
He'd attended a second Wizengamot meeting just after his sixteenth birthday and he understood a little more than he had the first time around, which proved that he was learning from the numerous amounts of books he was reading, but he mostly stayed quiet and sat as close to Lucius as he could while in public, listening and learning. When he was asked for his opinion or his vote, he took a deep breath and actually thought about what was being asked, having taken in the arguments and opinions of the other Wizengamot members at the D-shaped table, and thought about his answer before he gave it. He believed that he impressed at least some of them with his opinions and insight into some matters, or maybe it was merely because he wasn't bumbling around like a fool or just merely copying Lucius. He was young, he knew that, and as most of the other lords were forty years or older, it really made him stand out as a teenage boy to them. Yet, on the same hand, he wasn't the youngest person to ever claim his lordship early, one boy had been just thirteen when he had joined the Wizengamot. So Harry was a little uncertain about everything, he was a lot less vocal than all of the other lords, at least for the moment while he was learning, but he was happy to know that he wasn't the youngest person to ever be on the Wizengamot and though he hadn't been raised knowing about his lordship or what it would entail, he was learning quickly. With Lucius' help too, he thought he was holding his own against the older, more informed lords quite well. He knew that they didn't exactly take him seriously, not yet, but they listened…not only was he Lord Potter and Lord Black, which was abbreviated to just Lord Potter-Black for the sake of convenience, he was also Harry Potter and because of that fact, he at least got people to listen to him instead of just laughing and cutting him off. Which he was thankful for as he'd been shitting himself when Lucius had warned him that the other Wizengamot members might do just that.

He'd met a lot of people that he hadn't known existed, particularly Lord Xerxes Lestrange, who had taken a great interest in him too. The man was huge and he was at least the size of two people in height and broadness, his hand was firm and rough when he stuck his hand out to shake, only he didn't shake Harry's offered hand, he took Harry's hand like he was a girl and he kissed the back of it with dry lips with a firm pressure that lasted for only a moment.

Harry bit his tongue and smiled softly, even if it was a little forced, remembering Narcissa's lessons. He was to be strong and gentle, graceful and eloquent; he would be a consort because of his childbearing abilities, he would be the 'lady' of the house…he'd been repeatedly hit with the smacking hex for the bitch fit that had followed that piece of information. He'd gone over Lucius' knee again once Narcissa had told him of his disgusting and despicable language and behaviour upon finding out his apparently 'superior' status once the man had come home from work.

"I look forward to seeing more of you very soon, Lord Potter-Black."

Harry turned to Lucius questioningly when they'd been let out of the Wizengamot meeting.

"Please tell me that you never betrothed me to him, he is not forty or under. I'll eat both of my feet, socks and shoes included, if he's under seventy."

Lucius smiled at him. "He is seventy-four and he would make you a good match, he is strong, reliable, and he is enamoured of you. The Lestranges have good, strong genes." Harry blanched, feeling a little faint and Lucius chuckled darkly. "You are betrothed to his younger grandson, Rabastan Lestrange, who is thirty-six. Though he will be thirty-seven later this year, we were friends in school and, of course, we remained friends later in life. They accepted my offered contract of you just yesterday."

"The one in Azkaban?" Harry asked with a frown.

"The one who escaped from Azkaban." Lucius corrected quietly.

"How can I be betrothed to an escaped felon?" Harry demanded.

"Not in public, my son." Lucius hissed at him.

Harry clenched his mouth shut and shifted his expression to neutral, he corrected his posture and made sure to call upon all of his lessons to avoid going back over Lucius' knee when they got home. If he impressed the man now then he might get a lesser punishment, like a restriction on his sweet treats or how many letters he could send, though he was already quite restricted on both of those to begin with, but he had no wish to be restricted on them even more than he already was, but it was much better than being spanked like a little boy and then made to stand in the corner while the pads on all of his chairs were taken away.

"You're doing wonderfully well." Lucius praised quietly when they reached the Atrium. "Keep it up and you may pass for Lord Potter-Black after all."

Harry tried inexplicably hard and he forced the smile to stay mental and not show it on his face as he appeared disinterested and aloof as he tried as hard as he could to keep pace with Lucius, just slightly behind him as Lucius' legs were really long, unlike his own short, stunted ones. He didn't look left or right and he kept his chin up, looking straight forward. He was doing well, he thought, especially as he'd only been with the Malfoy family for a little under a month. He remained calm and he didn't dodge anyone, he made them move out of his way as Lucius did. At least until Dumbledore hurried across to them from the opposite side of the absolutely huge Ministry Atrium…there were a few people following him.

"Harry, my boy!" He called out to stop their progression.

Lucius immediately stepped in front of Harry neatly and placed a hand on his shoulder to ensure that he knew where he was standing at all times.

"Dumbledore." He greeted silkily. "I don't believe that I gave you leave to speak to my underaged son."

"Now, Lucius, we both know that he isn't your son." Lucius chuckled mockingly. "I think that you will find that he is legally mine and there is nothing that you can do about that. You do not have my permission to approach my son in such a way."

"I am his Headmaster."

"Yet it is not school term time. All inquiries that you have about my son's education will be directed to me, if I feel that Harry isn't performing to the best of his abilities, then I will act accordingly."

"Are you alright, Harry?" Dumbledore asked around Lucius's side.

Harry averted his eye contact, not lowering his chin below ninety degrees, but turning his head in the opposite direction. He didn't answer. Lucius was his legal father and had expressly said that Dumbledore did not have permission to talk to him; Harry wouldn't undermine that by talking to Dumbledore, not after everything that Lucius had done for him over the last month. The man had taken him in, had meticulously taught him what he needed to know, he was caring for him in his own way, punishing him when it was called for, setting up everything for him and actually taking the time to tell him everything that he needed to know to survive in the wizarding world. No, he wouldn't go against Lucius, not now. He had nothing to say to Dumbledore anyway. At least nothing that wouldn't have him shouting at him in anger in an undignified display that would get him punished when Lucius got him back home.

"I assure you that he is better than ever. He is being taught properly and re-educated. Which reminds me, I have taken this time to change Harry's electives for his sixth year, as is my right as his father. I am homeschooling him myself in the missing subjects to get him caught up before the new school year starts. That is the extent of the conversation regarding my son's education. Come along, Harry, we have lots to be getting on with."