All of that was absent, only the most direct and brutal slaughter remained, devoid of any fanciful tricks.
The aim was bloodshed, the aim was death.
Only in such a manner could one truly affect the fortunes of the opposing sides of Dao and Demon, genuinely bolstering the efforts of Luo Hou and the four great ancestors who were engaged in battle.
This mindset also influenced the Tribulation Qi, further spurring its growth and to some extent affecting rationality.
The Daoist cultivators were well-prepared psychologically and were not scared off by the Devil Cultivators' charge; instead, they met them head-on, locked in deadly combat.
All cultivators, be they from the Demon Path or the Daoist sects, had conscientiously separated their battlefields.
Cultivators below the level of Golden Immortal fought on one battlefield, Golden Immortals on another, and Daluo Golden Immortals on yet another.