Sleep was avoiding Levi like a disease. He was breathing like he was asleep , so the others wouldn't be suspicious.
Levi had been feeling like he didn't really need to eat or sleep.. Perhaps it was because of his flaw... Not sleeping didn't have a considerable effect on his body.. but not eating made his stomach feel empty , but not as much.
He would have sighed if he wasn't pretending to be asleep , he was scared. Scared of losing his humanity..
As he was in deep thoughts.. Sunless started talking.
"Hey. Can I ask you a question?"
The question was directed at Nephis. It seemed Sunless hadn't slept either , only Cassie was sleeping. And they most likely thought Levi was asleep too.
"I thought you Legacies come into the Spell with a whole inherited arsenal of Memories. I mean, that's supposed to be your main advantage. How come you only had three?"
Nephis was silent for a few moments.
"Actually, I only had two. The rope came from Cassie."
'That's not really an answer..'
"Oh. I see."
Realizing that her answer wasn't really an answer, Nephis thought for a while and added:
"We lost most of our Memories when my father passed away. The ones that remained were sold one by one over the years, to keep the family afloat. This sword and armor came from my First Nightmare."
So that's how it was. Levi realized that the fall of the Immortal Flame clan might have been more thorough than he had thought. Still, something about it didn't make sense. Sunny must have realized that too , since he continued speaking:
"Surely, with your clan's reputation and standing, there were other ways to make money."
Without any strong reaction, Nephis simply said:
"There were other reasons."
"Yeah, go ahead."
"How did you know that I'm a Legacy?"
"Simple. I heard Caster mention it. He was scolding other Sleepers to make them treat you with respect."
'Caster huh.. somethings shady with that guy.. but I cant really put a finger on it..'
After a long silence Sunny decided to ask another thing.. His voice came out hesitant and quiet.
"Can I ask another question?"
Without getting a negative response, he continued:
"Why are you burdening yourself with her?"
"Why? Wouldn't you?"
Levi was not surprised at Sunny's answer. After all he was not as strong as Levi or Nephis , and Levi had analyzed that Sunny was quite a selfish person , he felt a bit disappointed in his closest friend. He did not mind though.. a bit of selfishness was good for a person. Being selfless would get you nowhere. He was interested in Changing Star's reply..
Nephis, however, did not seem to judge him. She showed no reaction at all. After a few moments, she simply said:
"Because I want to."
'Because ... she wants to?'
That was an interesting answer to say the least.. He was pretty sure that she would either lecture him about virtue and compassion or disclose some obscure way to make Cassie's seemingly weak Ability incredibly useful.
She was doing things because she wanted to , not because she needed to. That was something that interested Levi.. And.. he couldn't help but admire her thinking.
Sunless himself was not talking anymore.. he most likely was left surprised.. Suddenly Nephis spoke:
"My turn."
"Do you know the legend of Odysseus?"
'That guy..? He remembered him from some literature classes.. but he didn't remember if he was from Roman mythology or Greek mythology..'
Nephis sighed and turned away. A few moments later, she softly said:
"Odysseus was a hero in an ancient war. In the legends, some humans back then had powers akin to the Awakened. Achilles with an Aspect of indestructible body, Diomedes that was so ferocious even the God of War was wary of him, Ajax who was as strong as a giant. Odysseus was not the strongest, and not the bravest. However, he was the most cunning."
"In the end, Odysseus's cunning ended the war, and he prepared to sail home. However, the gods cursed him to endlessly wander the seas, never to return. Over the years, he survived one horror after another and lost all of his companions. Then, shipwrecked, he found himself on an island where the beautiful fairy, Calypso, lived."
Changing Star's ethereal, strangely wistful voice resounded in the darkness, creating an enthralling atmosphere. Sunny couldn't help but listen with the utmost attention. Levi was also interested in what she had to say.
