The next day, we woke up and started our daily routine after breakfast. Since my home is in Antalya, we live close to the sea—just about four hundred meters away. We walked to the beach and back. Ever since becoming a father, my priorities have changed. Instead of strict, goal-oriented activities, I now focus on fun and enjoyable pursuits like swimming and playing football.
My family home in Antalya is a detached duplex within a military housing complex. As a result, I could say it's a military compound. After returning home, we took a short rest.
Dora stood up and gestured toward the computer.
Dora: "Dad, it's time! Stop being lazy."
Altay: "Alright, let me rest for a bit. I'll be there soon."
Dora: "There's a message here."
Altay: "What kind of message?"
Dora: "Come and see for yourself."
Altay: "Alright, I'm coming. What is it?"
Dora: "Log into the game, Dad."
Altay: "Alright, I'm getting ready. I'll be in shortly."
I sat in my chair and logged in. As the game world loaded, I found myself back in the village where I had last left off. Something about it seemed different, which took me by surprise. Mikoto and Aşina greeted me as soon as I arrived.
Mikoto: "Welcome, my lord. We have prepared the village for your arrival. We've made several improvements—enhancing archery and swordsmanship skills. Currently, the village houses a hundred cavalry warriors, skilled in composite bow usage, classified as B+ riders. Their riding and battle techniques have been refined through our joint training efforts with Lady Aşina. Both men and women have volunteered as cavalry warriors."
Altay: "Hmm... Are you serious? You've accomplished so much in this time. This is an incredible achievement."
Aşina: "Of course, my lord. We've customized and organized the nomadic system to suit the lands of Turkestan. Not only have we improved arable lands, but we've also developed animal husbandry. We now hold a share in Silk Road trade and collect passage fees. Furthermore, we have established certain agreements with the Roman Empire. Within the next six months, we expect them to send an envoy to us."
These artificial intelligences had surpassed themselves. After reaching a certain level, they managed their own affairs, discussing matters like real people. It was both fascinating and a little frightening. The best thing to do was to adapt to the situation.
Altay: "I commend you both. You're accomplishing great things and exceeding my expectations. You are the cornerstone of my generals. Now that I'm here, let's handle our unfinished business—let's find the Earth Spirit."
Mikoto: "Of course, my lord. Thank you. Lady Aşina, would you like to explain, or should I?"
Aşina: "Thank you, my lord. Mikoto-san, please go ahead."
Altay: "What's the matter?"
Mikoto: "My lord, in order to reach the Forest Spirit, we originally needed to travel for three days. So, we bred horses to reduce our journey to a single day. However, here's where the problem arises. The mission to rescue the Earth Spirit will now require us to travel approximately thirty kilometers into the Western Tien Shan forest. There, we must face the Itbaraks. Even though we are superior in level, we must devise a strategy."
Altay: "Well thought out, Mikoto. Battling the Itbaraks might be easy, but their numbers are vast. We will lead from the front, and the cavalry will follow behind us. How many men are in the cavalry unit?"
Mikoto: "Why do you ask, my lord? Do you have a plan?"
Altay: "According to legend, the Itbaraks were so numerous that Oghuz Khan had to develop an unconventional strategy to defeat them. These creatures transform at night but appear as normal humans during the day, making them difficult to track. To turn the situation in our favor, we will liberate the Itbarak women. They are bound to this curse as well, serving as little more than slaves. I have another idea, but I'll share it on the way. For now, let's prepare. Aşina, you'll be riding with me."
Aşina: (blushing slightly) "Alright, my lord, but I don't quite understand the reasoning."
Altay: "You are my right hand. Keeping you distant wouldn't be beneficial. Think about what we could do if we encounter giant creatures like Tepegöz."
Aşina: "You're right, my lord. I will consider this."
Altay: "Does the village have a blacksmith?"
Aşina: "Yes, my lord."
Altay: "Summon him."
Aşina: "But my lord, you are a member of the Aşina clan. Your blacksmithing skills are excellent."
Altay: "I know. I just need a simple design."
The village blacksmith, Touba, arrived shortly after.
Touba: "You summoned me, my khan?"
Altay: "Welcome. What is your name, blacksmith?"
Touba: "I am Touba of the Apar dynasty, my lord."
Altay: "I need you to craft a banner for me by noon. I will imbue it with mana. The emblem of my family, the Gray Wolf, should be on it."
Mikoto and Aşina exchanged surprised glances.
Altay: "What's the matter, girls? Are you surprised? You should know that in Turkish tradition, raising a banner symbolizes rebellion. Our mission is to find the Four Elements, and we will draw them to our side."
Mikoto: "My lord, we are not surprised anymore because we've come to expect such things from you. Your deep knowledge of history has played a crucial role in our development. Isn't that right, Lady Aşina?"
Aşina: "Indeed. I was just about to say the same. The fact that you do not simply follow the system's game rules but rather adjust it based on your knowledge is a remarkable phenomenon. Normally, computer games operate on specific protocols and algorithms. Just as humanity cannot surpass the speed of light, we too cannot break free from certain game mechanics. However, your unique approach has made our development more human-like."
