Chapter 1 The werewolf

In the beginning, when god created the world there is only a void. Silence filled the world. The music resonated suddenly and what comes next are great angels.Angels with wings, then just like that, planets of colours did appear, it was like a magic, a magic filled with music and life. Stones of different colours start to merge as one, creating several planets. Such frequency, embedded with sweet unheard music created universe and galaxy. Then what comes next is the commandment of the god. One hand did suddenly closed the book, put it on the nearby table, and stood up for a breather. He went to the nearby veranda, as he looked unto the bustling city. He lives somewhere which in a great height, a towering condominium if you like. He saw tiny dots of cars passing by. Then he looked above him and there he saw the great moonlit of the night. He saw it starting to be devoured with black. The simple moon, slowly and slowly being devoured by darkness. "The perfect red moon.". He went back to his room and went to where the book shelves are present, he choose the book himself, and on such book there lies a word "Mythology", then he once more went to the veranda, and grab a sit. While he read such book, like how magic works, the moon is slow slowly devoured by darkness. Minutes passes by, ten, 30 minutes and finally the moon was totally basked in darkness. When suddenly he smiled, and he closed his eyes. Like a mutual connection with the moon, and as it starts to bloom in red. The man himself starts to receive a message. Then he said "So i am not alone, hold it, hold your temper, endure. All I need is wealth, wealth and wealth.". While the moon is dyed with red, the man himself then did start to pray. An encantation not heard by anyone, but a prayer, then he said in his heart. Give me wealth dear God. Then at that moment, the once red moon is being devoured by the great darkness. Then he smiled and he stood up. He carried the book, and on it, he read the prayer of solomon the great. Under the luminescence of the red moon, the guy himself starts to read the tartaric, the great prayer of solomon to the lesser demon. He starts to read the bible in Latin, he expressed it with clear intent. Time passes by, and thirty minutes goes by. Finally something starts to change, skins, on his forearm, were devoured by something that is not the norm, hairs, hairs and hairs. Hairs starts to appear on his body yet the guy did continue to read the bible in Latin. The book of solomon, the one who created the lesser demons. Then he closed his eyes trying to control his grieve,a and just like that. Bit by bit, the hairs did start to go back to normal. Above him, the red moon did ended, and once again, it was devoured by the darkness. He sat on the nearby chair, out of strength. He was filled with sweat, out of strength he smiled and he said "Maybe the gods, are aware of my existence but at the very least, I tried my best to pray.". The book of solomon, the the of David on his table. Filled with dark encantation starts to flip by itself, as it dances with the wind. The bustling noises of the cars beneath the guys residence did appear, and the once moonlit starts to become norm. While the civilians are living well, while the bustling city is crowded. While some of them are watching the great event of the night. While everyone are enjoying their life. One man stood up, and he took the book once more, and he put it on the nearby shelves. Then he sat on the sofa, on it is a remote device for the flatscreen television. He turn it on, and he shifted the channel on it. Then he smiled and he said "Oh come on, don't hide yourself from me. I know you are there.". The television, then did started to talk differently. A voice did start to appear unconditionally, it says "Really, you know what televised programs are?". The guy then did said "Thats a recorded video. You're there monitoring the televise program.". "Uhuh anything else?". The guy then did said "Why dont you show yourself on the television.". "Pretty good for a superhuman like you.". Then he, the guy, who prayed under the moonlit murmured and he said "The government is not that dumb at all.". Then just like that, 12 images did appear on the television screen. It was the 12 senator of the government, they all were wearing formal attires. Then one of them did Start to talk, "Like usual, we the government are just trying to make it sure, that no mutant, extra terrestrial, abnormal, monster like you would cause trouble in our jurisdiction.". "And I am doing my best to hold it, senators.". "We know, which is why we are watching you every day.". Then at that moment,a cold wind did went inside his room, and the guy himself looked on his right, to where the veranda is. "So I confirmed it, I am not the only one. What are your plans?.". One senator did spoke and he said "Exterminate, still a killing order from the higher ups. The president if you like.". Then the guy said "Uhuh, they are not like me. They are mix genes of species. I am friendly to you guys, but they are not.". One senator then did said "Which is why the order is extermination.". Then the guy said "Pretty good. I could give you the locations. In one condition. Still the same, money in the bank.". One senator then did talk and he said "Thats fine, we can give you that any minute from now. Anything else, not any position in the government.". Then the guy laughed and he said "Like usual, you know what I am thinking of. Forget the politics, just give me wealth.". Then the senators nodded. Their faces were pasted on his TV screen. "One more thing, do not touch that town.". Then the senators did nodded and one of them did spoke "No position in the government. In exchange for that town.". "Well I do have a plan of making it a city.". "Mr, no position in the government.". "Thats fine" said by the guy. "So did you already checked the location of that woman.". Then one senator did spoke and he said "That woman, unlike you, has a lot of temper. It will be a hard battle to deal with. So we did not chased her.". "You killed her.". Then the senators were devoured by silence. The silence between them did passed for a minute and it was killed by a certain argument"How did you know?". Then he smiled and he said "We, as you know, believed on our dreams. Few weeks ago, I saw her. She bid her farewell. Her body lies on the street.Bloodied.". Then one of the senator did spoke "What ever happens it should be made in silence and secrecy. We are only doing job. The government only want peace.". Then the guy nodded and he said "The government, killing the lives of us.". "The government preserving the peace, and the innocent, and its citizens.". "We are your citizens too.". "You would be one, but them, they are not.". Said by the one senator. He once once looked to the right and he starts to remember what he just saw under the bask of the red moon. "The vision of his kin. Their grieves, their cries, their wailes". Then he said "just make it sure, that the money will be transferred, that's it senators. Im going to have a rest for now.". "Thank you for your service". Said by the senators and the television screen changes once more. It went back to normal and he turn it off. Then he paused for awhile and he think of the messages he heard right after the red moon event. He looked at the bookshelves he has, and he start to wonder more. Then he said "The government is not dumb at all.". He stood up. He went for the nearby wall. A circular object did appear and suddenly the light of his lamp which is hanged on the ceiling starts to dim. He went to the nearby room as he start to rest for the day. While the guy himself is on a sleep. One governor gave out a loud of sigh. Such deep breath could disturb anyone around him. "I almost did watched an incredible hulk story.". He stroll his chair, and the wheels on it starts to move. The governor then did start to play it like a kid. Then on his computer screen there appear a great view. Then he said "I hate this job. Preserving peace at all times against monsters.". He looked up on his ceiling and he saw a great white paint and he said "and i am just a human. That guy in the monitor is a monster. He is a werewolf.". Drained of strength he closed his eyes and he remember how the government tamed such guy and he said "That time, there was chaos.". Then he imagined a great scene, police , more police, patrol cars, guns, bullets, released mid air, pellets sent unto the ground. Blood, claws, scratches. On the vest of the police, patrols sent rolling on the ground. He opened his eyes and he said "luckily that day, no one died. They only received bloody scratched and turned and shredded bullet proof vest.". Then he said "Taming him by money is his cryptonite.". The governor then did gave out another sigh. Then he spoke once more "Good thing is, this government is not that dumb.". He pointed his finger unto him and he said "And I am the governor.". He stood up and he went to turn off the light on his room and he went to his bed.

