Chapter 4

Three years had passed since the prophecy and their misfortune continued. Anita suggested they look for the man who might be root of all this. They visited their childhood neighbourhood again insearch of the man. The Oracle had told them his name. When they arrived at they searched for him to together as a group. They knocked on the door of this strange lady. She usherd them into the house which smelled strongly of concoctions. How may I help you she asked them. Pat asked her of sibusiso. The woman's facial expression changed to that of fear. She became quite instantly. Madam if you know something about who he is and where to find him please tell us Anita pleaded. The woman begun to tell them the story of how her husband and sibusiso started a farm and her husband with greed harvested all the crops and left sibusiso with nothing, and how subusiso had cursed him saying that when ever a banana on a tree in the farm rippers a member of their family will die and how her entire family consists of 3 people who live in fear for their lives everyday. This is awful. Anita said angrily. This man is so powerful then Danny added. Why are you looking for him anyway. I think he cursed our dad too. Pat answered. They inquired about how they could locate him. But any hope was crushed when the woman told them he disappeared suddenly one day.