_ Not a Monster

His head snaps up, and our eyes lock.

Oh. Oh, no.

I can hear his pulse. It is an agitated and terrified drumbeat in my ears. His scent fills my nose.

Oh, how warm and coppery… how alive. My body reacts before my mind does. My muscles are tense, my fingers are quivering like a bad file.

Hunger slams over me like a rogue wave, drowning out every rational thought I have. 

God, he smells so good.

I swallow hard. I try to fight it. Really, I do. But the more I resist, the stronger the craving gets.

My legs begin to move on their own. I take one step, and then another… 

His eyes widen in horrification, probably thinking I am here to rob him or something. But bro has nothing on him… except for his juicy flesh.

His grip tightens on the rod. "W-what are you doing?"

I didn't answer. Instead, I take another step.