
The day was young with the sun shining just below the horizon. Currently, there was a group of students stationed on a school bus. 

At the middle section of the school bus was a boy, who had just turned eighteen. To be exact, he could be considered a man at this age. 

This man had short black hair and dark brown skin. He was 178 cm tall, had a lean physique, and brown eyes. 

This man's name was Galen Winters. 

"This field trip is to the museum, it's better than staying at school."

"Yeah, but we're seniors now; we should be going to Cedar Point or something." The students chatted away about the field trip today.

Galen remained quiet, but his brother; who was next to him kept talking. His brother's name was Garen, but he was really talkative, unlike him. 

Garen skin tone was the same as his, but he was slightly taller than him by 3 cm. 

In all honesty, Galen was even from this world so he was indifferent to most things. When he transferred here, Galen thought it would be something special. 

'I guess I'll have to live a mediocre life, even in this life.' Galen turned his head to his brother, who was running his mouth nonstop, and sighed. 

Galen had a Brother, a little Sister, and a Mom and Dad. His family was somewhat big for the standard family. 

They arrived at school and went to their class in no time. This was an all-boys school, which he didn't like. His parents thought they would be too distracted if there were girls involved. 

Naturally, both Galen and Garen hated this, but they could do nothing about it. They had just transferred to this school two months ago. However, Garen managed to make friends on the first day of school.

Galen who didn't talk much only managed to make one friend.

Unfortunately, Garen somehow ended up in the same class as him. They were twin, but they weren't identical twins. Galen was the older, while their sister was the youngest among them.

"The weather these days has been really strange. Yesterday, the sky was green the whole day until nighttime."

This was Galen's only friend since coming to this school. He had blonde hair and blue eyes, as he was from Sweden. 

His name was Roman.

"I saw that. The news has been blowing up talking about these strange phenomena. Last week the skies were red, and when night fell the moon was blood red."

Galen had noticed these things as well, why was this happening? 

"Could it be? The world might be coming to an end." Roman made a bold and ridiculous statement.

"Haha, you've been watching way too many movies. Go read a book or something." A boy sitting in front of them held his book and said.

He was Asian, to be exact; he was Korean and his name was Jin.

"It was a joke, man, but seriously; look at this weather. Do you think these strange phenomena are natural?"

"Of course it's weird and I honestly have no way of explaining it. We'll leave that to the news and astrologist to figure out." Jin shrugged and continued reading whatever book he was reading. 

Roman didn't mind Jin talking like this; he had long grown used to it. Galen began talking to him about the video game they played together often.

Myths and Legends!

Just when Roman was about to reply through laughter, an earthquake suddenly struck.

"What?! Oh, my gosh! Hold onto something!" Someone yelled out.

'Crap! Why is this happening in the morning of all time?' Galen complained in his thoughts, but he couldn't find anything to hold onto. 

The teacher had stepped out of class to make a few preparations. Soon, they were supposed to be leaving for that field trip. 

"It stopped! The earthquake finally stopped!" The earthquake didn't last long, but it had sent a few people to the ground uncontrollably.



Right then, everyone's phone received Amber alerts!

(Warning! Warning! Monsters have begun attacking cities, please hide and stay in your homes until further notice!)

"What? Monsters are attacking the cities?" A boy asked in confusion.

"This isn't some joke, right? What do they mean attacking cities?" Roman was stunned.

"Galen. Are you alright?" Garen quickly came over and asked.

"Yeah. Did you get the news about monsters attacking towns and cities?" Galen saw his phone to find more details.

"Of course, everyone's talking about it. This can't be right, Monsters don't exist besides what we perceive as monsters."

This meant something like the Giant squid or other deep-sea creatures that had yet to be discovered. 

"The door won't open?! What is going on?!" A student tried opening the classroom door, but nothing happened.

"Move! Let me try, you barely lift man. How can your weak physique open the door?" Ryan tried opening the door, but it simply didn't budge. 

"No way!" Ryan tried ramming the door to no avail. 

"Talk about workout, huh?" The boy sneered.

"Shut up! At least I work out and do something productive!" Ryan's expression turned smug at this remark.

"Okay, guys! We're trapped in class and the cities are supposedly being attacked by monsters. I don't think this is the best time to be arguing!" 

"What do you think we should do then, Alan?! We can't leave the class, I can even break the door's glass pane!"

Ryan went off into a rant and complained continuously in anger. 

"I got have news. Someone took pictures and said that there are..." Jin's expression turned pale when he saw the comment and pictures.