"Calypso fell in love with Odysseus and invited him to her palace. For many years, they lived together in harmony. The island was like a paradise, filled with all kinds of wonders, delicacies and delights. As long as loving Calypso was by his side, Odysseus was even immortal. But ... the longer he stayed, the more time he spent sitting on the shore, looking at the sea with bleak eyes."
Nephis smiled.
"In the end, Odysseus built a makeshift boat and abandoned the island, leaving all its delights, the beautiful fairy, and even his immortality behind. So, my question is ... why did he leave?"
'Because he had a home to return to.'
"Maybe it was because he was far away from home?"
A fleeting smile appeared on Nephis's face as Sunny answered her question.
"Far away ... from home. Hm. Alright."
After that, Levi sensed that , she turned away and lowered her head, becoming like a statue again.
It seemed like their conversation was over.
"Well? Did he make it back home?"
Soon, Nephis replied.
"Yes. He returned to his wife and son, and they lived happily ever after."
Satisfied, Sunny smiled and turned on his side.
"Odysseus was the first human to break the will of gods."
Nephis said in a quiet tone , talking to herself.
At that moment.. Levi had somehow understood something from her words alone.. And this made Levi get more wary of Changing Star. She was not someone he would be able to trust easily it seems , she was not a simple woman.
'She wants to defy someone of higher authority.'
Levi had not slept till the morning. It was not that he didn't trust anyone here.. he was unable to fall asleep because he was not tired. Additionally in his childhood , Levi would never sleep in the afternoon's like every child would do. Even when he was an infant.. he would not sleep and bother his mother every night by crying..
But now it was a different thing.. He was not feeling tired.. that's why he wasn't able to sleep.
In the morning, Sunny and Nephis were the first to get up , Levi hadn't slept. While the sun was rising and the sea was retreating, they made a fire and began preparing a simple breakfast.
Levi was just sitting near the edge , looking down. Thinking about everything that has happened.. He was feeling down in the dumps.. it was only now he had understood the value of his humanity.
Seeing the depressing aura around him , Sunny hesitated to call out to him as they needed to make plans..
"Levi! We are making plans.. come here.."
He looked at Sunless with a side-long glance , then got up from his seat and walked near to them. He took a sit once again , near the bonfire.
"You alright?"
Sunless asked in a hushed tone.
"Sure.. lets talk about the plans.."
Sunless gave him a skeptical look , but then nodded hesitantly.
"With what you told us about scavengers crowding to the west, the logical step would be to start moving east as soon as we can. Of course, north and south are also acceptable, but that won't put as much space between us and the enemy."
Sunny nodded, agreeing with that logic.
"We have explored to the east a little, but not enough to confidently make it to the next high point in a day. That's why the best course of action would be to spend today scouting a path to that group of cliffs over there and move the camp tomorrow."
Sunny sighed.
"Do you have any idea where we are? Would there be a human Citadel to the east?"
Nephis shook her head.
"I've never heard of a region that fits the characteristics of this place. In any case, we have to move to find out more. We'll either find a Citadel, encounter an unconquered Gateway ... or die. East is as good of a direction as any. Plus, it's the safest, because there's a horde of monsters to the west."
Levi only listened to their conversation , not making any contributions.. He was not a scout like Sunless nor had he traveled the area much like Nephis did.
At that point, Cassie suddenly sat up straight. Her eyes were wide open, and her face was a little pale. She looked nervous and excited.
Nephis frowned.
"Cassie? What's the matter?"
The blind girl turned to them and smiled.
"A ... a vision! I had a vision!"
'vision..? Like a dream that shows the future..?' Levi turned his head to Cassie as he thought.. That was very useful if her ability was like that..
Meanwhile, Changing Star stretched her hand, as though prepared to summon her sword.
"Are we in danger?"
Cassie energetically shook her head.
"No, it's not that! People ... I saw a castle full of people!"
She smiled at pointed with her finger.
"I don't know how far it is, but I'm sure that it's in that direction!"
Sunny, Nephis and Levi looked at each other, not knowing whether to be glad or petrified.
Cassie's small, delicate finger was confidently pointing west.