"Don't look so worried. I will propose my plan to help the government out without letting my identity slip."
Selene promised but the others did not look as convinced as she hoped to make them be.
"But, what if they trace it back to us?"
Ethan spoke up,
"I'll take precautions. The proposal will be untraceable. And if it does come back to us, we'll have a contingency plan. I know what I am doing."
Selene assured, but the real reason she was doing this was to create a fracture between the government and Vale family's future business relationship.
It would not impact much, but it would make Selene feel like she got a part of her revenge without hurting anyone…except the Vale family's funds.
Orion's fingers drummed on the table, a habit he had when he was thinking hard.
"If this works, wouldn't it also draw the attention of the Vale family?"
Selene's expression darkened.