After leaving Colin at the hospital I headed to Camden,I have long waited for this moment. I quickly boarded a train with a smile on my face.
After some hours on the train we finally reached my childhood town.
I stepped out from the train looking around. It has changed a lot from the last time I was here. Back then I was staying with my maternal grandma as a kid, father had refused to see me in his house, he had said I kept reminding him of his wife inability to bear a son,so mom had concluded it's best I stayed away. I was sad and heart broken,but not for too long,grandma was the nicest person I have ever had,and pretty soon I met my crush, Nate Stallion. And then my misery was all gone.
I put my hand bag on the luggage to freely breath in some air. 'Oh how I've missed this town," a tear dropped from my eyes. There are memories I hope never to forget.
Bruuu…a car horned bringing me back to reality.
I quickly took my things and walked away, I was standing at a dangerous lane. And of course I needed to find a place to stay. As I walked down the road, my gaze fell on a signboard read which, 'LOUISE HOTEL.' I hurried across the road and walked in.
"Hello," the receptionist greeted as I approached," welcome to Louise Hotel, I'm Lucy," she smiled warmly.
"Hello," I smiled at her response." I would like to book a room for a week. How much will it cost?."
"It depends on the room ma'am," she handed me a menu.
"I will get this," I smiled pointing at a single bed room." Fifty dollars right?"
"Yes ma'am," Lucy smiled.
"Here's my card."
After we were done with the transaction Lucy handed over the key to me.
"Thanks...Lucy right?," I asked with a smile.
"Yes ma'am, miss Isabella.." she giggled.
"Alright now, I will head to my room now, bye.." I waved ger good bye.
"Same here ma'am, I hope you enjoy your stay here."
"I hope I will..."
'It's been a while since I have been in Camden,still no traces of him,' I thought as I sat in the swimming pool sipping some lemonade." I just pray I get to meet with him before my stay here expires," I said, staring at the guys in the pool.
"Care to join us?," one of them asked with a flirty smile.
"No..I don't want to get wet," I declined.
"Who's talking about getting you wet babe? I'm just asking for you to swim with us," they all burst into a teasing laughter.
I watched them dumbfounded, 'what does he mean by saying that?' I wondered.
"I guess she's green man," another guy shouted from the poolside. They all burst into an hilarious laughter staring at me as if I were a strange creature.
"You're new here?," the first guy asked with a funny look.
"No..I'm not, I think I should start heading to my room," I stood up ready to leave when I accidentally boomed into a waitress with a tray of red wine.
"I'm sorry ma'am," the waitress trembled with fear as she hurriedly cleaned my cloth with a napkin.
"That wouldn't do, it's okay," I feigned a smile trying to hide my annoyance and frustration, a sudden scene came into my head, 'you would have been a dead meat if I happened to be Colin,' I laughed inwardly.
"I'm sorry ma'am..." the waitress kept on pleading.
"Please where Can I get a new dress?" I stared at my ruined dress.'I need to find him,but first I need a new dress,it wouldn't be nice seeing him in this...'
"There's a boutique close by ma'am,just two blocks away from here,I could help you with the order if you don't mind," she lowered her gaze, feeling remorse.
"It's alright.." I took her hands on mine," it's okay I will go there myself you have work to do here huh,and also I dare we are same age, just stop with the ma'am stuff it's making me look aged," I laughed revealing my dimples.
"Thanks ma'am,you're so pretty," she chuckled."I pray you find a good and caring husband."
"Can I get your name?," I asked, changing the topic.
"I'm Katerina,you can call me Kate or Katie," she smiled.
"Hmm that's a nice name, it's popular among romantic novels, I bet you've tried once to kiss a frog and prayed it would turn into a Prince Charming?" I laughed wholeheartedly.
"No..," Katerina blushed.
"Then you must be a helpless romantic?" I held myself trying to control my laughter.
"Yeah..I guess I am," she joined me in laughing.
