sign he gave that he'd even heard Harry.

"How would you know of these things?" He asked smoothly, seemingly unable to ignore the conversation now that it had started playing on his mind.

"Things like that don't stay a secret at Hogwarts. There were stories too about Pansy taking early morning visits to Madam Pomfrey; apparently, she'd had a pregnancy scare and all the rumours were that it was Draco's baby."

That got Harry the tightening of a fist and he saw the visible effort it took the elegant man opposite him to keep from immediately standing and leaving to chase down Draco and demand the truth from him.

"Thank you for informing me of this behaviour. I'll be sure to correct Draco of his wrongdoing and inform Lord Parkinson of his daughter's behaviours and advise that she has a purity test done. Such behaviour is beneath us purebloods. Her betrothal match will reflect her behaviour accordingly."

"Draco isn't the worst, just the most sought after. Blaise Zabini is the worst; he'll sleep with anything that so much as moves."

"If we could get back on track." The goblin demanded, not interested in the slightest for human gossip.

"So, I'd have two lordships, the Potter and the Black?" Harry questioned after a long silence. "Why did no one tell me this before?! No one has so much as mentioned it in passing to me, not even Sirius."