As he weakest hearing a voice saying you have completed this temple you may proceed to the treasury. As he stands up weakly and limps over to the healing hotspring and falls asleep . After some time he weakest up and starts to proceed to the treasury. There where many items and weapons but he could only take a few untill he spotted a purple colored bag . Aa a cosmic space bag with this I could take all the stuff here as he proceed to put all of the items in the bag.
The boy was happy so he was thinking his next course of action further thinking had to be halted because of the soon approaching night . He decided to take up camp for the night. As he was sleeping. A deep voice said let's not miss this time ok . Theasked men wear about to attake but ken woke up not conscious but sleepwalking muttering I'll fucking kill you basterds you bloody fuckers and then he started to beat the shit out of them because of his dream . The men wear killed by the sleepwalking ken. As the sun rose high in the sky ken woke up and saw a bloody bodies lying . And remarked did I sleepwalk again my fucking habits. And proceeded to open the loot that he obtained. Out of all the items ken took out three one being the scarlet cloke that high defense and and one was a new law weapon of the master class bloody klin and a skill rune of the law master level hellfire ignite.
As he was done with the strange city of seaking. Ken decided to go to the ausura city to gain experience I. Fighting as this city was famous for its arena battle's.
But someone was not happy with our boy as he beat the shit of his dogs the blond me who was named Seth cried out you will pay dearly you son of a bitch. I call someone in a furious voice kill him or die yourselve follow and kill him the man in the law grandmaster relm replied yea my lord. The disappeared in to thin air.