Chapter 10

He had spent the entire day being taught basic things about the supernatural world like who shadow hunters were, common runes he should know and rules of the association he should follow, 

He found out that shadow hunters were immortal age-wise so that was a plus, and they also had no external weakness like, sunlight, or silver, due to the perfect balance of angel and demon blood.

 Alaric had also told him his reason for sending him out on atleast one mission before the Shadow hunter retrieval mission

"I want you to use this opportunity to get a feel for fighting actual supernatural beings"

He understood his reasoning perfectly.

Besides this was an elimination mission, some rogue vampires gangs haven't been following the rules much and were rampantly killing humans, kidnapping them to be used as food. That was a big no-no to shadow hunters.

And so naturally their hideout was found.

He also learnt that there were also other people like shadow hunters responsible for threat like this, they didn't really see eye to eye though as shadow hunters were looked at like an abomination of both paths.

First were the Apostles, they were directly made out of humans by angels using secret methods similar to shadow hunter's rituals. They did the angels biddings happily and very efficiently after all only the best and most devout were selected to be Apostles.

Second were the heretics, they were actually more similar to shadow hunters, since they also used demon blood to become stronger to ironically fight those same demons, they were quite powerful according to Mia but they were also very unstable and violent. 

And if they were unlucky, they would meet them as it happens rather often.

Almost predictably his partner in this mission was none other than the princess, she did not seem to mind the idea though which made him breathe out a sigh of relief, he was worried she would start getting annoyed baby sitting him but he really enjoyed her company so he wished she would come, which she did.

Soon they left the base under the night sky in yet another luxurious car, this time he recognized the brand, Ferrari.

He looked at the sky and took a deep breath as the breeze blew his hair wildly.

He needed to center himself before the mission.

"Vampires are failures of the heretics" Mia started just as he started meditating "There is a reason why our method for becoming shadow hunters is so complex yet balanced, if you fail to handle it you simply die but if they fail to become heretics, then they transition into a vampire"

"So why don't the heretics simply kill them when they become vampires?" Zane asked "seems to me they are a problem that can be easily avoided."

"Truth be told we also don't know" Mia admitted as she kept her eyes on the road "It has something to do with their ritual maybe? and also a vampire can easily create more with their blood so I guess most of the vampires we face aren't directly made from the ritual but still that doesn't concern us right now"

"What concerns us is their weakness, first things first sunlight don't kill vampire only weakens them, next blessed weapons are very helpful but those are the sole properties of the apostle….. but our shadow weapons are just as effective but you haven't mastered shadow control yet sooo….."

Zane sighed as he looked at the thin sword covered in runes at the back of the car, "And so the next best option is a rune weapon right?"

"Right, target their hearts or aim to decapitate their head and you should be fine."

"Also watch out for their speed" She added later.

Soon they reached a quite luxurious mansion isolated from other buildings. It was the type of building that one would expect to be owned by a multi-millionaire and not a vampire but he guessed that those two didn't really have to contrast.

He checked the time, it was 8: 06 pm. 

They packed the car and got out, he took the weapon from back of the sit and stretched for a bit while Mia closed her eyes focusing on something, he knew it was her shadow, she had sent it into the mansion for surveillance.

She frowned, that couldn't be good.

"No one is inside, something is wrong."

Her eyes opened as she looked at him in alarm.


But then he felt it, the distinct urge to get the hell out of the way.

He didn't question it, his body moved like it did a thousand times in training, he vaguely saw a hand with long claws appear where he previously was. It would have stabbed into his heart if he didn't move


He looked just like a human too if not a little paler and his pupils had this red tint but otherwise he could pass for a human.

"Hunters, you really shouldn't have come here today" the vampire laughed as it licked it's lips staring at him like he was a Juicebox. "Are you that desperate to die?"

"No…. actually I have a little beef with death" he couldn't help but say, he couldn't have anyone misunderstanding his situation with death after all!

The vampire blinked in confusion then laughed,

"Me too" He moved "Now die!"

Now that he wasn't caught by surprise he could follow the vampire's speed, it was faster than Mia during training but then again she never used her runes.


He looked to see her condition, somehow, she was taking on 4 vampires at once, 2 already dead on the floor turning to ashes.

