Chapter 1


Finally! I got a job!

An assistant job, sure, but still—a job. It would keep me busy while I worked on my Life n' Life blog and waited for a proper opening in journalism, my field of study. More importantly, I could finally bring home the bacon. No more relying on my mom or older sister. Mom would be proud of me!

I squealed, tossing my phone onto the sofa before breaking into my celebratory dance.

Tomorrow, I'd start as a personal assistant to a real estate agent who worked for the renowned Hass Consult. From what I'd read, the company was thriving, and their sales had doubled since this woman joined. She'd even earned a reputation as a "wrecking ball" in her field, according to some of the articles online.

Stacy, my best friend, had told me about the job opening. Weirdly, I was hired without an interview. A woman named Kate had simply called, telling me to report with my CV and Identification card. Why so abruptly? I didn't know and it didn't matter. I needed this job. I just hoped my boss wouldn't turn out to be a micromanaging tyrant or, worse, the type to make me pick up their dry cleaning.

~~~Fast Forward Monday ~~~

I sat outside the office, fidgeting nervously as I waited to be called in. The space was a showroom for the upscale '88' apartments my future boss was selling. I tugged at my pencil skirt, smoothed my blazer, and adjusted my stiletto heels. My brunette curls were tightly pulled back, a few strands framing my face. Today I'd decided to go with some light makeup, a touch of mascara and eyeliner. Professional but not overdone.

"You can come in now," a male voice called from inside.

Wait. A man? But I thought... I thought my boss was a woman.

Brushing off the thought, I took a deep breath, picked up my bag, and knocked. "You've got this," I reminded myself.

"Come in," a woman's voice responded instead.

Taking a deep calming breathe, I stepped in, immediately spotting a man sitting in a chair next to an empty one, while a woman, presumably my boss, sat behind a polished desk, typing on her computer. Her face was hidden behind a curtain of dark hair. But something about her felt oddly familiar. Did I perhaps know her?

"Hey, Andrea, your new secretary is here," the man said softly, standing to move behind her.

Ugh! Just my luck! Why did my boss have to share a first name with the one person I hated more than anyone else in the world? Andrea. Even the thought of her name made my stomach twist. I'd vowed never to speak it again, to erase it from my life. God, how I hated that Andrea. The chair swiveled, and my boss turned toward me, her face still partially obscured by her hair. There was something oddly familiar about her. No! No way! My heart dropped. Was it her? My Andrea? No. It couldn't be. But... but that name. No it couldn't be I quickly internalized immediately dismissing the thought. The world couldn't be this cruel to me. My gaze returned to the two, shifting between my boss and the man standing beside her. Were they co-workers? No, they seemed too close for that. They had to be dating.


"I'm almost done ba... Blake. Just a minute," she uttered still typing away.

Taking the opportunity, I let my gaze wonder around the space. The office was stunning, a modern masterpiece of glass and elegance. The walls were made of one-way glass, allowing a clear view of the outside while keeping the interior hidden from prying eyes. At the center of it all was a large, polished mahogany desk positioned right in front of a massive window that let in streams of natural light. Her nameplate gleamed at the front of the desk, a quiet assertion of authority.

Everything on her desk was meticulously organized, a sleek Apple computer on the right, a neat stack of files to the side, and not a single item out of place. Even the cream-colored chiffon curtains swayed lightly in the breeze coming through a slightly open window, adding a soft touch of warmth to the otherwise sharp, professional atmosphere. It all looked so perfect, like it belonged in the pages of a high-end design magazine.

"I'm done now," the announcement came. The chair slowly swiveled, and she turned to face me. Her hair shifting to reveal a face I'd know anywhere.





It was her. Andrea Shelby Night.

My worst nightmare.

My first love.

My greatest heartbreak.

Holding her gaze, I couldn't help clenching my teeth so hard that my jaw ached. My pulse hammered as memories flooded back. The woman who had shattered me was now my boss.

Andrea stood, smoothing out the wrinkles on her dress as she walked toward me with a warm smile, her curves highlighted perfectly by her white dress and maroon heels. She looked stunning.

Damn her.


Damn me

Panic bubbled up inside me as the distance between us reduced. What should I do? Should I hug her? Despite everything, I really wanted to hold her after all this year. Should I? No. Hell no. I couldn't let her know she still had any effect on me. I had to pretend. I didn't know her and sure as hell didn't acknowledge traitors who trampled ony heart. She was a stranger! A stranger that I hated with every fibre in me.

Feigning ignorance, I plastered on a wide smile. "Good morning, Ma'am. It's so nice to meet you. I'm Cassey Bookner, your new personal assistant-slash-secretary. I can't wait to get started—I just hope I don't disappoint you."

Andrea froze mid-step, her smile faltering as confusion clouded her eyes.

What? Did she expect some sought of a happy reunion? A warm hug? Tears of joy? Fat chance!

"Ma'am, are you okay? You seem a bit pale," I said with fake concern.

"Honey, are you okay?"

"Yes. Yes I'm fine," Andrea answered strained.

The man stepped forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Hello, Cassey, I'm Blake Martin. Andrea's boyfriend," he introduced himself with a charming smile and an extended hand which I gladly took.

Boyfriend. Of course, she had one. My stomach churned, but I forced a polite smile and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Blake. You two make a lovely couple."

"You're quite lucky, getting this job without an interview," he added. "But you look like you're up for the task."

"Yes, I'm very lucky indeed," I replied, my tone dripping with sarcasm as I shot a glance at Andrea.

Blake didn't seem to notice. "Andrea's great to work with. I'm sure you two will get along well."

I bit back a laugh. "Of course. I look forward to it."

He kissed Andrea's cheek before leaving, waving goodbye at us as he went.

Now it was just us. The tension in the room was suffocating.

"What do you need me to do, Ma'am Andrea?" I asked, my voice sickly sweet.

Her eyes flashed with anger, burning holes through me. "Seriously, Cass? What the hell was that?" she snapped.

I shrugged casually, feigning innocence as if her reaction wasn't exactly what I'd expected. "What?"