"What? Finish what you were about to say! Why did you stop?" Ryan's expression darkened.

"They said there were Orc, Goblins, and even...Dragons attacking cities. Not just these monsters, there were Kobolds as well. Creatures you'd only see in fantasy games, novels, and television!"

Jin's voice was shaky and so were his hands as he displayed the pictures.

"Those pictures are probably A.I.! Why would you believe something like this so easily?" Ryan refused to believe this; this was likely an international prank.

"There's a video..." Jin didn't waste time and played it. The students gathered around him and watched.

In the video, they saw several short and tall green-skinned figures swarming the streets. The smallest was about the size of a human child, while the large green-skinned figures were taller than the average adult by a great margin. 

Clearly, these were Goblins and Orcs! The Orcs looked like Orcs from World of Warcraft. They were muscular and carried weapons.

Goblins converged and were on the frontlines. They jumped any close by human with their dagger and slaughtered them.

As for the Orcs, any human that the Goblins didn't kill; they would simply slaughter with their battle axe. 

"Blarrg!' A boy watching the video turned and quickly ran the other way before vomiting.

The video wasn't censored, who would have time to that in this situation? It wasn't just this boy, that boy seemed to have triggered something and several others followed suit. 

"This is impossible! Those are paid actors!" Ryan refused to believe it. Something like this wasn't possible at all.

Galen had to close his eyes, those boys were going to make him vomit as well. 

"C-come...L-look outside!" Every urgently turned to the boy who was looking outside. Upon getting close, they could hear the vague sound of Syrins in the distance. 

Everyone ran over and saw flames coming from the city center. The fumes rose high so anyone could see them from afar.

Before anyone could say anything, they saw something appear at the entrance of the school gate. No, there wasn't just something; there was a lot of something that made an appearance. 

Everyone's eyes widened in shock at the sight of them. These creatures were extremely tall, between 7'0 "and 7'6", and they had fur all over their bodies and tattered rag-like clothing. 

Several individuals wielded arms like spiked implements, rugged spears, and corroded axes. Their fierce looks displayed scars and prominent fangs. From what was visible, these beings had the heads of hyenas.

Galen quickly identified what these creatures seemed to be. He was so shocked, there was no way anyone could cosplay so well. 

The room was silent and just someone was about to panic; they saw a blue virtual screen appear in front of them.

[Kill the Void Emperor!]

[Your world is under attack by forces outside of your realm. 'Awakened' ones will appear to combat such threats.]

[You have been chosen to partake in the extermination of the Void Emperor! Heroes, you will be transferred in approximately three minutes to the World Of Aldnoah.]

[Please Prepare.]

"What you guys see this game screen?"

"Unreal! Is this like those novels and games with system panels?" Jin was shocked before feeling a surge of excitement.

"It really is like a games system, but it's telling us to prepare to be transferred." Galen was stunned before frowning. 

This system was going to transfer them to another world? And who was this Void Emperor that they had to defeat?

Galen, what do you think is going to happen? Will we really be sent off to another world called Aldnoah?" 

Garen pulled up the virtual status board and inspected it before asking.

"This is likely the case. Mom packed big lunches for us. We also have bottles of water on us just in case." 

Moreover, Galen had spent his own money to buy a 2-liter bottle of Sprite and Cola. Their mother had prepared a 12-inch sub sandwich for each of them. Additionally, Galen carried a large bag of Ruffles in his backpack.

"Alright, I'll just hold onto my bag. If we're really sent somewhere, let's hope it isn't some desolate land with no resources."

Garen turned to the virtual screen and knew this panel wasn't lying.

"Oh, my gosh, those Hyena monsters have entered the building!" One of the boys witnessed the group of beastman-like creatures kicking down the door.

Thirty seconds later, they could hear vague screams coming from that area. 

"What the hell are those things?!" A boy couldn't help but ask.

"Stop yelling you idiot, do you want to attract them to our classroom?" Ryan grabbed this boy by the collar with a tone filled with threat. 

"They're called Gnolls. They're bloodthirsty beasts, who would eat just about anything with a heartbeat."

Galen could tell that these beasts leaned toward that of Gnoll, which was something in fantasy. 

Suddenly, the walls began to light up with green radiance. Indistinguishable words appeared on the wall.

[Transfer in 5...4...3...2...1...!]

"Here it goes!" The room was covered in light, with all their sense nulled and muted.

When one looked again, there wasn't a single person inside the classroom.