"Thanks Katie," I gave her a hug, I can't remember when I had such a laugh.
"For..for ruining your dress?" She asked with astonishment.
"Well there's good in anything it's just that people decide not to see things that way, well thanks for making me laugh, I was having a rough time," I gave her a friendly smile.
"I'm glad I could do that for you, you're a lovely person," she smiled.
"Hmm," I sighed," alright Katie, I hope to see you around in my remaining stay here, bye for now."
We both hugged for the last time and parted ways.
I walked down the road in search of the boutique Katerina had described for me. Immediately after I had walked two blocks away from the hotel I saw a signpost which read,"IN BOUTIQUE ." Her description was indeed prefect.
The place looked nice and serene," hmm," I sighed as she walked in. 'I hope I can get a nice dress for a reasonable amount. I wouldn't want to spend so much on a dress, my every dime matters a lot.
"Hello ma'am," someone said from the reception, I turned to look in the direction I heard the voice.
"Hello..., please I need a dress."
An attendant came immediately from the dressing room.
"We've got anything you need ma'am just come over here."
"Oh dear! I love this one," I admired, staring at a lovely blue velvet gown with a red rose on its breast.
"That's the one I asked for!" A lady shouted, stepping out from the other side of the hall.
"I beg your pardon," I was beyond amazement, 'what does she means by that?'
"I'm sorry ma'am but you said it didn't suit your taste," the attendant said feeling offended.
"I say I want it or are you daft," the saucy lady dragged the dress from me.
"But ma'am this isn't fair," the attendant protested.
"I need to see your manager then you will get to know if it's fair or not," she raised her shoulders.
Just then the manager walked into the situation.
"Hello ladies," he smiled at us," can I be of any help ?"
"And you're?" I asked with annoyance.
"I'm the manager ma'am,I noticed there's an argument here."
"Yes there is," the saucy lady said rolling her eyes at the attendant." You see I was the first to pick this dress, but then this poor thing offered to sell it to this..." she pointed her hands disdainfully at me.
"Well you must know that this dress is deluxe, so the highest bidder gets it," he grinned revealing his gap teeth.
"Is this an auction?" I asked trying to maintain my calm.
"How much is it please?" The other lady asked with pride laced in her voice.
"Ten thousand dollars," he grinned deeply.
"I will give you twenty she said, heading to the reception to pay her bills.
"That's lovely ma'am," the manager grinned happily.
"" I stammered as she couldn't comprehend what just happened.
I walked away angrily cursing under my breath.
"Hey..miss," the attendant ran towards me with an excited look." Here it's all yours," he grinned showing his white teeth.
"Why..? What's this?," I asked still feeling bitter about the previous event.
"My boss ordered us to give it to you," he said still grinning.
"Your boss?, please tell your boss I don't have such an amount for the dress okay," I opened the door about to step out.
"No ma'am, it's a gift, It seems like you got his attention, he has never done anything like this before," he suddenly put on a serious look.
"Then why did he change because of me? I don't know him, I can't accept his gift, tell him I said thank you!" I gave him a sincere smile. On a second thought I asked," What's the name of your boss please?."
"NI, ma'am,he wouldn't be happy about this, he is seeing us right now and I bet he's pissed already," he frowned.
"Doesn't he have a real name and not initials?" I felt irritated by someone being called "NI" instead of something real.
"Yes he has, Nate,that's his name."
"Nate?," Something hit me like a blow, "can I see him?" I asked with pleading eyes. 'It must be him." I thought with a spark of hope.
"Can you let me see him please?" I pleaded.
"Why the sudden interest in seeing him?" He narrowed his eyes at me." I don't know if he will want to see you."
"Please..I need to," I whined.
"Well ma'am I need to know the reason you want to see him before I can let him know about it," he scratched his head.
"I will be stepping out for a while," a masculine voice said from behind us.Turning to see who the person was I was dumbfounded.
"Nate!" I shouted with surprise and excitement.