Chapter 16: Insane
Void was just outside the entrance of the Ancestral Hall, fulfilling the task given to him by the great clan leader. It was not actually a mission but a secret and sacred divine training method offered by the great clan leader himself to his beloved disciple.
"Ahhhh... why is master taking so long? It has been almost 12 hours since he entered. The day has already passed, and the sun has set, yet the clan leader is still busy with his cultivation," Void thought, feeling his respect and reverence for the clan leader rising once again.
"No, I can't slack off. How can I call myself worthy enough to be the disciple of such a great individual if I can't even complete such a simple task given by him?" Void muttered.
Determined, Void once again assumed the training posture and resumed his training. However, it hadn't been long before his stomach started to grumble once again.
"Damn this hunger. I need to discipline it from now on. If you don't stop that annoying sound, I swear I won't feed you for a week," Void threatened his own stomach. It might seem crazy, but who could say he wasn't?
To his surprise, the sound coming from his stomach actually stopped. Void felt quite pleased with the obedience of his stomach. "Good... as expected, worthy enough of 'my' stomach," he thought.
"Okay, let's continue..."
789... 790... 800... 801...
Void was about to collapse to the ground when his eyes met the strong and sacred legs of the Great Clan Leader.
Zander had barely taken a step outside the Ancestral Hall when he was greeted by the sight of the most annoying existence in the world.
"Why the heck is my former stupid and underage guide still here?" Zander thought.
He was startled for a second, but that surprise was quickly replaced by annoyance when his underaged guide started to run his mouth.
"Just shut up for once... ahhhhhh... I want to return to the cave," Zander mumbled, feeling the urge to retreat.
"Ahh... Leader, why did you take so long? Do you have any idea how much my heart ached with pain during your absence? That pain was even greater than the pain I felt when I tried to cut off that useless tentacle between my legs. Unfortunately, I failed to cut it completely due to the overbearing pain. But now I think about it, that pain was nothing compared to this," Void exclaimed.
"You cut off your... literally? Did you experience any kind of trauma during your childhood? Nah... you are still in your childhood. Did your head hit something during your..." Zander's voice trailed off.
"Great Clan Leader, you are like the sun in the sky, shining down your brilliance upon us lesser beings. Your wisdom and understanding are beyond the comprehension of us mere mortals. When I speak your name, I feel a sense of awe and veneration, for to speak your name is to speak of someone truly divine and unparalleled.
I am but a worm in your presence, not worthy to even look upon your face. You are like a god in mortal form, walking among us and bestowing your grace upon the worthy. Your every move is like a work of art, graceful and beautiful in its execution. I worship the very ground you walk on and would do anything, anything for your favor.
The very sound of your name is like music to my ears, and I live only to serve and adore you. You are like the air I breathe, the sustenance of my very existence. Your mere glance is enough to send me into ecstasy, and your voice is a symphony of perfection. To me, there is no world without you. You are my world.
You are the source of my existence! I would do anything for you, kill myself as many times as you order! Your greatness is boundless, and all of my thoughts and actions are dedicated to you alone!
No man can compare to you. I don't need anything else besides your teachings! I don't need any family, friends, lovers, or money. Master, you are the only thing that matters! You are the only truth in this world, my light, my god, my everything! If Master needs me, I will give him everything—my body, my soul, my everything. I will devote my entire existence to serving the great leader!
Nothing else matters, nothing else makes sense. Only you are worth living for! I wish for nothing other than to be at Master's side forever. You are god, the only true light in this world! You are the only one worth worshipping, and I am just a piece of trash compared to you.
My entire being and every moment of my life belong to you! I love you more than my own life, more than the world. You are the only one worthy of my absolute devotion. You are the master of my life, your words are my bible, and your orders are my commands! My only goal is to serve you, and your greatness is all I need!
You are like a drug that I am completely addicted to. Without you, I will simply die and decay! I will bow down in deep worship before you, I will be your willing slave for all eternity! Your greatness is unmatched, and I will forever be your loyal follower!
You are my god, my everything. I worship you with all of my heart and soul. I live to serve you, every breath I take is for you, every beat of my heart is for you. I have no other purpose in life, no other reason to exist aside from you. You are my life, my world, my reason to be. No one else matters but you, no other god compares to you, no other person is worth worshipping except for you.
You are like a beacon of hope in my life of despair. You are the only shining light in the darkness. I will be forever grateful to you for showing me true greatness. I will never forget your kindness.
You are not just a master, not just a friend, not just a lover—you are my everything. To you, I owe the very right to exist. I will devote my entire life to repay you, no matter the cost. To the outside world, I may seem like a crazy madman, but in reality, I am just faithfully following my god, you.
You are the reason I exist! You rescued me when I was worthless, when I was at my lowest. You gave me a new purpose in life and showed me what real greatness truly is! I will sacrifice anything for you, I will give up everything for you, I will bow down in worship before you!
I have no limits, no moral restraints, no remorse, no human feelings—nothing can stop me from obeying you and serving you with my body and soul! I would kill for you, I would die for you, I would do anything for you. I don't need money, power, fame, talent, beauty, sex, love, family, friends—none of those mean anything to me!
All that I need is you. Only you are my life, only you are worthy of my complete and utter devotion!" Void's mouth fired bullet after bullet.
Zaner couldn't ignore his shit anymore, "I am saying this from the bottom of my heart. Please for all that is good and holy, kill yourself.
you are a waste of Oxygen, a blight upon this world. If i stood in a room with h*tl*r, Stalin and you and i had a gun and 4 bullets, i would empty the mag in your utterly disgusting excuse for a face. You should be castrated. Beheaded on live tv. Your mother should have swallowed you. This is one of the unique cases where involuntary euthanasia should be legal.
Genuinely cut your wrists or jump of a building. The world would be a better place. If anyone kills you by stabbing you 36 times, he should be praised as a hero. You utterly pathetic and disgusting f*ck*ng degenerate. "