As that bitch of a sister of left the his kingdom. Ken was tired and sleepy but he had a meeting with the military strategist. Ken a old man with a white beard walked in to his sleeping chambers. Ken spoke in a authorative tone have a seat my dear adviser. The man replied with a casual oky lord. As the man stated talking About the recent aggressiveapproch of the frostpalace they had found a black iron mine near our borderlands. And are trying capture that area of ours.
The man added and our wepons and armor sells are very popular in the KISEN domain my lord now is the time for war I think if you allow it .ken who was in deep contemplation he replied ok . This is a tricky situation as the frostpalace is protected by the crimson light kingdom. I think I should send one of my messangers there for the permission for a war approval. And we also need a official letter verified from the KISEN domains elder conical . As ken says it's a pain in the but running all these Arrants. The old man got annoyed and said looks like you don't understand the situation we're in . Our kingdom is sourounded by the powerful kingdom's.
Ken adviser suggested a formation of a knight order. Ken approved this idea of his and said as per the salles of weapons stop them as we need them for our new knight order.
In afar away reality we see a man in utter darkness and light at the same time. He spoke with a sinister sound interesting very interesting the things you create my brother they are very profitable for me . I think I should pay your storyline for awhile and the man dissolved in to darkness as he was flying somewhere in a black dragon.
In a another place a strange event was a curing as the laws of the world we're gathering in a small hut in a big forest. As we see a small girls who suddenly starts growing rapidely and becomes a lady in her twenties . As she was there a white hudded man talked to her saying welcome back my majesty silver light.
As the long night passed the bright but crual day arrived and we see ken practicing his swordplay. As the next king's Dule was approaching.ken says in a small sound it seems like this year's annual competition will be very intertaning. As we see a arean with a man standing in the middle of it.