< so come on tell me what information you got from this plan and from the saara's laptop >
Abhay smiles creepily *smile*.
" Firstly the reason why my spell didn't worked on her is that when I scanned oir levels it shows
Abhay: 0.8
Raj: 2
Saara: 1
She also Has fire powers. If we take this in consideration and see now that she is kept in the boys Washroom by another spell.
First Conclusion: the laws of this world work like this that your level of an individual includes all the aspects of the person, not just his/her magic or physical. Levels calculate physical,magical,mental or more aspects. But everyone Is categorised in segments. Like if we push each other then you will push me due to you having more force. Just like that magic is also a kind of power inside the body. If she uses fire or 'AGNI' on each other she will win and push my magic back cause she has more power. Just like that ,when 'AGNI' is used on her, her inner energy level unconsciously repels my energy back and now due to she has no cage power segment and my cage can block any level paranormal so she can't even escape using fire magic energy segment. I don't know if it works On water vs fire like physical matter using or not but It works on theory basic.
Second conclusion: my scan shows no other energy segments. she might not be the one who controlled you. To double check it, I intentionally make a scenario of you and her alone in a closed space to check if she can control you again or not. The result is in front of you, you are not controlled.
" I believe that the ghosts which I saw with you when you were doing sucide might be one of them controlling you."
< and what if she is the one >
"First my instinct says she is not second if she can control you anywhere why she or that creature called you to the gym and then control you. why not in class. We have half of the school time today to find out and stay where people are or with me and you will be safe."
< ok, and what's In the laptop >
"There are interesting Things like Recordings, live feed and specific details."
< of school >
"Not only school but the whole city"
< what! >
"She hacked into the interface, it's not hers I saw the settings. She is spying on someone else's interface. But whose System was that or who is this much powerful that can do this?"
< of whole city, how is connects to us >
"She has some recordings of us, not full but when we were in the ground floor of hallways yesterday night. The recording shows that we were walking with an invisible person when we first reached the hallway with rani and second when she (creature) passed the chainsaw through me, though i am not seen in the recording but it shows you And a chainsaw levitating in the hallway. You know what I mean."
< so that creature (rani) is invisible on the camera. Ahhh…can you plz elaborate, this is getting really out of my reach to understand >
" she has powers but she is not the one who filed the F.I.R. someone else did . She is just or not just, using a Whole city surveillance System of some really bad and powerful association which she mustn't Do"
< ohhh. >
' she reminds me of myself, but She wants this stuff and I want my normal life back'
Raj says With joy < so this means there are more supernatural things and we just scratched the surface. >
"It's not a good thing! I really want to end this. When someone is seeing You without your consent and you don't know about it doesn't bother you. But now I know that there is some organization seeing us. But there is a chance that the organization doesn't know That we know they are present. That creature is caged, the last thing that is left is who called the police and filed the F.I.R.. Then I will leave everything."
*ringgggg* < lunch is over, we somehow managed the first section of classes because it contains sports period. But the last three are lectures. How are we going to investigate? > —
*footsteps approaching* < really youuuuu > girl says with an angry manner.
'I Forgot that we have to this Otaku also'
"Listen we just want our safety and we thought you were dangerous, but all things settled now. So you can go your way and we can go mine."
< NO! >
'Why, why is she blushing? What is she blushing for and why is she rolling her hair?'
Girl with blush and rolling her hair < can you… can you tell me about your magic that you performed on the gate >
'Huh what's with this sudden change of tone' abhay thinks.
< abhay she is talking about your cage spell. >
'I know dumbass'
"Why do you think I tell you about it, what do I gain from it"
'Oh boy, you just fell into my cute trap. Who can I blame, I am this beautiful girl that no boy can resist me' girl thinks.
' is she really trying to use her charm on me, to get information. Oh girl, I am really the nemesis of charm abilities. Such a noob. Well at least I can use it back, to get some information.'
< what… do you want > with blush.
'She is using Her charm on Her, but she didn't know abhay is immune to charge and her charm doesn't work on me. Well at least it's not a charm magic it is okay. But what does Abhay think? Is he Toying with her?' Raj thinks.
[To check what Abhay is thinking Raj rotates his head and looks Towards Abhay's face. With a slight 'smile'. Abhay expresses to Raj that he is going to play with her a little. In return raj rotates his face towards the girl. In the expression "Do as you wish, I am with you.]
"For.. starters can you tell us about why you are looking for us, in hiding" abhay asks the girl with fake blushes.
'So he didn't know why I was hiding and looking at them. Like I tell the truth, I can't trust these two. Idiots.'
[saara thinks she is smart but she didn't know the two in front of her oversmart than Her]
'She must be thinking we are idiots, but girl we already looked into you. Your laptop ,and I observe every student.'