Altay: "I'm aware of the advantages this game provides us, but we have yet to face our greatest challenge. So, let's not celebrate too soon."
Touba: "Great khan, I will begin crafting your banner immediately and have it ready by noon. With your permission, I will take my leave."
Altay: "Of course. I look forward to your report."
Legacy of Otyken - Part 2, Chapter 2
We set out on our journey. After traveling through the forest for about half a day, we arrived at the foothills of the Western Tien Shan, the sacred Tian Shan Mountains, a place now recognized by UNESCO as a world heritage site. Our destination was deep within the heart of this forest—or at least, that's what we believed. This mission was not going to be easy.
Ahead of us stood a massive mountain range. The Tian Shan Mountains stretch from east to west, characterized by a combination of ridges, valleys, and basins. We had to decide where to begin our search, or else I would need to expend my mana. I hadn't considered this before, but utilizing my abilities as a Guardian-class character would be the best course of action.
A Guardian fighter, known for high endurance and pursuit skills, was particularly suited to strategies based on Eastern philosophy—like a monk or a Turkistani shaman (Kam). This made it an ideal choice for formulating a plan.
We stopped at the foothills of the Tian Shan Mountains, waiting for the reinforcements that were on their way. They had set out safely, but they would not be as fast as us. The mountains were covered in snow, which would be the greatest factor slowing them down.
Altay: "We're taking a break at the foothills of the Tian Shan Mountains."
Aşina: "But my lord, we still have a long way to go!"
Altay: "Yes, I know. But look at the mountains—our search area is vast. This terrain is not favorable for cavalry. That's why we need to hold them back and have them wait here. We need to prepare for a strategic retreat if necessary."
Aşina: "I understand, my lord."
Altay: "Let's set up a camp here. Even though it's not too cold, this place is ideal. Now, to locate our enemy, we will ask for the guidance of Mother Nature—Umay Ana. To conduct the ritual, we need three living sacrifices: one arkar (wild ram), one baytal (young mare), and the most difficult one, a buka (breeding bull). Let's spread out and find them. Catching the buka will be the hardest—it requires both strength and skill. I'll handle that one myself; I already have a strategy in mind. Since this is a safe area, we can split up without worry. Aşina, you will track down the baytal. Mikoto, you go after the arkar. We meet back here in an hour."
Before us lay the Syr Darya River. This river was incredibly deep during the winter, making it an ideal location for both secrecy and surveillance. I followed the river downstream, where I discovered an unfamiliar tribe.
By day, this place looked beautiful, but by night, it was swallowed by darkness—the city of the Itbaraks. I hadn't expected to find it so easily. This meant I had to adjust my strategy. I needed to use our offerings differently. If there was a curse, then surely there was a way to reverse it as well.
During the day, they wandered as ordinary humans, meaning there was no immediate danger. However, I knew better than to simply stroll into their city. Sneaking in unnoticed was the best approach. Like a thief, I could search for a breeding animal.
This settlement seemed to favor a sedentary lifestyle. Unlike us, they lacked a nomadic heritage. The layout of their dwellings resembled that of Roman city-states—simple yet structured, with a clear hierarchical system dictating who lived where.
The lower class gathered on the outskirts—farmers in the middle, warriors slightly inward, and the wealthiest, most powerful individuals occupying the very center. This was a major advantage for me—it made my task much easier.
To move quickly, I sneaked into a farmer's stable and tied up the first breeding animal I found. The bull looked strong. However, in our traditions, theft was forbidden. I pulled back and reconsidered my approach.
Changing tactics, I decided it would be wiser to purchase the animal instead. I made my way to the village entrance and called out to the locals...
Altay: "Hey, villagers! Look at me! I am a traveler from a distant land. My Khan has sent me to purchase a breeding bull. If I fail, it will bring great harm to me and my people. Please help me! I can bring you great wealth in return!"
Leopord: "Hey, stranger! You can't just walk in here so casually! And who is this so-called Khan of yours?"
I hadn't thought of a name. I had to improvise quickly to avoid making a mistake.
Altay: "You already know who I mean. That's what he told me to say."
Leopord: "Are you talking about the bastard who cursed us?! Get lost, you damn wretch! You're not welcome here!"
Altay: "Tell me—who is it that cursed you? I am not just a merchant; I am also a skilled healer."
Leopord: "Wait... Do you even realize what you're saying?"
Altay: "I am fully aware. And I can prove it to you."
Leopord: "And how do you plan to do that?"
Altay: "Give me a breeding bull, and meet me back here in an hour. As a guarantee, I will leave a rune stone worth a hundred times its value. I will return before nightfall and prove it to you."
Leopord: "Fine. I will send my wife to accompany you."
They allowed me to take a breeding bull from the village, and as promised, they assigned someone to accompany me. A village woman named Regina was sent along.
When we reached the rendezvous point, my cavalry units had already arrived. Mikoto and Aşina had also found the other sacrificial animals. Regina, upon seeing the cavalry in full formation, was initially startled. Then she turned to me, her voice laced with caution.