"You shadow hunters sure are proud, aren't you?"

Shit he got distracted!

A burst of pain came from his throat as he was sent spinning in the air.

He fell to the ground awkwardly but still clawed at his throat as he could feel his blood gushing out, he couldn't even breath not to think of talking.

He could quickly feel death approaching, just from one careless mistake!

He glared at the smirking vampire who licked his fingers like it just finished a 5 star dinner, he was taking down by a base level enemy, how embarrassing!

Weakness began to settle in, he tried to resist but it was a futile struggle.

He closed his eyes to rest but he could vaguely hear someone shouting at him, couldn't they see his situation? He just wanted to die in peace.

Still what did they keep on shouting?




No that's not it


Yes, he had one of those!

Ah what was its name again?


A burst of strength slammed into him so suddenly that his eyes shot open, his wounds closed at an alarming speed like it was never there and a hint of fatigue seeped into him, but he ignored it and got on his feet.

The vampire looked a little surprised but dashed at him with renewed vigor

"Fair enough, but that won't happen again" He said without a smile

Raising his sword he pointed at the vampire

"Let's try that again shall we?"

He barely finished talking before the vampire was on him again.

He twisted his body and caught the pale human looking beast by the wrist, twisted and flung it to the ground 

He brought it sword to cleave the beast into 2 but it only managed to take of one arm before he felt danger behind him

Without looking he redirected the sword and slashed at his back sending another vamp flying but not turning into ash,

The first vamp was already using this chance to aim for his neck but he twisted his body to the side and sliced the one armed vampires head clean off. He couldn't relax though; he had learnt his lesson the first time about feeling too comfortable on a battlefield.

He faced the other vamp, which was growling at him while circling him like an animal cornering his prey.

Who the prey really was in this situation, Zane planned to show him.

The vamp used it's frightening speed to run up on him again, Zane anticipated this and retaliated with a well-timed kick that sent the beast back a few steps before he rushed at it without giving it a chance to breath, delivering a swift decapitation.

He checked his environment before checking on Mia, who was already watching him with the same indifferent expression on her beautiful face.

He checked her body, not even a drop of blood on her black leather.

"So what did we learn?" She asked.

"Never let the enemy out of your sight," He sighed as he looked at the ashes gradually being scattered by the breeze "especially fast ones"

She looked at him but didn't say anything increasing his shame by two folds.

"I'm sorry I got distracted okay" He finally said as he walked to the car but a second later he found himself on the floor, painfully.

"Do you really think that's good enough?" She yelled at his face as she gave him a dirty slap the slammed his head to the side, she raised his head back up by his chin, her eyes piercing deep into his soul 

"All your big talk about killing a royal demon," she fumed. "And you were almost put down by a newly turned vampire?"

He couldn't say anything in response to that, her words were painfully correct, was this how he planned to pass this trial?

"Were the royal level angel and demon blood a joke to you? Was the potential I saw in you a joke to you? Or do you think it's every shadow hunter I sit on to personally draw their runes?" All the questions were spat at followed by a painful slap, but he didn't even think of retaliating instead he wanted to remember this moment.

It was very important he never made a careless mistake like that

"If this is how you plan to fight then stay away from me from now on."

He had to admit, that one hurt more than all the slaps combined.

He wanted to apologize and tell her the reason for his distraction but he knew Mia, any other girl will be flattered but her pride sunk deep, she would instead feel disrespected that he didn't trust her enough to take on vampire.

Still it sounded like a bad excuse for his mistake and so he just let it be.

And so, with that the mission was completed and they drove back to the base where she immediately left him to give a report on the mission, no doubt Alaric will also be disappointed in him too once he heard. 

He decided on a shower to clear his head, wash away the shame.

He also felt disgusted by himself.

How could he let himself get distracted at that critical moment?! 

Sure he was worried about Mia….. but he himself knew Mia could handle anything thrown at her, he just always felt like it was his duty to protect her, his feelings had gotten in the way of his first mission, and he was sure she could feel it too, maybe that was why she was so angry? 

As he laid on his bed, he realized that he couldn't even sleep

He needed a distraction…and a drink

 And so he snuck out of the base, well snuck is a strong word since shadow hunters weren't exactly forced to stay at the base.