While the governor is already at sleep, some police who are listening were drenched in sweat on their forehead. One of the police did said "We almost had an incident this evening.". "Your are right. Just keep it in secret." Said by the other police.". "Its like an ant, battling with the great hulk.". "What would you do, if we encounter him again.?". "Probably run?". They then did looked on their weapons and their patrol cars. Then one police said "Go to work.". Then silence filled once more. Bright white moon appear above the sky, it starts to show its colour, from white to orange and red orange. The starts above the sky also Starts to dim, and like that, moonlit starts to disappear and the great sun did start to arise. It is another day for everyone. The authority are asleep, together with the citizens. The governor is snorling loudly, and the guy behind the werewolf scene is on his daily routine. He went to the nearby atm machine, and on it, it displays a great number of 6, added on his bank account. Then he smiled, a diamond and stars did appear on his eyes, he looks like a kid and he starts to drool. He took the credit card and he composed himself. "Its a great day.". Then the image of the sun did start to appear, above him and just like that, the guy is devouring lots of food on his table. While the main guy is devouring his food. The governor on the other hand did checked the screen on his monitor. He took the chair and he start to watch the guy on the screen as he start to wonder how a great eater they guy could be. The governor on his chair wonder and he said "How can he eat so much." He continued to observe the guy, cause he did already forget that the guy is not a human. Minutes passes by, minutes passes by, and the bowls did keep on serving. It starts to pile up and he said "This guy is very good, he can be proportional.". He checked the watch on his computer screen and he stood up. "Got to go to work.". Then the guy called Mr. Azkaban relaxed, The waiter then did start to give him his bill. He took the credit and he swipe on the device. The waiter then did gave a look on the towering bowls and he smiled. "Its normal, your fine." Said by the waiter. So Mr. Azkaban did stood up and he gave out a great stretch. He raised his arms so wide, and he start to walk like usual. Unknown to him the dinner team were in awe for they did never saw a great eater like that. Murmurs and gossip of things did spread and one of them did Start to open a video. Recorded by them. Meanwhile the guy full enough starts starts rub his stomach and he said "With these money that I have, time to go for another business venture. Maybe I should visit the grinch.".

It is said, that among the living myth creatures, the grinch is the smartest among the rest. It is indeed and it is true. On a towering building, on a so called conference meeting. The grinch with his clients, board and other members are doing a conference call.

 "So with that says, and with the potential of business growth. We will give you time to think more about it.". The personalities on the conference call then did start to vanish. Then the meeting is adjourned. The grinch the smartest among the rest smiled and he said "Congratulations to us everyone, the business conference here ends. Any negative feed back.".

"I did saw some of them interested on extending business. But I do saw few of them un interested. So I guess we needed to do more.". The grinch the smartest among the rest was hurt once more and he said "Nice done, you are fired." But how could he? He needed a marketing strategist and he needed more men. So he kept his temper and he act like professional. Then one member raised his hand and he said "They are not interested on potential, they all are interested on sales, revenue and income.". Then the grinch was hurt even more. "Your fired." How could he, so he hold his temper once more. Then one man raised his hand. He smiled and the grinch did know . He love that guy, he is like a loyal dog. Like a pet on Christmas eve, then he listened and the dog did said "I agree with them. We probably should have send them the sales, and income rather than pure logic?". Then the grinch did no longer have any life, and he presses the button. Out of energy and strength, dried out of a battle of proposals and businesses. He pressed the button. Then red light did cover the room and the rest of the member did already know what it means. So they stood up and went out of the office. The grinch put of strength laid on his table. Then he cursed and he said "Im tired.". Then he checked his phone and on it a name did appear. "Message from Azkaban.". Then all the more was drained with strength. The were wolf is coming.