Chapter 46


Levi called out to her as she was laying on her back , and staring up at the starless sky. When she heard his voice , she turned her head to look at Levi with a smile. It was as if she had forgotten all about the fact that their efforts had been proven to be useless.

A hint of anger crept up to Levi's mind.. The tree was toying with his friends' minds.. 

Meanwhile Shashi replied.

"What's up , blood sack? Are you here to give me more blood?" She smirked at him.

Narrowing his eyes at her , he replied:

"No , I'm not here to give you blood. Actually.. I wanted something from you."

Shashi raised a brow.

"Oh? What is it? "

"Do you still have that lantern memory with you? Could you give it to me?"

Levi decided not to beat around the bush.. He was sure that Shashi would catch up to it anyways. 

"Sure , I don't use it anyways... Why do you need it?"

She took his hand in hers without asking him , to transfer the memory. Her touch felt gentle , her skin was abnormally cold.. probably due to low blood.

'Is it me or she is getting too comfortable touching me..?'

Levi mentally shook his mind. 

[You have received a memory!]

"I will check out the tree."

He retrieved his hand from hers.

"Well , if you say so.."

She laid on her back once again.

'That was.. too easy..'

It was most likely connected to the influence of the Tree.

Soon , it was night.. and everyone was asleep.


Levi got up from his makeshift bed. Summoning the lantern , it was soon weaved into his hand. The lantern was light , and its lighting could be adjusted , so Levi kept it to a minimum. Everyone was sleeping.. They had even stopped taking turns in case something attacks them..

And luckily , monsters didn't really approach the great tree , which was good because they were attracted to light. As he had guessed this tree wasn't a normal one.. They had to leave this place as soon as possible...


Soon , Levi found himself on the lower branches of the tree. Climbing to this tree was too much of a pain.. He was already tired. Walking over to the smaller branches , Levi started gathering fruit into his rucksack. 

Unfortunately , the tree wasn't filled with fruits as he had thought. On the first lower branch that he had climbed up to , he had only found three of them.

He was planning to eat them all at once, however he decided eat these three now because he felt like he would need some energy for climbing further.



Levi was staring at his runes with contempt.. 

Soul Fragments: [999/1000]

Now.. he would have to climb another branch.. this was getting very annoying and tiresome. Additionally it would not be long after the others woke up , because the sun would rise after an hour or so. 

With this in mind , he started climbing onto the other branch..

After some while.. Levi was standing on the branch , munching on his last fruit...

[Your soul grows stronger..]

Levi smiled , finally having saturated his core. However.. suddenly a sharp pain enveloped his being as he collapsed to his knees.

[Your soul is overflowing with power.]


He screamed , feeling as though his very soul was on fire, as though something was rising from its dark depths, ripping it apart.

[Your soul is taking shape.]

'D-da ... damn it all! Why does it have to hurt so much?! What is even happening..'

Levi groaned and clawed at the floor, tears streaming from his eyes. The pain he was experiencing was not the worst he had ever felt, but really up there.


He slammed his fist down, shaking the whole branch.. the pain was unbearable..

Eventually, cracks started appearing on the branch of the tree , and only then did his agony finally begin receding.

The Spell whispered into his ear:

[Your soul is complete!]

Released from the paralyzing pain, Levi fell down and sprawled on the branch. Breathing raggedly, he remained motionless for a few minutes.

'What the f#ck just happened..?'

Levi decided to check his runes..

Familiar symbols shimmered in the air:

Name: Levi.

True Name: No Return.

Rank: Dormant.

Class: Monster.

Soul Cores: [2/7].

Soul Fragments: [0/2000].


He was what class now..? A monster..? Weren't humans supposed to be only mere Beast's..? 

Levi was feeling shocked.. He had never heard of something like this.. a human having two soul cores.. and he actually can have 7 of them..? That's..


Levi stayed sprawled on the branch.. however he would need to start descending if he didn't want the others waking up and not seeing Levi there.. 

He also had connected him being able to evolve his class with his Divine Aspect.. 


When the sun was setting , Levi's feet finally touched the ground. He hurriedly made his way to their camp.. keeping his footsteps quiet. When he finally approached them , he saw that everyone was safe and they were sleeping peacefully.

Without doing anything.. Levi let himself collapse on his make-shift bed. He had spent a whole night climbing a tree.. He was feeling tired. And the pain he had felt during during his evolve wasn't pleasant. He had immediately fallen asleep with no intention to wake up for the rest of the day , forgetting all about the tree.