THE FORSAKEN ONE: AS the light went the void sattled and in.a remote place a cry was heard due to a universal nova( collision of two cosmic sea,s) this rear event marked the bitter start of the war of the two laws called the frost and shadows law they were very powerful to say the least but the fight got very intense and interesting when they both disappeared without leaving a trace . There marked the start of the rule of the cosmic race (creations of Aazam) after a few tens of hundreds of Quato year's go by. The place where the laws fought a small egg was found by the law of darkness. After caring for it the day it hatched misfortune fell upon the cosmic race as many died and many were erised from existence. It marked the birth of the prposised forsaken god LUCIAN .
Note: he is reatagated as the god of hell in this story.
As both the creator and crimson light had taken notice of his existence he began improving his three laws.
Note: this is very rare to have 3 laws.
He created the matter law, permafrost ,archdemon law and went to challenge the creator. With bad intensions and lots of questions. The man covered with a dark ooze going through the space and time to confront the creator. His eyes burning with rage and he attured I need my answers.
As he reached beyond the fabric of space and time he felt a familiar aura but he could not remember how that was . The beinge of pure darkness reached in to the holy laws library. As he arrives a voice was heard that said" I know the purpose of your visit but it's not the right time for you to know what you are. The dark forshakan god was very angry but in the library he was power less. After that event 100000 Quato year's passed and in the lower world a feint new law was felt.