CHAPTER 3: Harsh

Me and Ruby were in a moment together and suddenly a man started shouting about our behavior but, we didn't care about it. Then I saw a girl in a long white color kurta, deep brown eyes behind her black frame specs, and black braided hair, she was the picture of innocence and purity I was awestruck by her beauty but, Ruby distracted me and took me inside the apartment as usual. 

So, now it's probably noon time and I have to visit the central library to apply for a membership there although I don't have any knowledge about books I thought it is the best way to utilize my time so, I just called up for a taxi and get to my way.

I reached the library within half an hour as the library was on the third floor so, I decided to take up the lift. As soon I entered the lift I saw a bear, of course, it was not the real bear but it was a person wearing a Mascot costume, I just ignored it and got inside the lift but, suddenly the lift got a bump and stopped and we both got stuck into that bloody lift, it gradually started becoming hot and difficult to breathe but that guy was still in that heavy, baggy costume. It was becoming unbearable for me so I just pulled up my shirt, I stared at that mascot costume but, I think the person inside didn't want to breathe. It started becoming more difficult for me so, I started pulling my pants off, suddenly a girl shouted at her highest pitch " Stop removing your clothes " It made me feel embarrassed and astonished, I quickly pulled up my pants and put on my shirt. "I am sorry, I just didn't know you were inside," I said in full shame, after a bit, I noticed this girl was from my neighbor the morning, which made me feel more embarrassed and full of shame. She seemed to be irritated in distress an by seeing her eyes I can tell that she must be crying like hell but, I didn't have that guts to ask her about what's going on so, I suggested to took of his costume otherwise she will melt like ice . she stared at me and started doing as I told her , it is seemed to be that she is struggling in opening her back zip , she was trying trying and trying but not able to do so, I just pulled her near me , she got frightened but , I just assured her that I just wanted to help her , she allowed me but, the zip was stuck I was trying hard to pull it down but it was not working so, I just went to do it with more pressure so, this came to be right as I pulled it down suddenly lift also started working so, the girl just pushed me away and ran out of the lift , I followed her till we both reached the library and I found out that she works there so, I just apologized her about what happened in the lift " I am sorry what all happened in the lift , so can you just recommend me a book " she said politely " what kind of a book would you like to read ?" , I replied " what kind of a book a person should read after 8 years getting out from the jail " , she gave me a book named "The catcher in rye " , I took that book and moved down from the library . I have some mixed feelings going through my body, a feeling of love, a feeling of pain while seeing her tears rolling down her cheeks, a feeling of distress, a feeling of being lost in her deep brown eyes behind her specs. I was confused about what was I thinking and feeling about so I just put all my thoughts aside and submitted my membership form.