Once again , Levi was sitting at the top of the slope. He was currently looking at the things he had weaved..
On his right.. there was black trousers that was made directly from the Scavenger's skin. He had weaved it almost perfectly , so he was sure it would fit him quiet well. He had also knitted himself an underwear. It was most likely unnecessary , but he felt uncomfortable walking around without underwear under his trousers. The underwear was weaved with a mix of seaweed and the Scavenger skin. He had used seaweed because he hadn't brought much skin with him..
He felt quiet satisfied with today. Even if he had ventured out to explore , he had at least gained some soul fragments and he had been able to test out his sewing skills , and battled an Awakened Beast and defeated it with minimal injuries.
How he had sewed these: It was quiet simple.. well it was definitely not simple but Levi saw it that way at least. For the needle , he had used a sharp small bone after modifying it a bit with his rapier. As for the stiches.. he had cut the skin into thin lines and used them as the stiches.
Levi got up to his feet. He put on the clothes he had weaved. He let out a sigh of relief , even if no one was around.. it was nice to be covered once again.
With that he laid on his back , using his hands as his pillows.. the sun was setting.. and the dark sea was rising once again..
Under the starless night , Levi was staring into the non-existent sky.. He hadn't been able to fall asleep. He did not know why , but he didn't really feel tired after a long day..
After a while , Levi turned to his right , and what he saw made his eyes widen. It was a light source.. coming from that distant hill he had tried to reach to..
Out there in the distance, a few kilometers away, a small orange light was shimmering in the darkness. Its reflections were rising and falling with the movement of waves.
It was too far away to make out any details, so Levi just stared at it for a while. Pretty soon, the light disappeared.
Levi hoped that those were lights that were made by sleepers.. a smile crept to his lips.. He had sincerely hoped that he was not alone..
But he did not let himself get too excited... after all it could have been a whole another thing.. With that.. he finally laid on his back , drifting to sleep.
Levi woke up.. , the first thing he did was to look at the sun , it seems he had woken up a little late into the morning.. well that was good , because he wont have much to do today..
He go up to his feet , and decided to do a bit of stretching , he also performed some light morning training for about an hour to pass the time. By the time he sat in front of his equipment- Bone needle , some seaweed and the scavenger's bones - He was sweating. Unfortunately there was nothing to tie his hair with.. so it was going to stay like this.. it was a bit damp. His once elegant white hair looked a bit more messy now. But he didn't mind , looks was the last thing he needed to worry about currently.
He got to making his make-shift rucksack. The process consisted of putting some seaweeds together and trying to make some bones support it. This was the rucksack would stay still and also be able to carry some weight.
He looked at the rucksack in front of him , he hoped that he would get a storage memory in the future , or maybe even buy one.. if he lived long that is..-
Wait.. he is immortal he seemed to be always forgetting that fact.. Levi will most likely going to live long.. because the life-span of the awakened were proving to be quiet long and healthy. So Levi was also sure that he would live long , he just hoped he wouldn't become literally immortal..
After finishing the rucksack , Levi was scouting the area and memorizing the paths he would need to take if he wanted to get to the distant hill.
It was getting quiet difficult to plan after some distance.. his eyes couldn't see that far at least. So... tomorrow after traversing half of the road.. he would have to rely on luck on the other half..
In the night, a sudden storm descended upon the dark sea. Levi was stirred awake by the rain droplets hitting his face.
On normal circumstances , he would have not been happy to be stirred awake by some annoying rain droplets.. But he had been thirsty for a while now. So he reached out his hands and cupped them , waiting until it was filled with water. After that he greedily drank from it. He repeated this for a few times until he was satisfied..
The storm continued to rampage for several hours. Levi was sitting on the middle of the slope , his fingers buried within the dirt to keep himself in place. He stuck to it like a glue. His rucksack was in his lap.. he was NOT going to let it go after spending so much time on it. Hell no!
By morning, when the storm finally dissipated, all of his muscles were sore.
But there was no time to waste. Levi had a destination to go to , and he needed to be there fast.
He threw his rucksack over his shoulder and climbed down the slope , this time , he was being more reckless. Because he did not want to waste his time to reach to the other sleeper's.
When his feet touched the ground , he hurriedly activated [Corrosion] and touched his chest. Feeling a boost of power , Levi immediately started dashing forward...
Every step he took send small tremors through the mud , the mud was slowing him down however he soon found his face and started traversing the road he had memorized. His steps were calculated , fast and determined..
He had been running for a few hours now , he had long passed the path that he had memorized and currently.. he was just relying on his luck to get there fast. Fortunately he hadn't encountered any Scavengers along the way.. or else he would have been forced to fight them..
Additionally he hadn't forgotten the cut on his torso , it didn't bleed as much as before. But since he hadn't covered it , it had a high chance of getting infected. He didn't mind it that much.. because he also wanted to test the extent of his immortality.
Pushing those thoughts aside , he focused on his desperate attempt of running , if he didn't get there in time.. he would be crushed by the sea..
Just when he was beginning to feel desperate, He caught sounds of people walking across the mud.. their steps making squelching noises.. He immediately took the sharp turn and..
Some distance further down the path, the corals widened, creating a small clearing. And in the middle of that clearing, someone was walking across the mud.
In front of him.. a distance away , there was a tall woman. The tall, lithe girl was only dressed in a makeshift skirt and a crude brassiere, both made out of seaweed.
It was Nephis, the Changing Star.
In one hand, she was holding the end of a strange golden rope.
And on the other end of the rope, Cassia, the blind girl, was carefully following behind.