The air is fresh and clean, carrying the scent of wildflowers and freshly cut grass.
In the distance, the hills rise majestically, their peaks shrouded in mist.
The rolling hills are a patchwork of vibrant green and earthy brown, with clusters of trees and shrubs dotting the landscape.
The whole landscape was bathed in the warm glow of the rising sun.
- Palm trees swayed to the gentle breeze in the warm tropical sunshine. - The sun and the moon were visible in the clear blue early morning s ky.
The sun shone brilliantly and the water in the pond glittered invitingly.
In the midst of all this, there was a town that stood for many many years, for over a century.
In the far ends of the town, there was a house.
This specific house was one of the first to be built in the town, marking itself is one of the oldest.
But even with its oldness, it was one of the most well maintained houses in the area.
The old house is the sanity of these hills, the ever present home amid such change.
I can remember each brick for as far back as my memory goes, touch them, feel the texture that has greeted strong summers and hail stones with such dignity.
The House I grow up in.
While lost in my initial thoughts, I hadn't notice that someone had cracked behind me, without making noise they slowly covered my eyes
" Wai- Oh it's just you"
Without giving it much thought, I already knew who it was. From the touch of her hands, to the smell that resonated from her clothes, to the small giggles she made.
"Boo! You're no fun Arthur"
She let go of the hold she had on me, taking a sat beside me.
" We both know that its on you this time around"
She turned to face me, annoyed at what I said. With her beautiful Gary and green eyes
"What do you mean by that?"
She asked, raising her left eyebrow
"I mean what I said, the only reason I'm not playing around, is because you made me wait 20 minutes for you to get ready."
She looked at me with disbelief of what I said as if I wasn't right.
" You dare say that to your own sister!? I raised you with my own hands and you can't wait for me for 20 minutes?? "
"Yes, how long does it take the average woman to change clothes?"
"I'll ignore the Yes part... But it takes about 10 minutes.. maybe? I'm not sure! Okay?" She seemed to be at a loss of words, but even that didn't last long " but anyways we all know that I'm more than average "
"Who gave you such false hope and belief? I'm genuinely curious to know. Was it Mother? Or the old man "
When I said that she want from frustration to annoyance in a split of a second
"I will have you know! That not only was dear Mom and the old man but also the rest of the town agreed!!"
" Soo... I guess the whole town has bad taste in... everything "
She didn't respond to me after that, she just set there with her poker face.
It was as if she had given up on fighting me on This.
"So, are you not going to try and defend your claims? Have you given up already?"
"No, my claims will defend and prove themselves"
"Ooh?, are we that confident now?"
"Yes, confidents is power brother... And with it I'll win, everything that I set myself to do, is mine to conquer "
She had a light smile after saying that, and I couldn't lie. She looked beautiful and the sad thing about it, is that She'll never hear that from me.
" Uhm fine by me Alexander, but don't you think we'll be late for church if we stayed here any longer?"
After realising what I had said, her eyes turned to that of pure shock and fear
"Oh shi-"
"language dear sis"
"Forget about that for a moment. We have to go!"
Getting up, she quickly took hold of my arm.
Today was the day of prayer, and we couldn't miss it. We quickly ran through the streets, occasionally taking a break.
The church was on the other side of town.
Making it a good 20 minute walk from side to side.
On our way there, I happened to bump into someone and Both of us fell to the ground.
Alexander, who was running beside me, stopped as well and came back to check up on me.
"Arthur! Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? Speak to me!"
She wasn't exactly the best with her words, nonetheless her heart was in the right place.
"Yes, I'm fine Alex. No need to worry about me. We should worry about the person I bumped into first"
"Oh..yes, right "
Trying to get my thoughts together, I turned to face the person I bumped into. And from the looks of it, it was a boy. Around my age as well.
"Hey, are you alright?"
With the help of Alex I was able to get up. And from there, I extended my arm to the boy who was still on the ground.
"Y-Yes, I'm fine. Apologies for bumping into you"
He seemed a bit shy and uneasy at first, but after helping him up. He had calmed down a bit.
"No need to apologize, if I had looked where I was going. Then we would not be here as well"
"Haha…perhaps you're right and it's a pleasure to meet you two "
"The pleasure is all mine, Oh. And Before I forget, My name is Arthur and This right here is My Sister, Alexander"
Taking this opportunity, I introduced myself along with my sister. Who seemed amused by this.
"Oh? You may call me Louis Violi , Last born son of the Violi Family"
"The Violi Family? " Alex, who seemed interested in the matter, questioned him further on the topic.
And for what seemed like forever, we talked, and talked.
The time went by as we did, not realising how late we truly were.