Regina: "My lord, who are you? And what is the meaning of these soldiers?"
Altay: "I am Chieh She Shuai of the Aşina dynasty. I have come here to restore order. The people you see beside me are my comrades. Lady Aşina is my wife, and Lady Mikoto is my sister. Now, let me explain how we will break the curse cast upon you by Erlik Khan."
I pointed toward the live offerings we had gathered.
Altay: "These sacrifices will be dedicated to Umay Ana. Their souls and bodies will be presented to her, bound by royal seals. These animals may not be hunted, sold, or killed—they may only perish naturally. Should anyone break this law, they will bear Umay Ana's curse, which is irreversible. It is a divine decree, supported by the Sky God, Tengri."
Regina: "But... What does this have to do with our city, my lord? I do not understand."
Altay: "For now, let us play our roles. We will return to the village soon. But before that, do you have anything you wish to tell me?"
Regina hesitated, then sighed deeply.
Regina: "Our city—our entire nation—is suffering under a great curse. The Visigoths have enslaved us in the heart of the city, forcing us to labor as Itbaraks. By day, we appear as humans, but by night, we transform into beasts that no longer recognize each other. We turn into monsters—attacking and even killing one another.
Tonight is a full moon. Your task will not be easy. And the Visigoths... they are ruled by the İçgek (Vampires). They possess the very object that cursed us.
The ruling family of the Visigoths are followers of Erlik Khan. When we once tried to rebel against them, the curse turned all Itbaraks against each other. We could no longer tell friend from foe.
(Regina touched her face, tears streaming down her cheeks.)
My children... My own children were slaughtered! Those damned monsters pitted our people against one another! That is how the second-class elite soldiers were formed—those who accepted defeat and abandoned us to side with the enemy.
Most of our population consists of young and middle-aged men. The central district is ruled by the Athanarik family and their vampire warriors, the İçgeks. Entering their domain is nearly impossible. And tonight... when night falls, we will transform as well. Then, who will guide you?"
I nodded. She was right. But I had already prepared for this.
Altay: "We will take the sacrifices and head for the city. I will create runes and barriers for those who stand with us. This will nullify Erlik Khan's curse for at least an hour—that will buy me enough time. The key is to get their military forces out of the city.
Tell me, Regina, how many are there?"
Regina: "There are about two hundred B+ rank Itbaraks, and fifty A+ rank İçgek warriors. But the leader of the Athanarik family… he is the most dangerous—an S-rank İçgek Lord."
Altay: "My cavalry is composed of B+ light cavalry. They specialize in hit-and-run tactics. The Itbaraks won't be able to keep up with their speed. Meanwhile, Aşina, Mikoto, and I will handle the İçgeks. Once inside the city, is there a designated gathering point?"
Regina: "Yes, my lord. We use a storage building as a shelter. Around three hundred humans live in the city, including women, children, and the elderly."
Altay: "Good. Then let's move, Regina. Aşina, Mikoto—stay hidden. We're going hunting."
Aşina: "Understood, my lord."
Mikoto: "I am ready, Great Khan. Our preparations are complete."
I turned to my cavalry, raising my voice.
Altay: "Warriors! My comrades! Today, we will end the rule of Erlik Khan and his Athanarik followers! Draw the enemy into battle, but give the Itbaraks a chance to surrender. Use hit-and-run tactics. If they bow to our rule, show them mercy. If they do not… show them none. We are offering them a chance to atone for their sins. This is our one chance to end this oppression!"
The cavalry raised their fists into the air, their voices thundering as one:
Cavalry: "Our blood is yours! Your path is our path! Your rule is our rule!"
I smiled. These were my warriors.
Altay: "Regina, get ready. We're moving out."
Regina: "Yes, my lord."
We set off toward the city. As we traveled, I gave Regina specific instructions. Under the cover of darkness, we infiltrated the city unnoticed.
Altay: "Regina, listen carefully. I will break your curse, but you must gather your people at the designated shelter. Bring everyone to me. You have thirty minutes. The more people you gather, the more lives we can save.
I will deal with the İçgeks. The cursed Itbaraks do not matter right now. Go—find whoever you can and bring them here."
Regina: "Understood, my lord."
Regina did as I instructed. She gathered her family, including her husband Leopord, and as many villagers as she could. When they returned, I broke the rune stone I had given to Leopord.
Altay: "Leopord, Regina—we will place the sacrificial animals at the city entrances. I will advance toward the center. Regina, you take the buka, and Leopord, you take the baytal. I will handle the arkar.
Once you've placed the sacrifices, retreat to the safe zone. Here—take these talismans. Do not remove them. They will allow you to pass safely. No one enters. No one leaves.
By dawn, this will be over. Do we have an agreement?"
Leopord: "What is all this?! Someone explain what is happening!"
Regina: "My love, just do as he says. This might be our last chance—for us, and for our unborn child."
I smiled.
Altay: "Congratulations, Leopord. This may be your only chance to save your family. Listen to Regina. Stick to the plan. Everything will go as planned.
Now... we begin."