Ch 91: The Meeting- Part 3

Selene stepped into the government office. 

The room was large, with a polished wooden table and soft lighting. Most of the council members were familiar faces. 

She even spotted the blonde woman who had tried to cause trouble for her last time.

But two new faces stood out. 

They looked young—too young for this kind of meeting. 

One was a girl with short black hair, wearing a leather jacket. She sat back in her chair, looking bored. 

The other was a man with wheat-blond hair. He wore a simple white shirt and jeans, yet held himself with confidence.

Selene's instincts flared, and she activated her Insight. Her head throbbed as the tried to over-exert her power, but Selene could not back down.

She needed to know who these new players were and why they were here.

'These two feel suspicious. And that man…he's the one who gave me that weird feeling earlier. I need to find out what he is hiding.'