Part One: No. 9062

As Kajin and Ruya approached the cave's entrance, they were momentarily blinded by the light outside. Shielding their eyes with their arms, they stepped out. Kajin lowered his arm slightly and took a look around. In front of him stretched a vast forest, with tall trees and soft grass. The sound of birds filled the air, and the sun shone brightly on the grass, making it glow. The earthy scent of wet wood surrounded them.

"This is..." Kajin muttered, lost in thought.

Ruya slapped him hard on the back, catching him off guard. "C'mon, Kajin, we need to move," Ruya said, grinning brightly. He darted into the forest, leaping high into the air and onto a tree. Moving swiftly, he hopped from branch to branch with ease. Looking back, he called out, "Don't fall behind!"

Kajin blinked in surprise but quickly smirked. "Don't underestimate me just because you got a head start!"

His arms ignited with flames as he leapt into the air. Gathering fire in his palms, he unleashed a fiery explosion, propelling himself forward at incredible speed. Ruya, alarmed by the noise, turned to see Kajin flying ahead of him.

"Don't fall behind!" Kajin shouted, smirking as he released another explosion to increase his speed.

Caught in the explosion's shockwave, Ruya crashed into a tree. Coughing, he steadied himself and muttered, "That bastard..." After catching his breath, Ruya closed his eyes briefly and vanished from sight.

Kajin sped through the forest, glancing around. "Did I leave that fool too far behind...?" he wondered. Suddenly, he felt a weight on his shoulders. Looking up, he saw Ruya standing smugly on top of him.

"What the hell? How did he get here?!" Kajin exclaimed in shock.

Ruya laughed and said, "The forest has been my second home since I was a baby."

Leaping off Kajin's shoulders, Ruya landed on his back and gripped his shoulders. His eyes began to glow as he pushed off, propelling himself forward and sending Kajin crashing to the ground.

Kajin groaned, brushing off the dirt from his clothes. His expression darkened. "That elf has too much confidence. I should've beaten him properly back in the castle."

Fire engulfed Kajin's feet as he crouched into a running position. Flexing his legs, he launched himself forward with small fiery explosions, rapidly gaining speed. Before long, he caught up with Ruya, who glanced down in shock.

"How did he catch up so fast?!" Ruya thought, gritting his teeth.

The two raced through the forest at incredible speeds, startling the animals as they zipped past. Eventually, the forest began to thin, signaling its end. Both gave it their all, Ruya leaping harder and Kajin switching to white flames for an extra burst of speed.

As the last of the trees fell behind them, the pair made a final leap. Landing with a loud thud, Kajin slowly stood, brushing himself off. He looked over to see Ruya standing triumphantly.

Ruya turned to Kajin and laughed. Kajin's tired and annoyed expression was obvious.

"Yeah, yeah, you won. Congratulations, Ruya," Kajin said dryly.

Ruya grinned. "Guess we're even now! You beat me in the spar, and I beat you in the race!" He extended a hand toward Kajin.

Kajin looked at the offered hand but didn't take it. Instead, he released a fireball at Ruya.

Ruya flew back, crashing into a tree. Smoke poured from his mouth as he slumped to the ground.

Kajin turned away, crossing his arms. "Now we're even."

He began walking away as Ruya groaned, slowly picking himself up. "C'mon, bro... that was just part of the race," Ruya muttered weakly, following after him.

They walked along a stone path until Kajin stopped at a nearby signpost. Reading it carefully, he muttered aloud, "Current location: Mid-Night Flower Valley."

Looking around, Kajin noticed the valley was filled with the glowing flowers that gave it its name. He continued reading the sign, "South-East: Slavara."

The name struck him like a bolt. His heartbeat quickened, and the world seemed to shatter around him. Memories flooded his mind, and his expression darkened.

Ruya noticed his sudden stillness and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Kajin? Is everything alright?"

Kajin snapped out of his thoughts, his eyes now cold and resolute. "Change of plans."

Ruya tilted his head in confusion. "Huh? But wh—"

"Slavara," Kajin interrupted, his voice firm. His eyes glowed red with intensity. "We're heading to Slavara. There's no time to lose."

Without another word, Kajin marched forward, leaving a bewildered Ruya to follow.