The rain poured outside, drenching the world in a cold, heavy silence. The night was thick, as if darkness had swallowed every flicker of light. Inside Lily's room, the tension was palpable. Raka sat surrounded by four figures he once created as Chaos Gods, now living as humans like himself. Lily, Selene, Luna, and Tiara stared at him with a mix of reverence and unease.
Raka: (internally) "What are they saying?! So this is why the Chaos invasion stopped in the history books I read at the temple library. This is… beyond anything I imagined. I thought they halted their operations because I disappeared.
Raka: (sighing, breaking the silence) "So… you've been waiting for my orders? The peace these past 800 years… was it because you needed my approval to resume the invasion?"
Lily: (locking eyes with him, solemn) "Yes, my Lord. We couldn't proceed without your consent. That was part of the rules you programmed into us."
Luna: (softly, seated beside Lily) "We tried initiating an invasion during my turn, but… there was no response from you. That's when we realized… you were gone."
Tiara: (usually cheerful, now grave) "You always told us when you'd be away, even briefly. But when the game was just starting… you vanished without a trace."
Selene: (quiet until now, speaking softly) "That's when we noticed a new mod installed. After reading its description… we feared something had happened to you…"
Raka: (cutting in, stern) "You used that mod to incarnate here, didn't you?"
Selene: (lowering her head, guilty) "Yes, my Lord. We acted recklessly. It brought us to this world… 800 years ago, at its very beginning."
Raka: (pensive, processing) "800 years… Time here moves so fast. In the real world, that's only two and a half hours. A long time, huh?"
Raka: (shaking his head) "Wait—if that's true, why are you all still students here? Shouldn't you revert to AI after dying in this world?"
Lily: (nearly whispering) "We… can't return. Every time we die here, we reincarnate as humans again. Endlessly."
Raka: (sighing deeply, disappointed) "Damn… I'd hoped you could help me uninstall the mod and escape."
The four Chaos Gods bowed their heads lower, guilt radiating from them. Raka's expression softened. He stood, approached them, and gently patted each of their heads.
Raka: (smiling faintly) "Still… thank you. You cared enough to come find me. That means everything."
The Four Chaos Gods: (in unison, smiling weakly) "Of course, my Lord."
Raka: (lightening the mood) "By the way, what about the other four Chaos Gods? Do you know where they are now?"
Luna: (brightening) "Oh! Malaria, Goddess of Plague, is now Ariana, a member of the Plague Hunters. Ilumina, Goddess of Wonder, goes by Lumine and works at the White Tower."
Lily: (cautiously adding) "Aella, Goddess of Sadness, is Kaela, heir to the Merchant Alliance in Elaria."
But tension returned as they hesitated to mention the last name.
Raka: (frowning) "What about Eleris, Goddess of the Sun? What happened to her?"
Lily: (avoiding his gaze) "She… Let's discuss her another time. You should head back to your dorm, Raka. Curfew's almost here."
Raka: (sensing evasion but relenting) "Fine."
As Raka turned to leave, Lily called out.
Lily: (urgently) "Raka! Wait!" (handing him a small box) "This isn't much, but use it wisely. Don't open it yet!"
Raka: (smiling faintly, accepting it) "Got it. Thanks."
He stepped into the downpour, his footsteps heavy under the relentless rain.
Once he left, the four goddesses exchanged anxious glances.
Lily: (voice trembling) "How do we tell him the truth? What if he hates us?"
Luna: (gently reassuring) "Lying will only make it worse. We must be honest. He'll understand… and forgive us."
Lily: (staring at the ceiling, weary) "I hope you're right, Luna… I hope you're right."
[To Be Continued]